Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I’ve sent a few emails to them and only got a reply once. I got a forum vacation for telling someone “I’m sorry, I do not agree”. I got a reply from Bashiok who apologized, said I did nothing wrong, had a talk with the moderator, and lifted my vacation. And that was even after the moderator telling me that they conducted their investigation, etc and said I was wrong.

Read above, you absolutely can, and I will guarantee I am not the only person it’s ever happened to.

It seems the problem has grown bigger over the years. I do not remember it being as bad in the olden days.


And there you go with that abusable ambiguity in the rules totally open to interpretation by anybody that might be in a bad mood because their life partner caused an argument the night before LOL

This is why form rules need to be very specific and entirely unambiguous

If it Was reversed then clearly the first person abused the situation with their own bias and the second person decided to use level-headed rationality

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The only proof we have that this isn’t a huge endemic problem is the fact that Blizz has done nothing for the penalty or system concerning any of these issues.

I’ve gone through the list of things they changed when their metrics showed problems with different things. And we’ve even had people who post these threads say these problems are uncommon. That’s what we’ve got.

Within the ways that their system works. Do I think it’s a good idea? Not really. But I haven’t seen it affect too much to make a hug deal out of it.

I have. And I’m looking at the whole picture in context to Blizzard. Which I’ve mentioned numerous times.

That has nothing to do with kicking. Only leaving. And that’s an entirely different topic.

And post information from Blizzard and give opinions and ideas? Thanks, I will.

Don’t backhand insult me.

There are generally a lot of comments on this form I noticed talking about how it used to be in the old days and how player behavior is a lot worse today than it was say 15 years ago and that’s entirely outside of this particular topic that I see a lot of that

What I noticed personally being one that reads here everyday was that when tww went live the vote kick threads exploded in here.
I’m not the only one that has noticed it others were mentioning it too since this expansion began. I’m just having a hard time personally understanding where all the impatience is coming from

It’s well documented that Blizz is closely attuned to every issue in the game and fixes them only when their very careful monitoring shows it to be an issue and definitely not when people flag it to their attention because they missed it or didn’t care.

Laws are not always the same as a social norm. In my city, it’s a “norm” to do illegal drugs.

Was that even necessary?

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anyway. as said before, if op shows video recording of the time they get kicked it will show all of us what the real issue is. and im betting 99.9% of the time its them thats the issue.

and its 2024, its not 2006 where its hard to record your gameplay. in 2024 its actually harder and more effort to NOT show your gameplay, unless you obviously want to hide what really happened/happens.

This thread’s been left to roll thus far, despite being flagged and reflagged.

That’s not what I meant: I meant just flagging issues to Blizz’s attention so they can resolve bugs and issues they weren’t aware of until user reports.

Nothing to do with the ‘flag’ for reporting spam

Is this different in some way I’m unaware?

Flagging things for attention is a common idiom that has nothing to do with the ‘flag’ button on these forums.

…Is ‘flagging it for attention’ not precisely what using the flag button does?

What a childish thing to say, this is the exact mentality that would initiate a vote kick because of the way he plays or he doesn’t meet “YOUR” standards. How entitled must you be to demand he record every interaction?

Most of us have full time jobs and family’s to take care of we don’t have the luxury to sit around all day and pretend we are streamers… it’s easier to stream than not? lol I love the entitlement it truly shows your inability to comprehend the situation on a mature level.

Edit: don’t bother wasting your time responding… I won’t read it nor do I care

I don’t know what’s so difficult for you.

My original post talked about in game issues being fixed because users flagged it for Blizzard’s attention.

The flag icon exists because of the idiom, not the other way around. Like I said, my post has nothing to do with reporting user posts via the flag icon.

Very good point.
Some places are handing out free needles for addicts…when they should be gettting them help.
Just because a rule says its ok, doesnt mean that its actually ok.

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Sure? I don’t know what point you’re trying to make, it’s still used to flag things for attention.

You literally quoted patch notes from WotLK showing them making adjustments. And for what reason, other than it being abused?

The system hurt people back then and it hurts people now, especially after the debuff started applying to people who get kicked after the 1st boss.


Yes, that much is clear.


Yes. When asked, you barely avoid just calling me an idiot.

If thinly veiled ad hominem’s all you have, I’m going to have to assume you don’t have any way to substantiate the meaning behind your sarcasm;

I gave you direct evidence that they still make decisions based on the situation, not based on whether it received attention.

Why are we even talking about flagging? What does that have to do with the topic? Asking, because I don’t see their posts and it seems an odd derailment.