Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Hmmmm, makes u think

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I agree the vote kick system is open to abuse, but I do not believe you were kicked because you said hello, or used an announcement addon. I have run hundreds of pug dungeons in the last 3 months and have never seen anything remotely like that.

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So you’re still engaging me and still harassing me. You have me on ignore. Keep it that way. I asked you to not engage with me.

You should keep this in mind:

This thread was going smoothly for a while. Then the panda came back. And now you. And look how it’s devolved again.

Look to your own selves.

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I don’t know if that particular poster was kicked for that or not but I have absolutely seen people talk and chat and then a Kick come up.

One player literally just asked if we would help him do the dungeon quest LOL and he got kicked

Is it always someone elses fault. If we have a different opinion or telling them what the actual policies are, they are quick to blame us for being toxic or not engaging with the toxic when they are doing exactly what not supposed too, and it desolves into back and forth with them being toxic towards others who does not share there opinion.

Why i shove people on ignore and do my best to talk around em.

I need to quit unhiding comments tho.

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lol…hilarous how when THEY respond to you its just posting…but if YOU respond to them its ‘harassment’.
only this forum and only a handful of posters could come up with this duplicitous nonsense.

I have that bad habit as well. Like, there is times where there has been good things people have mentioned that I would have on ignore. We all don’t disagree with everything, but I tend to really engage with there toxicity instead of doing what has been suggested so many times not to do so, especially by Orlyia.

Honestly, I do wish moderation would step in, because the back and forth is just going nowhere, and the trolling just never seems to stop. And sadly, I got 16 hours left on before I can flag anyone.

I think we all need to take a break off the forums because as I am analyzing this whole debacle it is going absolutely nowhere, just back and forth finger pointing. Just play WoW lol.


Im sitting on the couch watching tv atm lol

I have found not refreshing on mobile gets rid of that temptation.

thread was going good for a while LOLOL
This posters FIRST post in the thread was to MISrepresent what I said, thus trolling me.
So it was going well for a very few posts and the one side that always causes the issues did it again in this thread.

I’ve already got like 19 tabs open, most of those of Blizzard support, some of the WoW forums, and rest of other sites.

People dont wanna know what i have open

Yeah, keep all that fox stuff to your browser :smiley:

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Foxes… right… lol

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“Toxic” is a meaningless term used by weak minded people in lieu of a valid criticism. Git Gud L2P.

I keep seeing social contract brought up and I’d like to see the rule that VTK applies to. I have yet to see this.

You know you’ll never see them exactly link up which part of the social contract the VTK applies too.

again…the social contract tell us how to treat other players.
I see NOTHING therein telling us to kick players who have done nothing to warrant being kicked.
pretty easy math here.