Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

The loud minority isn’t going to get it changed is what I mean. Blizz metrics will determine that.

How do you prove these “undeserved” kicks?

You can expect the hyperbolic behavior from a few names in here…they do it every time…accusing others of being rude/toxic while its they themselves who are being so.

We ALL know what the policy is…and we ALL know what the social contract says.
What we want is for blizzard to CHANGE that policy, take a stand that they dont condone, promote or encourage kicking players for nothing theyve done wrong so PLAYERS wont be able to scapegoat the company anymore for THEIR rancid treatment of others in game in kicking them for nothing they did wrong.

This is wild lol

Of course. I wasn’t trying to phrase it like as if they truly care about a few vocal nobodies on a forum / in-game reports. They only care about if a good chunk actually voices concern or someone with a ton of influence starts to make a stink.

The only person here that has done this is the one you replied to

The social contract has nothing to do with the Vote to Kick system.

you cant. thats why you dont try.
But you CAN modify the kick and the timeout punishment to try to deal with the problem.

Limit us to 3 kick votes per daily reset. They ALL say in here kicks are rare, so to then say they need more than 3 per day would be a contradiction.

Remove the 30 minute timer…it serves no purpose. The real troll will just hop on an alt and do it again…the timeout only really affects the players who get kicked thru no fault of their own and are just trying to play their game. The queue time and dungeon timer are MORE than enough punishment…

and as someone else added. make 3 vote kick initiations required instead of one and two yes votes.

thats the point lolol…we want it applied to the kick so no one can scapegoat blizzard for bad PLAYER behavior.

You wanna know what’s funny? Even if this change was implemented, it wouldn’t make a difference to 99.9999% of the people getting kicked regularly. They’re not getting kicked by the same few people over and over again, they’re getting kicked by unique people every time.

Because the person getting kicked is the problem, not the people kicking.


All change starts somewhere…

I kinda disagree, but I do understand where you’re coming from. Usually, when it comes to matters like this one concerning dungeons, they go off of metrics. But there have absolutely been other things, like class combos or cosmetics, etc that they do definitely do this.

I mean outside of blatant racism / sexism reasons, what do you really want them to do? You don’t need to fill out the vote kick reason to kick someone. And even if they enforced it, people would just start filling it with gibberish or dots.

Ill never forget a post like this months back where op claimed false kick amd getting bullied for several dungeons and people harassing tanks…
Then they let slip they streamed it. Oh how fast we found that stream and watched the vod.

The mess op made of those dungeons was legendary. Not to mention THEY were the one harassing and blaiming everyone else…
They got kicked and proceeded to pm everyone in the party trash talking. Then reported all of them for harassment and blocked them.
Man I wish I saved that vod.

But any time I see a “false kick” forum post. I just think back to that legendary thread.

So from your points, option 3 is the most likely scenario.

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what I said above…what many of us say in all of these threads…modify the kick and the timeout so its not so easily used to abuse innocent players.

Im really going to stop responding to latecomers who dont read the thread.

Or type Null or 000 or something.

Don’t forget whispering the guild members to tell the guildmaster about it too lol

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Was that the dk that didnt have on a 2 hander trying to tank?

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Well I’m sure there are Blizzard employees who do care way more about their customers / players and actually sympathize. But they often can’t really express themselves (on an official account), and have to hide on personal ones at best. Hence why anything that does get a response or a change need to be impactful more often than not. It’s not a rule though, we’ve often seen changes in the game just because.

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Yeah, and leather boots, among other things

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