Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

If we’re being fully honest here, Lio fired the first shots back when she was posting as ritahayworth in 2021, then spent most of 2022 and 2023 doubling down on said harassment and alt-hopping when we finally figured out that it was still Rita who was trying to harass people.


I’m actually impressed that poster is willing to admit that maybe the timeout needs to be reduced to whatever degree.
As you say we’ve got that 15 minute timer on the dungeon finder anyways so on top of waiting in queue then being kicked and having to ride out whatever’s left in that 15 minutes then having to get back in queue again, I think that’s more than enough punishment for just about anyone

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Hmm, ok.

Then, using YOUR logic then we can assume that the only reason you are so vehemently advocating the removal of this system is that you are actively involved in routine griefing and abuse but don’t want to be punished for it.

That is of course, blatantly stupid and an overexaggeration. Just like your comment.


Again no one defends bad behavior unless they are partaking of it. I don’t intend on arguing this point with you all night

And then we have the ones fabricating information …what was that called… misinformation LOL
What actually happened was I got sick of being stalked around this forum and did what the blue said to do which was change alts to get away from it. And still was stalked around this forum
Pretty much like a few of you are doing in this thread too as you always do

Bringing up stuff from 3 or 4 years ago is just a little bit odd. Sounds like the very behavior that I’m talking about LOL

NOBODY is defending bad behaviour. We are pointing out that saying something is possible does not mean it’s being done. We can kick for for no reason. Does not mean WE ourselves are kicking for no reason.

And the whole reason we have the system at all is because to have otherwise is to invite chaos.


Sure they are. They’ve admitted they kick people for literally nothing that player has done wrong. That is absolutely beyond any argument bad behavior. If you’re kicking someone who deserves to be kicked then that’s not bad behavior. If you’re kicking someone for giggles and spite yeah sorry that’s bad behavior and that’s exactly what a lot of them have been defending in here every time they say they’re allowed to kick people for no reason. Some of them have even bragged about it over these many threads

This is my last post to you on that point

Edit okay we’re done here

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You need to learn to read. NOBODY has admitted any such thing. I even asked for actual proof of that. And you didn’t provide it.

They said they CAN do it. This is different from they ARE DOING it.


We’ve all been here. We all started out as reasonable people trying to have reasonable discussions with the Panda. It’s not a coincidence we all end up in the same place.


Well, they have in this very thread. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since I wouldn’t want to sift through all 1.7k posts either.

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Good Lord is it 1700 posts? I only see about 900

Always been the same grumpy 40 year olds who practically say " Its working as intended I don’t see a problem with it!" the same condensing answers really drive it home for me instead of genuine feedback or debate, that good ol’ seniority mentality I SWEAR.

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Sure, here’s proof


The part that kills me is that some of these names in here condoning and promoting kicking other players for no reason and disrupting their game are some of the same names that you will see fighting against the idea that when we’re asking for more solo content because we’re sick of dealing with player drama in group content.

I mean they clearly want us in group content when they’re fighting against solo content like delves that we have now, and then when we get in there they evidently just want to abuse the kick.

I mean anybody that didn’t want to abuse the kick would just say well we needed to get rid of problematic players they would not be sticking the point that they’re allowed to do it for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all.
People who don’t want to abuse the system are not going to be justifying the abuse behavior

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So that’s only proof that Primerate kicks people for no reason.

Says nothing at all about anyone else.

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Yeah there is plenty of proof all through this forum but most of the threads where it happens have been delisted locked or 404 because of all the trolling and derailing that ends up getting them closed every time

Thankfully I save a lot of screenshots and have them saved

Quite a few of posters in here have bragged about how they kick people for no reason just to see if it will pass

I’ve been told throughout this thread that VTK is some democratic process that requires most of the group.

Interesting how that understanding is tossed out the second something goes against the narrative and it’s just a solo effort now.


Anyone notice how the discussion was going pretty well about ideas and counter ideas up until said Panda gang returned and now it’s just filtering people back into degenerate behavior of attacking each other?

Yeah, like the one you’re talking to in this very post who quite literally just did it a few posts above yours.

Well, yes, that’s where I started too. My first post here was to ask that very question. And so far all I’ve got is posts about people saying that yes you can kick people for no reason

But nobody who has actually said “I kick people for no reason whatsoever because I can” because I really do want to know who they are so I can avoid them.