Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

This is more likely to happen with a veteran player intentionally doing it than a newb doing it on accident. You’d have to go out of your way to be that much of a hindrance in queued content.

Which is why basically the only reason to kick in RDF is DC’s and overt trolling.

Well that was nice…now if theyd remove those who keep derailing it to try to get it locked or deleted.

When I see threads I dont like and know are going to be a trainwreck, I use the Mute. Evidently some here dont know how to do it…or enjoy causing the trainwreck. Evidence says the latter.

Yeah, the kick was created to deal with abuses. The timeout was put in to deal with other abuses…now its time to admit the abuses still exist and tweak the system so that trollish kickers cant waste another players time for spite and giggles.

under the scapeggoating toxic player behavior onto the company because the company has told them its ok to behave this way in this one area of the game


VERY easy to discern new players and veteran trolls. newbies do stuff like butt pull here and there. Vet trolls pull half the dungeon to cause wipes.

They know this isnt vets playing so bad to get kicked and THEN coming here to complain about it.
Not a single person here believes that joke.


Exactly, I really hate comparing this game to real life, but you are expected to maintain a certain level of performance to keep from being kicked from your job.

Applying the same effort to playing well will lessen the likelihood of being vote kicked. Is what it is, just don’t let being kicked be the catalyst to enrage yourself.

do what someone did for me early on…told me NOT to run dungeons at all over bad player behavior. lol.
Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I did it anyway, but boy was that someone spot on target.

Sad but true. Thankfully when TWW is over we’ll have even more leveling dungeons added to the mix and delves too. Hoping they bump up XP a lot more in the dungeons, though…its silly to make them pay out so little if we’re ok with solo players using them for anything.

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New year, same topic ad nauseam.


Agreed. 99.9% of the folk using the public buses here are just normal folk.
But that 0,1% who cause chaos, start fights, etc, make it very unwise to ever use publilc buses, even if you live in a 5 star area…because that bus IS going thru some bad part of town before you get where youre going and it always possible to pick up the problems along the way.

But again…posters in all of these threads condone and promote kicking players for nothing theyve done wrong by their own admission.
Im just taking them at their word that they do it.


I would also like to add, if you’re one of those “smash yes to clear my screen” kind of player, you are part of the problem.

If I’m in any kind of run that’s going smooth, no one says anything sideways, and a kick pops up, it’s NO, every single time. No reason isn’t “any” reason.


the mute is at the bottom. I used it all the time, personally.

the thing is, there’s no proof that there even is a problem other than random people on the internet making certain claims.

and then half the time you see posts it’s “it doesn’t happen to me but I’ve heard…” nonsense. like this one.

blizzard has the data. they have the exact numbers on how many vote to kick’s happen. if they thought there was a problem I’d hope they’d address it.

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I’ve seen plenty of vets face pull mobs, and I’ve seen plenty of newer players do mass pulls

So, maybe its not some magic black n white very easy to discern thing

True, but I have seen a kick pop up with nothing for the reason, and no real problems with the run.

All I’m saying is assess the situation before just hitting yes.

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oh, I’m not claiming it never happens, I just don’t think it’s some big epidemic.

I 100% agree with not blindly hitting yes, and I personally don’t. I only hit yes if it’s clearly deserved.

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"“I should stop playing online games like MMO” I think World Of Warcraft is the only online game you’ve played, because if you knew other MMOs like Guild Wars 2, Black Desert Online, etc … in none of these games these things happen, they are more flexible and with less Toxic attitudes like this, in fact this is the only game where I’ve found all this type of things! What makes them even worse is the fact that they come from the Community! All games in the WORLD have Competitive and Casual Areas, in the Competitive ones players who are going to Troll or affect other players are always seen in a bad way, but in the Casual Areas they are NEVER Punished for being “Casual” in this Thread almost everyone is seeing Group Seekers as “Competitive” apparently! Where someone for playing “Casual” as it is supposed to be, deserves to be Punished for being Casual! There is a serious problem with all those who promote this, It’s like they see ALL WOW CONTENT as something Competitive!, where there is no room for learning or Casual play, if I’m not willing to play like a PRO PLAYER I can’t play Casual content?.. It’s an Irony and something totally nonsensical no matter how you think about it.

There is something called “Flexisibility” and it generally applies to Casual content, where people are not expected to be Experts when playing! If they ban people for not meeting certain Damage standards they are completely omitting this “Flexisibility” component and are assuming that all WOW content is Competitive or Ranked!, according to what many have said in this THREAD “If you don’t know how to play, don’t play” it would be the same as requiring someone with level 11 to have Previous Experience and Rankeds, perhaps even high RaiderIO before playing.

The problem with you is that you spend your time seeing the Group Finder groups as if it were something Competitive, where you need to be GOOD to be able to play!, where they are not at all “Flexible” and expect EVERYONE to know what they are doing in order to participate!, If someone cares SO MUCH about their time that they don’t want to waste 5 minutes of their time with a Newbie or someone who is not very good at playing, it seems to me that aiming to play with Random people is not very smart on their part!, Or do you expect that by grouping you with Other people they will always be Good at playing?, when the finder searches among Thousands of players?, That is, does Someone who does not want to waste their time with Someone who is Bad at playing, expect to ALWAYS be matched with GOOD players?, and if they are not a GOOD player they deserve to be kicked from Casual content for not knowing how to play?, If you read this 4 more times maybe you will understand the Nonsense and Irony that exists in all this! Since a player who doesn’t want to waste his time, and doesn’t mind wasting 5 minutes playing with BAD players, should be the one to look for a PreMade Group of Pure GOOD players and not Infest the Group Finder (Which is for Casual players) with his prejudices of (If you’re not a good player I’ll kick you out). Leave the Group Finder for Casual, Inexperienced players or people who just want to do the content in a Normal way without being so demanding, and the DEMANDING ones look for their own groups!.

If a player is good, chances are he has been playing WOW for a while, so he probably already has a GUILD. Doesn’t it make more sense to expect the PRO PLAYER to have the ease of finding a PreMade Group more than a new casual player who possibly doesn’t even know that GUILDs exist? Are you waiting and assuming that the newbie is the one who has to prepare 100% while letting the one who already knows how to play and has more tools to play with PreMade be the one who is more comfortable, and the Newbie 1000% more uncomfortable.

It’s majority rules, if the majority agrees then that means they don’t want you, simple.

Why does it matter if u know who wants to kick you or not? What are you going to do about it? Vote kick them back? Yell at them?

This happens a lot, most people just tick YES without thinking about it, but I’m the same in this regard, I always TICKET NO if I’m not sure of the reason for the ban, in some cases they take the trouble to explain why they want to ban and then if I agree I tick YES, but this explaining thing doesn’t happen much, most just try to ban, and if they fail the bans then they either leave the group or start acting super Toxic, on one occasion (As I mentioned before) I was banned because I was defending a player who was being Horribly Attacked by a tank, and as the Tank tried to ban him 3 times in the same Dungeon in the end he banned me because he realized from my comments that I was one of those who voted NO to the ban, so, for defending someone who was being ABUSED, I was kicked, but the Tank’s Abuser was able to continue forward and maybe even managed to kick the victim later, then some say Here (the system works as it should) of course, the aggressor goes unpunished, the defender is as affected as the victim, the aggressors win, the victims lose. Excellent, the system works as it should.

You can. And you used to be able to “spit” on people too. But that kind of thing creates a toxic environment that damages the whole community. So we changed it. Same here.

Messing around? You mean damaging the groups chances to succeed by not really playing the game? That sounds like something we should add to the drop down menu.

But why should 4 people have to abandon their run because they decided one said “hello” in a different way? They don’t have to. But they shouldn’t be able to take it from the fifth member of their company either. Even if they vote to be … that way.

Used to be this was a hard, raw game. People banded together just to survive (and maybe kill a Lich King). They put serious effort, planning, and investment in forming partnerships and building shared experiences—because folks (generally) couldn’t survive otherwise.

Now it’s more like a Disney land ride than scaling a mountain. You have in game calendars, add-ons that tell you how to play, you can LFR to see all the raids of the game, you can summon up a group for mythics with a click, and as result folks don’t fear losing the same way. (and frankly don’t win as big either) That confidence shifts focus to silly things. People are treating other players as disposable assets in their play and they’re becoming casually cruel. The game is going toxic.

Bliz is seeing this, they’re recognizing it will effect the long time success of the game, and they’re trying to make changes to make the rides safer. This deserves to be part of that conversation.


The problem is who are the majority ? Trolls, Casuals, Elites, Scrubs, and etc…?
If the majority had the letter T ( T for trolls ) above their heads… Hell No! That’s an early sign to leave and take my 30min debuff punishment.

okay, enjoy??? idk what u want me to tell u

beautiful comparison. Spot on target. Bliz is so concerned about removing ‘toxic’ content from this game, yet literally gives a thumbs up to toxicity in kicking players for nothing theyve done wrong…and we see over and over again in here theyre reminding us perpetually that theyre ALLOWED to do it with blizzards blessing…

why wouldnt we take this one at their word and believe they ARE kicking players for nothing they did to warrant a kick?
I dont assume people are liars until they give me reason to.
That poster and others here have been pretty consistent over 100 threads on this topic…consistency is one of the hallmarks of being truthful. Lies always fall apart sooner or later.
I believe them when they say they promote and condone and encourage kicking innocent players who havent done anything wrong to deserve it.

literally another strawman. They all know we’re talking about players who havent done anything intentional to get themselves kicked.
Feels like bait. Feels like we’re baiting with “for any reason” then switching to “messing around” the second that its called out that theyre literally admitting to kicking players who did nothing wrong.

Just like youre example, bliz can see things might be an issue and remedy them…precisely why these and other topics exist…to get something fixed.