Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

In that instance, at least 2 other people voted to remove that person.

They told the system they wanted it to do something, and it did exactly that.

In order for the system to function it has to take everything players tell it at face value.

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Users in this thread would call that ‘retribution’ and want to make sure you can never know who does it.

I suggested people who initiate votes should have it public in the chat.

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That’s how it works in here lol. Facts change to suit whatever agenda is being currently pushed. Seems to depend on who shows up in the threads and what day of the week it is LOL

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It is and it does.

You lied to and deceived the group with a legitimate reason and the group took it at face value.

Do it again and put “no reason, just think it would be funny” and see what happens. And record it this time.

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Ah ok, thank you. That’s what I wanted.

Yep, 2 other people (at least) just clicked “sure boot this guy” for no reason without care.

Yes, that’s my point. People don’t even care when ruining someone elses experience and will gleefully vote ‘yes’ without even recognizing the name lol

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All for it. We keep talking about wanting battle tags on this form for accountability so yeah absolutely we should be showing who is initiating the kick for accountability

If one is going to be used for retribution then the other will be. And behavior on this forum says absolutely that will be the case

Note how no one will respond to this bit.

Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve missed a bunch of this thread. But I don’t remember seeing anyone claim they do this. Maybe there was someone?

Others have said— including me— that we don’t mindlessly hit a yes button, we rarely ever initiate a vote kick and we rarely ever hit yes. The only times we do is when it’s really super warranted like a long AFK, toxicity or another detriment to the group.

Lio said he just hits the yes button to get it out of his face.


So, that means that the one person we have proof that they kick for no reason is the person who is NOT defending the current system but is just doing experiments to break it. To prove a point.

OK, point been proved. Not sure exactly which point tho :stuck_out_tongue:

i mean the solution is already there but people refuse to use it. join guilds. do premade runs.

but nahh thats to much work though lets go and punish ourselves over and over in lfg


yall are funy

And we get a lot of people saying they click yes just to get that stupid box off their screen. Blizzard would do us all a favor by moving that thing over to the side or letting us move it with the new UI editor so it’s not right in the middle of the action forcing us to make a snap decision to get it off there

If Somebody’s being vote kicked I want to be able to think it through for a couple seconds to make sure that it’s a valid kick

It comes down to this: If you’re going to claim ‘abuse’ as why we need your proposed change, you also have to analyze how your system could be abused.

What is the benefit? Does it change anything? Does it open up a new abuse case that wasn’t there before?

What’s there even to respond to? A system that temporarily bans you for 30 minutes because the median wow player (derogatory) took something a random player they’ve never met at face value is a bad thing, actually.


Yeah it is pretty bad

For the people doing it, not for the system

Well, good thing no such system exists.

It can’t be any more ‘abused’ than it was in Wrath when groups were manual and you knew who kicked you.

No, not really.

The purpose of a system is what it does.

I described the system as it exists with your own words.

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Well, yes. You could also run around and grief grey con players back in the day on PvP servers. All that was allowed. Showed you were being a bully but allowed.

Just because something can be broke doesn’t mean you should go around breaking it.

My point was illustrative. I support additional roadblocks in the system to limit such behavior.

Others dont.

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No you don’t. Your suggestion was making the initiator’s name public. That isn’t a roadblock to the system, that’s a bridge to you harassing anyone who initiates a kick against you.