Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

It’s not a lens though, it’s reality. All the names of the people in the group that potentially took action against you are available to you. If you want to know the reason you were kicked you can ask any of them what it was, and they can choose to tell you or not.

You have this idea that you think is super righteous in which the one who initiates it should be made to answer for what they did, but 3-4 total people did it to you, not just the one who initiated, and you have all the names.

But hey, let me ask you a question, when you voted to kick that DPS and lied to your group to get the vote to pass, did you DM the player you kicked and tell him why you did it?

As I said above and I believe you pointed out details change with whatever agenda is being pushed

Whenever you mention that you don’t want battle tags on this form because of possible additional harassment they tell you that all you got to do is report it

And then they will turn around and change their tune when we talk about doing something similar in game LOL

Literally no one is stalking you. But nice bit of toxicity there.

You’ve said in multiple threads you’re prone to hit the yes button just to get it out of the middle of your screen. You also agreed with someone in this thread that said they’re conditioned to just hit yes.

I’d you’re going to put me on ignore, then keep me on ignore. Don’t selectively reply to me while ignored to further narratives and continue your echo chamber.


Oh look, another selective and incorrect response.

I truly wish ignore meant ignore.

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If you’re going to bring up my name again don’t tell fibs about me

So, that doesn’t stop it from happening, and enforcement of that rule takes time. Better to make it harder for it to happen in the first place (ala why /spit was removed).

Victims of harassment don’t usually feel better knowing that the person who did it will be suspended in 6 weeks.

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Why? You do it to everyone else.


And now you’re just flat out lying. I’ve been very clear about that happening early on in the game when I first started and after I started healing I started realizing that the vast majority of the kicks were bogus and I stopped doing it. Again if you’re going to bring up my name stop telling fibs or I’m going to start making tickets again

This isn’t a response to what Caps said.

If you’re going to ignore me, then ignore me. You made this bad echo chamber by ignoring the points and ideas brought up and only respond when you can attack or further a poor narrative.

You have absolutely said you click yes just to get the box out of the way and absolutely liked a post saying they’re conditioned to hit yes.

And that entire thing was already addressed by BOTH OF US in saying if it’s somehow that bothersome to people, then put a timer on it.

What I said wasn’t a slight on you. But good job taking it that way just so you could once again a t like you always do.

Ignore means ignore. Try it some time.

Again if you’re going to bring my name up don’t be dishonest with the facts

I’ve been very clear over probably 75 threads on this topic the last couple years that early in my game time here I was clicking yes assuming that you all were kicking legitimately

After I started healing and having to pay attention to everyone in the group I realize that most of those kicks were bogus.

If you’re going to bring up my name then don’t tell lies about it

There is no again. Ignore means ignore. So ignore me. Flat out. Forever. Do not engage with me.

I also wish Moderation would crack down on there toxic behaviour too.


You mean the toxic behavior that includes telling blatant lies about other posters in here?

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It’s the same guys being negative under every thread and moderators refuse to stop them. I guess they have some kind of relationship with them. If I said half the stuff they said I would have been removed.

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I will stop engaging with you the second you stop mentioning my name and telling lies about me
I’ve been very clear about my time in this game and when I was clicking yes not realizing you all were kicking people for no reason

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Honestly, I’m surprised you’ve kept your cool arguing with these knuckleheads this long.

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Well they definitely been trying to provoke as they usually do. I’m just not going to play their games anymore.
Literally lying about me at this point saying that I’ve done stuff or am doing stuff that I’m not and have been very clear about is provoking and trolling and it needs to be stopped by moderation

Does this mean the stuff I say about you is true because you’re not engaging with it?

No, I am talking about the toxic behaviour you do. You know, the name calling, the insults, the toxicity, the trolling.

You’re always quick to blame someone else for something, but you never hold yourself accountable for your own actions, Loilang.

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Personally I don’t think that I’ve noticed you have been dishonest about much in here which is probably why I haven’t engaged you much in a while.

I don’t like your demeanor but I at least can respect if you’re not pushing dishonesty in here