Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

A absolute beast of a case for the removal of all queuable content. Thank jeje :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When people tell you they are doing something over and over again and their stories are consistent over a couple years…yeah…you can KNOW they are doing whatever it is they say theyre doing…which in this case is kicking players from group content who havent done anythng to warrant being kicked.

its a list of certain posters in here EVERY time…no matter how much the derail, they are never actioned and OUR threads are locked or deleted instead to punish US.

Just like the vote kick…if youre allowing the behavior, some are going to partake of it and scapegoat others for their own bad manners.

I havent been targeted since 2018 personally, but I saw enough of it and the hate speech bigoted crap in the reason box to just stop healing entirely for the most part.
They aint worth my getting irritated…I play this game to enjoy myself, not deal with bored, petulant sorts.


Counterpoint: selection bias and unreliable narrator.

Nobody posts threads about runs going well, or admitting they got kicked for a justified reason (even if that is the case).

“I got kicked for no reason” is the only thread that gets made and gains traction, even when it’s often a very 1-sided telling of events.


I genuinely don’t understand why this thread is so long, or even exists.

If 4 people decide they no longer want to keep engaging with a 5th player of their group, that’s the end of it. The reason is irrelevant. Maybe it sucks if the 5th person believes they aren’t doing anything wrong, but I would strongly suggest they probably are. Think of how hard it is to get 4 random people to agree on anything these days.

Imagine if Blizzard did kept logs of each vote-kick and reasons behind them. Bet you these threads wouldn’t be really happening if someone from Blizzard post the truth about the true behaviour behind closed doors. How people were chosing to be either toxic in the group, or refusing to work as a group, and were vote-kicked out of the dungeon because of that.

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I actually tend to believe a good chunk of the posts, I do believe solo players are primary the target. People saying they got a vote kick on another player and then next thing they know they’re booted for not playing along… makes sense. I don’t even play solo and have seen an increase in vote kick attempts… which is the direct effect of the anonymous you can vote kick any time for any reason mentality some people seem to think is “good”.

The frequency of some and the random reasons they wrote… would be fascinating.

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I almost never pug.

But on the rare occasion that I do, there’s a high percentage of cases where the first thing that happens is somebody goes afk after zoning in.

Can’t record things that never happened. Same 5 posters just keep character hoping and making more of these same threads.

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I think I have a solution.

We can recognize that every so often, someone will be placed into a troll group and kicked for no ‘good’ reason. It can happen. So, the first kick is ‘free’ - no deserter debuff.

But, if you’re kicked from two dungeons in a row, we can reasonably expect that you are somehow a problem, and deserter applies. It seems extremely unlikely that two seperate, random groups in a row would kick a member for absolutely no reason at all. Completing a dungeon would remove this penalty.

In fact we can extend this - the more dungeons you’re kicked from in a row, the longer the deserter debuff extends until you fix the reason you keep getting kicked so much.


I’m usually skeptical that we’re getting the full and complete truth.

People make these threads in order to appear as the victim, so will conveniently leave out anything that that could suggest there was a valid reason.

But even taking everything they say at face value, if it only happens in 0.001% of LFD runs, it would still get nearly 100% of the coverage.

What I’m having a hard time with is understanding why people who don’t like the thread keep coming in here to post telling us that they don’t like the thread. There’s a mute down below LOL that’s what I do when I don’t like threads

Understandable, I also have my own personal experience to help gauge things as well. The vote kicking is happening and can be used against individual players easily without their knowledge.

I kind of think a really small group of people do abuse it for fun. I think that Blizzard needs to go to the source of the problem and handle it accordingly. They’re becoming very liberal with handing out 30 minute debuffs and it’s irritating for the average player when it happens in face roll content for reasons that are irrelevant, acceptable and anonymous all at once.

Well, here’s what changed recently:

Deserter for being kicked if you would otherwise get it applied has been a feature of LFD since 2010, but it used to be that you wouldn’t get deserter if you left after a boss died.

So yes (as I’d been saying all along) the best thing for them to have done about the sacbrood farmers in pre-season was nothing.


Possibly, but the fact is, what people keep saying on the forums, is not exactly the case either. It is usually best to take all “I was vote-kicked out of a dungeon for no reason” with a grain of salt.

Because truthfully, we do not know the real story, or the full story. And it would be stupid of me to just start accusing people of lying too, but can’t exactly point everything to being truthful either. But point is, we do not know everything. While some people come to the forums claiming X happened to Y and then Z happened, we can not confirm that is really the case.

Hanse why it is usually best to take it all with a grain of salt.

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Just like on CS, when people claim “I was mass reported and banned for no reason” then Vrak or Orylia shows up and reminds them of the profanity in trade chat last month they conveniently forgot to mention.


Thanks I’m aware.

They should have once again went to the source of the problem or in this case left it alone entirely for a week or two and it would have worked itself out.

Any account that left an ungodly amount of dungeons in a small time frame should have been reprimanded, instead we’ve got a blanket debuff for all queued content that in all actuality works pretty janky… especially for LFR and backfilling.

The entire concept of a player being unwillingly removed from a dungeon AND getting a 30 minute deserter debuff is just bad.

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Exactly. This sort of behaviour is not uncommon.

Blame those who abused the queuing system to get around the deserter buff. It originally wasn’t intended for the vote-kick, but people abused it where something had to be done.

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As has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, it’s necessary for deserter to function as intended.

If you could just get kicked and instantly re-queue every time you got an instance you didn’t like, deserter wouldn’t be very effective.

So it comes down to would you rather have this rare occurrence happen, or people just go AFK at the start and demand to get kicked so they could re-roll the dungeon/group?

I don’t believe it’s functioning as intended. It’s functioning poorly and shouldn’t be applied to all queued content the same. There should be exceptions (for LFR backfilling at the very least) and it shouldn’t be 30 minutes either, 15 is adequate.

Some kicks are valid, some are not. I think if we weren’t doing the anonymous thing… people would be more careful with using the vote kick in general (which at this point should happen). If people are abusing something sending a signal like they did for M+ is the way to do it, not buffing debuffs for everything like they did with the whole trinket fiasco.

If a player wants to promote being a disturbance to the flow of face roll content or negatively impact anothers game play on purpose anonymously… it’s a form of harassment/abuse and that player should be held responsible for their actions.

If players want out, and there’s an advantage to getting kicked instead of just leaving, they’ll find a way to do it. This is why it has to be the same timeout for both (unless you want deserter to be 15min in general, including if the person leaves manually).

I get that this is your opinion, but who gets to decide? Why should any player have input on the goings on of a 5 player group we are not a part of?

For that to be true, you would have to prove that it’s a pattern of behavior (1-offs don’t count), that there actually is no other reason (not performance/chat/name related), and that it’s targeted.

So far, there’s no evidence that it’s a pattern of behavior from a single group (I’ve seen tinfoil hat theories, but that’s it), and we only ever get 1 side of the story here.

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