Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

The “rule” is pretty much non-existant off the rip and with no limitations to how many times a player can initiate… it is so extremely shocking we see threads where one player sees a vote kick pop up… hits no… and then is ejected from the dungeon themselves?

I am not arguing this point and never have so I won’t be baited into doing so. I’ve mentioned my experiences with VtKs only to say that I am glad to contribute to their failure when I can.

This comment simply boils down to “You have an opportunity to prevent this form of common troll attempt by being a part of the group” and doesn’t actually argue against there being a problem.

So…limp point proven? I guess.

So again, it’s not that people are breaking the rules, it’s that you don’t like the rule because there is no rule? Make up your mind.

But it’s what your argument is based on. You’re upset that you get outvoted at times, you don’t like the reason, you vote no, a majority votes yes, and you’re mad that the person you voted no on got kicked.

That is the foundation of your entire involvement in this thread.

Do we know for certain it was removed? I thought there was a threshold and once you hit it you would be limited on further kicks for a period of time.

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Brother you are baiting.

Let’s get you back on track, because I’m sick of giving you all the room in the world only for you to use it like this.

You see it fail or succeed based on majority vote.

You were arguing that M+ and queued content were comparable;

this being the only reason you gave.

But you didn’t counter what Sabbia said, which is that multiple people need to agree with the trolling.

Now that we’re on the same page again, would you like to try again?

The vote to kick is working. Just because you are in a minority does not mean the majority is trolling. You are not the arbiter of what’s right for the group, the group is.

Supposedly people tested it but who knows.

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My argument is based on seeing ridiculous kick attempts often enough to understand how this correlates to common complaints about this subject here.

It is not based on seeing successful attempts and I still see those as well.

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How are you not putting this together?

These are your words, I’m not telling you anything you haven’t said yourself:

You think they’re ridiculous, others don’t. A vote happens. If enough people agree with you, the vote doesn’t pass, if enough people don’t, it does.

You come here, upset that kicks are happening for reasons you voted no on.

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A couple of people around here tested it for a couple of weeks during the beginning of the anniversary and said they never hit a threshold that gave them a cooldown or told them they couldn’t.

I don’t condone the testing… but it was a test, at least.

Yea but his opinion is worth more than other people


lol, I’m enjoying the irony of your position

You’re seeing what I said in that thread in action, but call it ironic.

I’m not sure you know what irony is.

Every time I let Myzrym direct a discussion in any way, shape or form, it goes off track.


Yeah I can cause I don’t do any queuable content solo anymore. That’s the demographic that’s targeted by this specific abuse, people playing solo.

I think some players are using the vote kick maliciously, sometimes even groups of people. They’re never going to be punished with a lax stance of any reason is a good reason and do it all you want while you’re at it. I guess I’ll take take the latter I don’t like the rule because there is none which is only complicated by no limitations at all to the amount of vote kicks that can be initiated.

Exactly, and that’s the foundation for all of these threads. It’s a group of people who think their opinion on what warrants a kick is the only correct one, and the only time the system should be used, arguing against a group of people who think each group can decide by vote what warrants a kick in their specific group.

That’s what these always boil down to.

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This is fair enough as I believe a lot of people are ridiculous. So it tracks that they wouldn’t see overt trolling as being a bit extra.

Again. Bring back reliable cooldowns on VtKs and just go back to 15 mins. 30 mins is excessively punitive for the reasons that I see going through.

The guy that “DC’d” on you or went afk is slamming beers at the bar or playing an alt anyhow. He does not care about his debuff.

What abuse? You still haven’t said anything lol. Leaving a group isn’t abuse so I’m assuming you mean something else, or at least you should.

Also, you aren’t solo if you are with other people. Kind of outside the scope of the definition lol.

You are a not a genuine person, you are a troll. I’m disappointed in both of us, I thought you were better than that, and I’m upset it took me this long to see you’re not.

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When I disagreed with him I was “being roped in” by someone non “sincere”

You now find yourself in the same position. Just because he disagrees with you doesn’t mean it’s going off track.

What happened to attacking ideas instead of people?

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