Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

It absolutely has gotten worse because I’m here every day reading. Every single day since I started playing this game I have been here reading. And I absolutely saw an explosion of kick threads after the war within went live.
Anyone denying it is either fibbing or they don’t actually read this forum every day like they would pretend to

I’m constantly seeing in newcomer chat of people asking why they got kicked from groups. The newbies don’t know why, and they’re 100% new to the game. We’re just exposing them to a toxic environment.

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They really should get a pop up explaining to them the group thought they played poorly.

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If they are in a guild or pre-formed group then it requires 4 votes to kick someone, not 3. That was added long ago to help prevent that sort of behavior. Of course, if you get a full guild of 4 then you are going to be out of luck if they don’t want to play with you.

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This isn’t even just about me, because once I finish leveling my last secondary character I won’t have to deal with this problem anymore, but I made this debate more thinking about what other players will surely experience, especially newbies, who are supposed to come to “play” and will have a terrible experience due to this behavior of other players of banning without fearing the consequences that the banned will face! It’s sad to think that only 1% of the Global accounts represent players with less than 1 year in the game, meaning that the number of newbies is ridiculously low, due to problems like these it’s almost impossible to attract a new audience if from the start in addition to “paying a membership and buying a game” they have to face a level of toxicity that they can’t defend themselves from at all, I don’t know about you, but I would like to see WOW with many new players, bringing new blood to the game and not being the same old ones as always, but with all these Behaviour: I don’t think any player wants to enter this game and believe me, I understand them and you can’t blame them! Most players, as they have at least 3 years of experience, want everyone to be as experienced as them, they don’t give room for those who are learning, making this very elitist.

My best friend stopped playing after only 3 months because he couldn’t stand the Toxicity in Dungeons, he was always getting attacked or made to feel bad for not knowing how to play well enough, I felt really sorry for having stopped playing with my friend, but I understand why he stopped playing, and it’s because of these kinds of problems that I created this Post, because those “Minor” Problems are actually minor because most Pro Players may not experience them, but if you’re new or play casually you see them more frequently! And Blizzard has said hundreds of times that they would like to attract new players, but with these kinds of situations I don’t think many players will want to join this world.

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Well we got our Sunday topic locked in.

I was going to offer tea, but I don’t think that’ll cut it.

Tequila anyone?


Clearly the solution is to remove vote kick and just give the tank the ability to remove people without any votes

They are often the leader of the group, so it would make sense for them to know who is the biggest hindrance of the group

Now we can no longer abuse vote kicking, solved

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It would be nice if the kicked person could see the reason because assuming most people can try to not be obnoxious and toxic in the reason box and give a valid reason why the person’s being kicked then maybe they could try to improve that area of their game

Just telling them they’ve been removed from group often just leaves them completely confused

And if they did see the obnoxious crap at least they would know they were in a group of trolls and not to take it seriously because it was nothing they did wrong

I value your input. But, I still feel you have missed the point. :frowning: You’re just defending Blizzard’s terrible inaction. I get your opinion is valued above the average player as an MVP.

but, we’re saying what we’re witnessing it, and it feels like you’re belittling our opinions a bit.

The kicking isn’t the problem. The buff duration, could be reviewed yes. But, the problem is people are literally getting off on kicking others for no valid reason. Blizzard, themselves, used to have an article about vote kick and it not being abused, this disappeared a few years back. Vote kick can stay. But, they need to address people doing it every run. A normal person shouldn’t have a 90% vote kick ratio for example.

They should go further, and give options for baby murloc (new players) to group with guides more.

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Again, nobody is being banned when kicked. Are you going to answer my question about the average dungeon run length? How long is it now? How long do you think the debuff should be?

Over and over I keep addressing your main point which was the CONSEQUENCES of the kick you said. You keep ignoring anything directly addressing that and seem uninterested in actually answering the question asked.

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It’s an MMO don’t you know lol. An MMO where we don’t help new players out and don’t help them learn the game and obnoxiously kick them when they make some little mistake or aren’t getting top DPS LOL

You should watch twitch sometimes. There’s entire groups of players laughing about the mass reporting system. They’d litterally kick someone from a raid or dungeon, then tell their followers to mass-report.


I would highly, highly, recommend they join the newcomer channel, or use it to find dungeon groups. A guide will almost always run with them or queue with them, so they can at least have 1 person on their side.


Well ironically we get the same kind of behavior in here LOL. So I don’t doubt details here in the least

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When do you guys think this thread will die? I’m going to say it’ll die at around 2500 replies.

We give them a warning if they start with the “assistance” telling my healer how to heal. “You should notice your in a guild group” usually shuts them up.

It won’t truly die because someone will just post another thread with the same issues.

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We don’t need this though, if you’re joining a group then you should have some sort of idea on how to play your class, not well but I’m talking a decent idea.

The article is still there and Blizz still refers people to it. It was posted in this thread very early on.

Common Problems

* Voted out of group before I could finish quest

  • Removed to make space for guild member
  • Kicked from a Mythic+ group before receiving loot

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

Customer Support does not provide loot, gold, or quest/achievement progress not gained as a result of being kicked from a group.

If you have any feedback about the group management system and how you think it can be improved, please submit a suggestion in-game:

  1. Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
  2. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
  3. Click Submit a suggestion.
  4. Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
  5. Click Submit.

Note: Groups formed outside of the queue system (Guild Runs, Mythic +, etc.) will not utilize the vote-kick system. Instead those groups will have one party leader that controls who gets invited or removed

What they also used to have is a cooldown on KICK if someone was using it too often. They would find they can’t kick anymore. I don’t know if that “safety” system is still in game or not. If not, they should consider bringing it back.

More than a thousand comments on this Forum about what you are mentioning, even from what you say you have seen exactly the same thing that I have seen or many others in this same Forum, but still some come and keep saying “Everything is fine” “It works as it should” it is like they are blind!, and they insensitively say that people deserve to be expelled without Technical Reason.

It is beautiful to see how a “Community” where the ideal would be that we all support and defend each other, are actually in favor of Aggressive Behaviors that affect some in the “Community” and the opinion of those affected like mine, should be silenced or not taken into account because of course, the System Works as it should.

This reinforces the fact that WoW is Super Toxic, and the community attacks the same Community, we are one against the other, instead of supporting and defending each other from something that some of us are affected by.