Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

We debuff isn’t there to punish people, it’s there for parity with leaving. Because the alternative, as historically shown, is that people will try to get kicked instead of leaving if that parity doesn’t exist.


Do you need me to explicitly point out what was off track about it? It’s incredibly simple, I know you’re smart enough to see it. Is your life truly so boring that you need to turn every argument into a longer point than it needs to be?

Context: vote to kick

Context: vote to kick

Context: people asking for changes to the VTK system

I am once again asking what would be so terrible about a 15 minute debuff and VtK cooldowns?

Once again enjoying the irony.

I’ve run thousands of LFD queues solo, and it’s never happened to me. So it’s either not a common problem at all, or there’s something else leading to the kicks that I’m not doing in my runs.

What does maliciously mean? It seems you want to punish people for kicking for any reason you don’t agree with.

You tell me big guy


What does a 15 minute debuff solve?

You and Lio have maintained a stance that the debuff isn’t useful because people can just alt hop. Granted.

What does lowering the debuff solve, then?

Do you know if it has one or not?

Where did I imply you were that person?

Did I call you a troll Karvalli or did you do that?

It puts it back where it was from Wrath till now. The 30 minute thing was stupid, it was a kneejerk reaction to a situation that was going to resolve itself when Mythic+ started.

From a personal stand point I don’t believe 15 minutes is enough of a penalty, 30 minutes seems to be at an appropriate limit to where hopefully people will think about what lead to the kick… again personally I wish it were a longer period of time as i think it would make people less inclined to leave content that they’ve queued for on a whim.

Maybe, though I can’t see how it matters. I have trouble imagining that people sit there doing nothing for the entire duration, 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

Lets just change the debuff duration to 22.5 minutes

Perfectly in the middle ground so no one is really happy

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They do. Then they come to the forums to ask.

And we tell them they suck because they made the same topic we saw last week. :slight_smile:

I mean I don’t care either way, I’m just stating that the entire thing was dumb and Blizzard created the mess themselves.

“This is the way”

If I’m being entirely personal about it, neither do I. You could remove the debuff entirely, and I would just stop doing queued content save for where it’s required.

Some people prefer queued content, though, and in their interest it’s not a good idea to return to a world where being kicked is better than leaving.

I replied directly to your “fun fact” but neglected to address the first part of your question. In my defense if you read what i wrote and requoted which I’ll requote again… you’d understand.

That’s the abuse, my husband is my assurance I won’t be getting booted from any 5 man content. People playing completely solo don’t even know when a vote kick is initiated on them unless someone says something or they’re booted.

You know where to find the deets on my limited progress but I certainly don’t prefer queued content. I just prefer queued content to be enjoyable where it can be.

I didn’t know you were some people.

Not abuse if it takes 3+ people to go along with it. Also, grouping with someone doesn’t stop it either, the majority just moves to the 5th person instead.

I mostly do queued content when I play, big fan of the debuff. Helps keep people in check due to wanting to avoid the debuff. Same with the vote to kick system. Turns out most people won’t be jerks if they know the group can remove them at will and they’ll get a 30 minute debuff.