Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Like, honestly, speculation on whether it is actually being abused. This is not something I will say it is or isn’t. And while people say they come to the forums, and claim to be kicked for no reason, one thing I’ve learnt spending time in Customer Support forums, people will always say something else and pretend they’re the victims. And GD is no exception to this sort of behaviour.


No. That’s honestly why I avoid queued content. Because it’s mostly vets on alts trolling people.

Can agree here so I understand the skepticism.

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in current content Id probably agree with it being vet trolls.
I have zero tolerance for someone wasting my time, personally. I’ll bail and get another group if its four trolls Im stuck with. …and put them all on ignore so I dont have the misery of pugging with the on that character again.

Out of curiosity, what is the point of hanging out there?

Unfortunately this just isn’t reliable enough for me. I’d like my ignores to be btag bound whether it only shows the character I ignored in my list or not.

I’m not ignoring a character. I’m ignoring a player that I never want to interact with again.


Helping people, a much nicer environment. I enjoy being able to answer questions and help out.

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Maybe I should poke my head in, I didn’t really know what the general vibe was for posting there if you weren’t someone with an issue yourself.

Would be a nice change of pace from arguing on GD.


I dont blame you at all in avoiding group content.
As we see by all the admissions in these numerous threads they believe its ok to waste other players time by kicking them for malice and spite, not for anything the player did.
Theyve admitted this hundreds…likely thousands of times over many threads.

hopefully bliz keeps improving solo content so eventually they wont have anyone to pug with at all.

Customer Support forum is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from SFAs. So it’s mostly us players trying to point people in the right direction or give information. Of course, there’s a lot of belligerent “I did nothing wrong and got banned” posts where they tend to argue with us… but that comes with the territory.

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Don’t mistake this as avoiding group content. I just avoid queued content now more than ever in the past.

Expansion of punishments because Blizzard devs don’t play their game and therefore don’t know when a trinket will become problematic and giving gamerbois a toy to abuse in the VtK just don’t mesh with me.

I’ll run keys all day but I’m not going to subject myself to the garbage that is queued content anymore. It’s just a place for people taking a break from keys to pay forward the treatment they received onto others.

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I see…yeah, random PUGS are hit and miss.
If I ever got the desire to really play the game again, Im finding a good guild.

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You are more than welcome. There is also a Lounge thread for chit chat and a cup of whatever is on the serving counters. Just don’t take the bacon packet for the other fox. He needs his pocket bacon.

You learn a ton, and once you know some of the routine common issues, you can jump in and help folks out.

It is an Information Desk to help people navigate the ticket system, explain policies, and explain account services. That sort of thing. It can save people a LOT of frustration to know if their issue is even one a GM can help with, what self help tools we have now, or what ticket path to take.


Thank the both of you. I’ll roam about, get my bearings. Probably better to make myself useful there than my usual pitter patter on GD.

I PuG all of my keys so it’s not PuGs that receive this mentality. It’s queued content that the garbage bleeds down to. They can kick me from a key but it costs them more than it costs me. I’ll just find another group.

Much like most of the complaints about LFR come from people that are trolling their LFR groups the same can be said for all queued dungeons.

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lol…Ive noticed that the complexity of LFR isnt LFR…its so many players not knowing what to do causing so many deaths that we just have to wipe and try again.
Im ok with it if its helping a few new players learn the game.
Ive run a few mythics with some very good players and it always is easier than LFR because it goes like cloclwork lol

It’s the 3k IO CE player that is intentionally activating the group wipe mechanic most of the time. Then they’ll point out that someone had low DPS and hopefully get them kicked. Then wipe the raid again on the next pull. :stuck_out_tongue:

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There was some dragon mount a long while back…caverns of time…I REALLY wanted to get it but like 7 or 8 tries watching them die to the same mechanics every time…lol…I just didnt get the mount.

Honestly, guys,

I’m going to stop responding to the thread. I think that from yesterday to today, I’ve gathered enough information to understand what the community thinks about this topic. I still believe that a few adjustments might be necessary, but ultimately, only Blizzard can decide to address the issue if they choose to.

I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have offended or upset. If you read my earlier posts, you’ll see that I started with the best attitude possible. However, after so many hours of discussion, my mood shifted a bit, and I might have said things that some found inappropriate. For that, I’m truly sorry. It was never my intention to hurt or offend anyone; that goes against everything I stand for. I truly value that everyone took the time to share their points of view, whether in agreement or disagreement. Diversity of ideas is something that must always be respected.

To the person who may have felt I called them a fascist, I sincerely apologize. It was meant as an analogy, not a direct label. If it came across that way, I deeply regret the misunderstanding.

My final thought is that we should strive to unite more as a community rather than attacking each other as if we were enemies. We all share a love for this game, and I’m sure many of us have invested more time into it than we care to admit. The goal should be to build a community environment where most people feel comfortable and free from discrimination. This game is far from perfect, with many areas that need improvement across different aspects, but I firmly believe that Blizzard has the potential—if they choose to—to find solutions that can satisfy the majority on both sides of the issue.

That’s why I originally made this post. It wasn’t out of malice or an attempt to troll anyone. I simply wanted to highlight a perspective or situation that some of us experience and that I believed was worth bringing to light. This was my first time using the FORUM system, so I wasn’t aware that this topic had already been discussed in the past.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their opinions! I apologize again for any negative situations or feelings caused during the discussion. Wishing you all a great day—you’re awesome, guys! <3

P.S. I used ChatGPT to help with the goodbyes because I wanted them to sound grammatically polished and didn’t want Google Translate to create any misunderstandings. I’m not sure if I can close the thread, and even if I could, I wouldn’t want to do so without ensuring it’s what everyone agrees on. So, I’ll leave it as it is.

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I think we’ve expressed our ideas about how to help remedy the problem even with the thread being disrupted so much.
Hopefully Ion and Crew can take a few minutes and read some of the ideas…thats how things get changed.
If it doesnt work, it doesnt work, but no sense in not trying to modify things and see what happens.

You have a great evening, friend :+1:

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These forums are evidence that it is happening. That’s why people want to silence others from speaking about it entirely and desperately want to call topics about vote kicking/deserter debuffs as “spam”.

I liked it better when players were scaled down and it was for higher level players. I don’t think it’s cool that they are literally using panda remix to lump everyone together and the scaling is atrocious because it’s probably a damn near impossible thing to balance in the first place.

I’ve been the target of it, for no wrong doing on my part. I’ve gotten a debuff because Dawn Breaker bugged out and wouldn’t let our group out of combat to fly. There are situations where it feels really dumb to get ticked with a 30 minute debuff.

No it just tells me Blizzard doesn’t want to deal with it, I already know there is is a systemic issue and it looks bad.

And now so does everyone in every type of queued content. There is a huge issue with that especially in loot locked LFR for backfillers.

Yes it did.

Comparatively to other expansions I’ve done less. I’ve still done plenty to know what’s happening. I did dungeons to level my characters, I did time walking… probably around 100+ of em. LFR I used to do alot, but with delves and the backfilling situation I pretty much just skipped to Heroic.

I’m not making stuff up, though I’ll bet you wish I was.

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