Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

It’s comparable. The only reason I don’t see more successful troll VtKs is because I can’t spectate runs. Because I contribute to their failure often.

It’s not though, at all lol.

It’s also obvious why it doesn’t work.

Queued content can be filled, and has VTK. It’s also randomly filled by an impartial system, rather than gathered by a party lead.

Like, if you want to argue for the removal of LFD, let’s go. I’ll support you 100%.

This proves Sabbia’s point, and the idea that the system works as is

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But surely Myzrym is the only one out there saying no to votes!

Yes I understand that they took action on this form of trolling. The entire point is for them to take action on other forms of trolling.

Arguing for a 15 minute deserter debuff and/or for an algorithm that tracks excessive
VtKs isn’t exactly arguing for removing LFD.

Except I didn’t say that I don’t see successful ones either. I just said I would see more if I was watching runs and had no vote. :slight_smile:

Replacing one person can sway the outcome.

When M+ had abuse it was dealt with well. Punishments should be directly given to accounts if they are mimicking abusing behavior.

Funsies is a good enough “reason” to vote kick according to Blizz. When those are the “rules” anything goes.

Sometimes you’re not in the majority, Myz.

So tell us the abusing behavior lol.

If only there is a difference between how m+ and lfg works in regards to how parties are formed and managed

People that want change rarely are Snow.

Funny enough, that’s what it used to be. The cooldown on kicks, no one has a clue why that suddenly vanished, I don’t even remember patch notes saying it was removed.

The 30 minute thing was just Blizzard going full Blizzard.

Never go full Blizzard.


These are words of wisdom Sabbia. Can’t argue.

I’m saying I’d like to see that kind of thing back.

And yet nobody can parse me from people saying that VtKs need to be removed and are instead hyperventilating over the people that are saying that kind of thing.

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Disingenuous per usual, nice.

Surely I meant in this thread and not in the instances of vote kicks you didn’t feel you influenced.

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My reply would indicate that I don’t care if I’m in a minority whether in this thread or otherwise.

Minorities are minorities until they aren’t.

I did, people just clip snipets out of things they don’t like and the context is lost.

There is, but abuse of the service is abuse of the service. The only defining factor is if Blizzard actually makes a statement or corrective actions to actually prevent abuse. They can always ignore the issue or make it worse as well.

That’s great and all but the point is that it requires multiple people to agree with the trolling, and there are already checks in place to protect people, as evidenced by the fact that you’re able to vote no and prevent a kick.

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So to correct you from earlier when you said they’re not playing by the rules, what you really meant was you don’t like the rule.

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It doesn’t matter if you care.

If you aren’t in the majority for a vote to kick, the vote doesn’t go your way. That is the system working as intended.

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The abusing behavior is people leaving groups?

Lol huh?

Fun fact: you can’t force people to stay in groups with you lol.

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