And how would you determine someone as innocent, let alone being able to abuse said players? The game already makes it harder to vote kick players if you use it too often vs those who seldom use it / get successful votes.
yeah my bad for wanting to talk to others directly on a social forum, jeez.
I literally just gave a response that directly answered your question. Sorry but it gets a tad annoying having to keep saying the same thing over and over.
Its bad enough when they pretend it was never said.
Haha yup! “Geez guys they are harassing tanks today! Careful out there!”
Yea I’ll never forget the agility 1 hander and mashing single target abilities, not even attempting to get threat.
Oh also can’t forget the mail and leather armor pieces.
Considering the posts I’ve read thus far between the provided examples, the spouting off at the mouth rebuttals, and butthurt all around, I’ve only one question:
The only buyable reason I see here is being from QT, because the players on that realm are similar to the Rag players.
Stereotypes are often true for a reason.
But also, the community wanted to get it to this point, and actively pushed for it. Can’t be upset over what they wanted when there was next to no one fighting back on it
Yeah my bad, like I said I’m just here to chat and interject. I’m not here to antagonize you or anyone. Better to respond and restate your point and talk than to ignore others imo.
Feel like the FFXIV system works better than the debuff timer WoW has. It temp-bans you from queue content if you voluntarily quit way too many times without vote abandon (Wish this was a thing as well) or being kicked a ton. Like, you need to purposefully be annoying and rude and a bad actor to trigger this kind of temp-ban.
And all it does is ban you from queue content for the day lol.
someone else mentioned that in here in the last thread that got locked and delisted. Id like to see how FF’s system would improve what we have here, for sure.
yeah…I mean at a point anyone abusing the system from any direction should be punished more than some player that just got kicked thru no fault of their own.
Personallly Id like the system here to monitor vote kicks and when an account hits a certain threshold it alerts a GM to see if the account owner is abusing the kicks to troll others with.
That way theyre not wasting time investigating all kicks but only ones where abnormal numbers of kicks happen.
Im sorry about that. Please understand that some here like to hop on other characters to get around an ignore and initially when I saw your post I wondered if that was the case or not.
Glad to see it wasnt. Always nice to have new voices in the mix with some rational, logical ideas to offer.
It’s actually more lax than the WoW system and people are nicer / way less mean. You get no debuff timer for your first 3 early leaves / declines - meaning any accidents or troll kicks (which are rare) won’t affect you. But if you are a jack-butt, it starts to give you the 30 minute debuff timer for every votekick / early leave / decline.
And eventually the temp-ban - but I don’t know the exacts for that. It’s only really applicable to troublesome players.
I played FF for about 6 months or so a bit back. I do remember it being much more pleasant than WoW…as is ESO. Played ESO for some time and not a single rude interaction.
yeah…see thats what ive suggested here…no time out the first exit or so…then an escalating timeout the more exits during the daily reset.
perfect solution as it gives innocent players a break…I mean how many bogus kicks happen in a single day? lol.
But the real trolls end up getting punished harder if the punishment gets worse after the freebie exits.