Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I learned in another thread that apparently there are people that think skepticism is bad.

Being a hermit never sounded so enticing.


I never said it doesn’t ever happen, but considering I’ve run thousands of random dungeons in my WoW career, and have seen it happen a single digit number of times, it’s gotta be one of three things:

  1. It’s not common at all
  2. There’s something else we’re not being told with these stories
  3. A little bit of both

The “Trust me bro” aspect wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t fervently defend their “trust me bros” while getting enraged over anyone else saying “trust me bro”

Hypocrisy is no good


While I understand that my anecdotal evidence isn’t the best evidence there is, I’m being told I can’t trust my own eyes in the thousands of random LFD queues I’ve been in, while being told I have to trust one random person on the forums with a sob story and an agenda


I kind of think the same people who created the trinket drama… are the same people who get their jollies from initiating anonymous vote kicks for fun (which could be a valid “reason” by Blizz’s definition). They’re the same people who left after the first boss in LFR to intentionally start a debuff chain when it first came out and they’re the same people who were bricking keys in M+.

The only time Blizz finally got it right was when they were trying to help M+ and went to the source of the problem, the rest of the time (for the queued stuff) they either made the problem worse overall (bigger debuffs) or ignored the issue entirely.

Common enough that we both know it’s happening and it’s really not even a commonly mentioned bug from what I’ve seen. I don’t know about you, but I put myself in the rarely kick category… so functionally that’s not a good look if it doesn’t “work” when you actually need it.

I disagree and they should begin correcting this by reeling back the debuff time to 15 minutes.

It’s the same blokes I mentioned at the top abusing “features” or lack there of, it’s all jumbled together in the same topic… people abusing Blizzard services on purpose. While I understand there are people who play maliciously and it’s not easy to always know how systems will work fully until they’re implemented… things have went awry and poor decisions or lack of good ones have enabled unfair outcomes/bad behavior in queued content.

Not really, I’m just stating that you can’t say something doesn’t happen because it’s never happened to you. I’ve never robbed a bank but banks get robbed.

That you think a significant enough number of people to represent a problem will derive fun from mean-spirited vote kicking feels like projection. I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s only reinforced by the fact that the people saying this are the only ones that seem to have an issue with vote to kick as a feature, rather than lamenting one-off events.


Here’s my experience with, and solution to, being kicked from a dungeon…

Experience: I was playing resto druid early in the xpac, and joined a group. We all had quest greens, so I was expecting it to be relatively difficult.

We got to one boss, and I had tons of trouble keeping everybody alive. I blew cooldowns with reckless abandon, but after a few huge bursts of group damage, we wiped.

Upon rezzing, the tank initiated a kick of one of the DPS. He was kicked. He said crappy DPS or something. I didn’t really know any better. So we got a new DPS. Same thing happened - wipe. I got kicked.

I assumed I sucked, and scoured my combat log, and looked the fight up online. Turns out you have to kill 2 of the boss’s adds, otherwise they do crazy damage.

Solution: I never did another dungeon.

I think there is a minority of players who do enjoy it. I think it’s naive to think otherwise.

It would be naïve if I thought no one did this, yes.

Similarly, I think it would be naïve to think enough people do this that you’re remotely likely to meet them more than once a week, and that’s being generous.

If you stub your toe, is it because of a misplaced piece of furniture, user error…

or are you lacking information in this example?

This is disingenuous at best. And I honestly don’t have any desire to engage with this type of attitude.

Thread still here.

Thread going.

Me think time do something else?

I think it’s very naive to think that this very very small minority of players who derive joy from kicking being responsible for all these kick situations we keep hearing about is more likely than the kicked players getting kicked because they did something that an otherwise normal group of people decided was worth kicking over.

Not sure why you keep talking about Mythic+, it’s not comparable. There is no vote kick in Mythic+ and there is no backfill. The people they supposedly suspended were deliberately killing high keys. The only thing that happens when someone leaves queued content is the person that leaves gets a debuff and the game puts someone else in their place lol.

Me dum. Me hit toe.

That why.

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If you want to ignore there’s an undercurrent of people not playing by the rules… fine by me… we can just look to M+ and see it exists and has been acknowledged by Blizzard though.


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What rules are people using the vote to kick feature not playing by?

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People are acting like a player base that isn’t above trolling in mythic keys to the point of requiring suspensions is above trolling using VtK. I can see the point being made as fairly obvious.

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It’s not comparable when you need multiple other people to agree with your trolling lol.