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I’m not entirely certain how as the advice is sound. These forums are not an appropriate means of reporting players for potential policy violations. The best we can do is provide advice on how best to do that.

As noted, if you suspect someone of cheating the best course of action is to use the right click report option to report the individual. That helps to generate a report that includes relevant data for our Hacks Team to investigate.

If you cannot right click report them, or feel additional details are necessary, you may email Hacks@blizzard.com. Both methods essentially go to the same place.

Otherwise, if you feel what is happening is not intended, it is recommended to submit a bug report. In order to avoid advertising a suspected bug, using the in-game option through the Support menu located in the main menu is recommended.

Which could be an indication of many things. It could indicate that the matter is still being looked into, or hasn’t been yet. It might also be that the behavior isn’t considered to be a bug, or that use of it isn’t going to be penalized, or might not be penalized yet. If what you are reporting is considered a bug, the bug itself and the fix for it is still being worked on.

No, you do not. However, responding to those trying to provide advice, regardless of how you feel about that advice, in a contentious manner is also something you do not need to do.

No, we do not. As a matter of fact, we generally are dissuaded from doing so as to not encourage people using entirely incorrect methods of reporting.

I would recommend against doing so and certainly not in the same way that you have been. As it is I will be editing at least one of your posts to remove the inappropriate acronym before a Moderator receives the report and suspends your posting privileges for violating our forum Code of Conduct.

I appreciate the passion you have for the matter, Veeyepee, but please stick to the appropriate methods of reporting.