Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

yup…super toxic tank had tried to kick all of us at one point or another in a run.
I found out after tanky bailed and we four finished the last two bosses.
The four of us started talking about it. I had seen kicks against them and they said yeah…he had tried to kick me as well. lol.

When he tried to kick the healer for no reason whatsoever right before the second to last boss, it failed and he sat down on the floor lol.
After a bit, I pulled it myself…Im hunter…i’ll survive lol.
Tank got up and ran back the way we came and bailed lol.

Trolling…toxicity…I dont know his motivation…all I know is it was a very good run other than his trying to kick everyone for no good reason.

Some players get their entertainment trying to ruin this game for others…its evidently the ONLY reason they play.

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Yes, i have seen this on YouTube videos where a Hardcore player was indeed to trying to ruin a game for other players. Causing a wipeout in a raid.

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We’re really defending vote kicking anonymously with type “whatever you want” in the field for a “reason” (which is a liability, I might add). The “tools” suck and the result sucks too sometimes.

I won’t queue solo anymore for what it’s worth and I would handle any abuse differently now than I did a month or two ago. Genuine solo players are the ones that are ripe for this abuse and it’s sad it’s freely allowed. We’re past the real big hump of queued content being relevant, but if there are no changes moving forward this train wreck of a system will extend into things again when it is. It’s not just the vote kick that’s dumb either, the debuff is too and shouldn’t be applied to all queued content or when a player does not willingly leave.

A person should at the very least stand behind the decision to initiate a vote kick with their characters name. You’re trying to kick someone out of content and currently also sack them with a 30 minute debuff. Players are voting based on limited information. An anonymous boogeyman in the group who can freely type anything in. They can do it all day long… they could choose to do it with a like minded group of buddies.

I want to be able to ignore people who impact my game play negatively. I don’t care about “getting them back” but if there is a “feature” and it can be “abused”… I’d hope Blizzard will be more proactive in future punishing players who engage in this type of behavior instead of the entire player base with poor tools and long debuffs.

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Jeje, that Rigatoni guy said 10 times how much he dislikes this thread, yet he can’t stop himself from commenting over and over again.

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so let me get this straight, you want a chance to defend yourself.

Is it limited information if a person is AFK?

I never said I disliked the thread lol. I’m contributing with my own thoughts. If you dislike me go get you and your 10+ alts to report me, lol. No need to harass me be an adult.

actually, if I recall I think I did tell u I enjoyed this thread bc I thought it was ufnny

Its always like that. Clearly they like the topic or theyd just mute.

Well for not wanting transparency in game they certainly have fought for ‘transparency’ in here. I guess as long as it only affects the other side its ok…evidently.


When did i say i disliked hte thread? please quote where i am genuinely curious lol.

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You’ve already shown disdain for this thread yet you’re so thirsty for attention you can’t stop coming back.

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so, my opinions on votekicks being fine are being interpreted as hate for a thread?

more like it’s the other way around, you’re so desperate for my attention hat you get so excited whenever I type a message just os you have a chance to talk badly about me and its not coming back the way that you love so u have to get all your alts from stormrage to agree with your posts lol

I bet you start giggling at your keyboard when I reply to you or anyone else I’m glad I live rent free in someones head I feel flattered

You seem to be self-centered, as if I’d ever giggle while a conversation with you. No one here knows you.

Hey could you stop derailing the thread with your personal attacks?

We are discussing the vote kick system


i’m not self-centered i just find it funny that you find every possible away to attack me lol if you don’t like my opinions fine but that doesn’t give you an excuse to act like a child about it either report me, mute me, or ignore me, the choice is yours.

A real AFK is obvious, the person isn’t with the group… so no?

I might add, told you this already.

I was active the entire dungeon and standing with the group. It was clear I was not afk, nor had I been at any point in the dungeon.

Who initiated it is much more vital information to me in most situations than the reason… I tend to pay attention to what’s actually happening while I’m playing though.


Its not abuse. As blizzard has said many a times any and all reasons or even none at all are good enough to vote kick. Don’t like your xmog, thats a kick. Name is silly, thats a kick. Was feeling hungry, right to kick no trial no nothing.

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Just because you disagree with what ever reason you’ve been removed from a dungeon, does not make it unjust. If the majority of the group agree’s with the kick, then the system is working as intended.

Oh, such as what? Not liking your transmog?


right, why is this so hard to understand? there have been times where im like “okay this is unfair what the hell” but i dont let it interfere with my day and cry about it. i just realize that the group wasn’t for me and i dont want to be enar those people lol


They don’t want to actually discuss any real solutions to the portions we players have some possibility to change. This all seems to center around the queue debuff which they feel is a penalty (ok yeah it is).

Things like the duration of the debuff so it again matches the average dungeon duration. So maybe 15 mins instead of 30.

They want to argue a false premise that somehow getting kicked is “abuse” just because it makes a player feel bad. It is not supposed to make them feel good. It is supposed to be a tool to give the majority the ability to control who they play with and resolve unwanted player issues. They don’t need a reason to kick and Blizzard is not going to police the “reasons” folks use. Blizzard won’t make people play with someone they don’t want to play with. Arguments about kick are pretty pointless. That mechanic is staying.

Focus on the things that are more likely to change:

  • Debuff duration
  • Possible follower dungeons for all content that matches char level (please blizz?!
  • Review the cooldown on kicking and ensure that frequent kickers are actually getting a cooldown that is appropriate.

See, focusing on the parts we all agree on does not allow people to just argue and throw around personal attacks though… that takes away the Sunday funday for some folks.


exactly nobody here is suggesting solutions they’re just finding ways to pin the problems on other people its pathetic

I just want to easily be able to remove the anonymous turds from my punch bowl in the future.

what do u mean? if u vote kick and keep ur mouth shut then u cna vote kick anonymously