Title Removed

removed exploiting splash dmg off low level mobs to one shot players. Let’s go blizzard lets start doing something about these bugs players are using to exploit.

You are not allowed to call out other players on the forum. Right-click and report them in-game. You need to remove their name from your post.


You right-click and report that person. If you believe them to be hacking, then you send all relevant information to hacks@blizzard.com. Posting here like this only puts you at risk, as you’re harassing another player by naming and shaming. This is either going to be force-edited by a mod or deleted outright. So I would highly suggest that you take the initiative and delete any identifying information.


I’ll wait for an admin thanks

And do what? Nothing will come from the forums about this. The blues here have no means to actions folks in-game.



This is literally all you’re going to get for you posting here. This forum is one for players to assist other players. It is NOT a point of contact for Blizzard staff. Yes, you’ll see our Blues, the SFAs, posting around here - but they do not take reports or relay things like this along.


Sounds like a communication problem to me between Blizzard and it’s employee’s

I’ve emailed screen shots AND NO action has been taken

Then I would recommend not posting in a player-supporter forum.

There’s Twitter or the ticket system.


It isn’t a player supporter forum where BLUES = Admins manage the forums. They need to escalate the issue when it isn’t being resolved by the means provided.

Trust that this is the last forum anyone wants to troll in as the mods lock things down rather swiftly. It is the most heavily moderated forum there is.

You don’t know that. It also could mean a number of other things. They weren’t actually cheating. The investigation is still ongoing. Take your pick. But you just report and move along. Your part in this is done. Blizzard will not tell you what happens between them and the people you’re reporting.

This, I’m not sure what you mean by it.

Yeah, that’s a good way to lose your posting privileges around here. What someone’s level or gear looks like means nothing. What matters here is the proper information being relayed to you.


And he’ll remain level 50 as I continue to main his successor. Spamming will not benefit you in the way you hope.

Best of luck.


Than I’ll take the loss. There’s no reason to lose posting priviliages until a ADMIN tells me the appropriate actions to take. I can guarantee you I’ve taken them 2million in splash damage isn’t legit.

See, when you post on a public forum, you cannot dictate who can reply to your post. So long as someone has an active account in good standing, anyone can post here.

As was stated above, this forum is one for players to assist other players. You’re not reaching Blizzard by spamming here, save for this thread barreling quickly to being locked or 404’d altogether.

Spouting off on how someone has no clue about how things work is kind of ironic. But Blizzard does not blindly sanction people off of reports alone. They investigate the players and their history. They watch them and make sure they’re making sense of the data. They’re trying to figure out how to prevent this from happening in the future. Only then will they break or fix whatever hack/bug it is that is allowing this to happen. Only then will they reach out and start sanctioning accounts. This takes more than days or even weeks sometimes.

You’ve been told already. You right-click and report and/or email hacks@blizzard.com. You’ve done those things. There is nothing else you can do. It is in the hands of the staff who handle the investigations. That’s it.


Blizzard isn’t going to work to your timetable, that’s not how things work, especially in a game as complex as WoW. Just because you provided information doesn’t mean something is going to magically be fixed or changed that instant. It will take time.

Nor will belittling forum regulars help you in any way - in fact, quite the opposite.

Pot. Kettle. Black.



There is absolutely no way splashing 2MILLION in damage 1-shotting half of Elwynn is permitted while this players goes untouched LOL no way. It’s blatent.

You’re not getting it. This isn’t a scenario where you can do the Karen thing and demand to speak to a manager. There isn’t any way to escalate a single blessed thing, let alone something you are fixated on getting solved right here and right now.

You did what you’re supposed to do. Keep reporting it as you see it or experience it, if you’d like. That’s a great thing to do as it gives more data for them to work with. But that’s all you can do. There is absolutely no way to get this resolved any faster than what Blizzard is ready to proceed with.


This was posted half a month ago welcome to the conversation.

So I’m a Karen with a LEGIT TOS violation LOL sounds legit.

Two weeks, yes. I’m well aware thanks.

Still, takes time to investigate, work out how and why, develop a solution that isn’t going to break something else in game and then implement it. Longer than two weeks.

Take a big breath, count to 5 and chill out a little.

Stop attacking everyone. It’s pathetic and makes you look like a little spoilt child.