Many in this chat have come to compare WOW with real life, they have said things like “At work you would be fired for poor performance” or “Someone doesn’t make friends with someone they don’t want” things like that? Well, a similar analogy would be to say that, in real life it is not illegal to shout in the street, it is a way of demonstrating, right? (Imagine that the Laws and Politics are Blizzard) Although it is not illegal to shout and demonstrate, the moment someone enters a place like a market and starts SHOUTING the Police Take Action on the matter, because although in general, shouting is not bad, according to certain circumstances it can be seen as illegal.
Here in this Thread it would be the equivalent of (“They can Kick for any reason”) but if it is used carelessly and affecting people more than those who benefit from this system, it becomes a Harmful system, just because Blizzard says (It is not considered ABUSE) does not mean that it is not! If in real life they say that Murder is not a CRIME, it means that you would start Killing anyone just because the LAW says that it is no longer a CRIME. Although the company does not say that it is ABUSE, people’s common sense does feel that it is ABUSE even if the company does not recognize it. The system was designed for good use, but people with bad intentions use it abusively to affect the gaming experience of other players! That is why we demonstrate here, so that the voices of all the people who recognize these abuses can be heard!
you have no idea what i’ve been actioned for lol and it’s none of your business what i have or havent lol but by all means go ahead and report me if u believe i dont belong on the forums doesnt hurt me on the slgihtest
Yes, and that makes a lot of sense, paying Blizzard a membership to “Play” and not being able to “Play” is a great way to burn my money. The most sensible comment you’ll see today guys. Give that person a prize.
It’s like the other one that mentioned that they should increase the punishment to DAYS instead of minutes… These comments make one think, do these people really want to improve the game or do they just want the community to become more toxic and for many to end up abandoning the game? If so, WoW would soon have a community of a few Thousands instead of Millions. So yes, I repeat, Nobel Prize for the innovative ideas of this young Visionary.
I just think it’s hilarious how they keep pretending like this is not a systemic problem when they literally continue to remind us that they are allowed to kick innocent players for no reason whatsoever lol.
I’ll repeat that I’m taking them at their word when they say they condone promote and encourage kicking players for no good reason.
You don’t get this defensive about behavior unless you’re partaking of that behavior so
Exactly if you are driving 40 in a 35 zone are you breaking the law or not? Of course you are. But there are very few cops who would actually enforce that 5 mile an hour speed difference. It’s pretty much established fact that if you drive four to five miles over the speed limit that you’re very rarely ever going to be stopped for it.
But the fact is you are breaking the law because the established speed is 35 mph.
Saying that it’s not a problem is a joke because my insurance company literally has an app that I can install on my phone that if I stay the actual speed limit or below my rates can be dropped down lower.
So clearly someone is interested in us obeying the speed limits even if the cops aren’t out arresting people for going 4 miles over the limit.
Just because blizzard doesn’t take any action for the abusive behavior against innocent players does not mean that it’s not abusing those players
This is literally the only place I’ve seen in this entire game where you can ignore the social contract with Blizzard’s blessing
And there it is. The gaslighting nonsense when you don’t have an argument. Right on time. As usual.
You blame the people who have been giving logical feedback, while supporting someone who is trolling and will get your precious thread shut down if he doesn’t stop.
Good job. As usual. Next time, I’m sure the rest of us will get blamed.
But hey, don’t address what’s been brought up. Just gaslight everyone because you can’t fathom the rest of us never see this issue and don’t have grounds to hit a yes button like you do just to get it out of your face.
No its not. People can choose not to play with someone for whatever reasons or none at all and nothing in the social contract says that you have too. The players are just kicking the player from the group, they aren’t punishing the player that’s blizzard doing that.
Im looking at the social contract and nowhere does it state or imply you have to play with someone else. And that was your point that kicking someone and not wanting to play with them violates that
Go back and read the thread we already covered this and I’m not going to repeat myself a thousand times for your amusement
It doesn’t need to say don’t burn down the house for you to know don’t burn down the house LOL
The social contract tells us exactly how we’re supposed to treat other players and kicking them for nothing they have done wrong is absolutely against the spirit and the letter of that social contract.
Except it does say in very clear blue text you can kick for whatever reason or none at all from group finder. So when you have the people in charge saying its ok then its ok.