Do you see anything in there telling us not to kick anyone?
ah…so you have to be TOLD SPECIFICALLY to treat other players well, otherwise you’ll mistreat them for doing nothing wrong at all?
Thats pretty telling friend.
as I said…
again…the social contract tell us how to treat other players.
I see NOTHING therein telling us to kick players who have done nothing to warrant being kicked.
pretty easy math here.
The social contract is basically a watered down version of the In-Game Code of Conduct and End-User License Agreement.
It does not say we have to force in playing with others. It is just simple things, like don’t use profanity, don’t be toxic (throwing insults, hate speech or racial slurs), and be respectful.
It does not say we can not vote-kick someone out of a dungeon for no reason.
No, I’m asking you if there’s anything in the social contract that tells us not to kick people. Is there?
the social contract tells us how to treat others in game. Its that simple.
Kicking them for spite and giggles to ruin their game time is hardly in any way in agreement with that contract YOU agreed to follow as we all did.
There is a social contract to not be rude to other players and yes kicking someone for no reason is being rude.
Does the social contract tell us not to kick people from groups?
having to be told specifically not to be nasty and spiteful to players kicking them for nothing theyve done wrong is telling.
What people keep forgetting is that the first half of the social contract is suggestions, as it says, “Do your best to…”
So I’m failing to see how Blizzard is somehow being hypocritical by saying the following:
Don’t we have to like, click accept every 6 months or so?
It doesn’t mention kicks at all, because they are non reportable option.
And you don’t think the person refusing to work with others, griefing and using abusive chat in a dungeon does not deserve to be kicked?
You don’t think the person who AFK or dc and never return doesn’t need to be kicked to replace them so the group may move on?
There is one thing that does need adjusted to the vote kick and that’s a report system that breaks the social contract such as typing slurs for the reasoning.
At worst it’s rude, but no one likes being kicked from anything unless they’re a weirdo. How else could you make a kick feel? Like a sunshine of rainbows lol?
Yes, it does.
Hail, traveler, and welcome to the World of Warcraft! Azeroth is a living world full of people like you - other players with different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and histories who have all come together to play World of Warcraft. Every player deserves to have a world that they feel safe in, so please take a minute to read our Social Contract.
While in Azeroth, do your best to:
- Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.
- Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.
- Assist other players that you encounter in the world. Maybe they need some help defeating a tough monster, or maybe they could use a little healing!
- Help answer questions others have in chat channels like General or Trade. We were all newbies once - one person offering some help can go a long way!
We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:
- Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player’s identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability
- Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors
- Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors
- If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.
It’s a big world out there, with all sorts of people in it. So please try to be respectful of each other, and if you ever feel like somebody is acting against this code, please report those behaviors so that our team can look into it. Together, you can help us make the World of Warcraft a safe home away from home for everyone.
Reminding us of these:
You know what it does not apply too?
The social contract tells us how to treat our fellow players.
nothing therein says its ok to troll them by kicking them out of group content for literally nothing theyve done wrong…and it says a lot about a player who knows what that contract says, who can then use blizzard lack of concern in the matter to justify kicking players who havent done anything to warrant being kicked.
Very telling that we have to be told in EVERY specific situation to ‘play nice’ or we wont
Just because you disagree with the kick, does not mean people are trolling you to kick you out of group content.
Big difference there Loilang.
and as i said. nothing therein tells us to ignore the contracts contents and kick players who havent done anything to warrant being kicked.
When one goes looking for ‘exemptions’ to mistreat other players i think personally that that says more than we need to know.
Well, actually yes, because I only came into this a bit late. My only contribution is to ask “who had done this”. And then it snowballed like it does.
BTW, my position is that MORE measures is never a bad thing. So, same as yours
To be fair, only one person in this thread right now has admitted to doing this, and ironically it’s the one poster you’re buddy buddy with.
But hey, does the social contract tell us not to kick people?
It’s kind of random when it pops up for people. And sometimes it’s bugged.
CS has been saying they’re not sure why it keeps doing that.
And the first half about how to treat people isn’t rules. Which seems to be forgotten.
Oh it even suggests using the ingame suggestion thingy to submit feedback (on the vtk link)