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Oh the irony, hanging out on a game forum claiming another forum poster is wasting your time.
We are all wasting our time with anything to do with this video game, it’s all irrelevant.
I understand what you say in your answer, but you have said the same thing as many others in this FORUM (“The desire of 4 People vs that of only 1”) This does not really happen, it is really the desire of 1 vs that of 1, since when someone starts Voting to Kick, especially if the Tank who starts the Voting the chances of the player being Kicked are almost 90%, because as others have already shown in this Chat, people almost never take the time to read the “Reason for Kick” directly They mark YES without thinking, Many times in the Reason for Kick they do not even put meaningless things, since they put up (“sadafss”) and everyone accepts! None of the 4 Players care if another is kicked out of the group since they are not the ones who will be kicked, they lack the sense of Empathy, they just want to keep playing and assume that if another wants to kick someone it is better to just say YES, than to waste time thinking about “Why do they want to kick him”, then no It’s what they really want, it’s almost like an instinct that drives them to mark YES, so if in the end everything is decided by the Action of a single player and the others just Say YES without thinking, then it’s really not the desire of 4 vs 1, it’s the desire of 1 vs 1 since the others approve almost instantly… it’s almost like Cowboys, if someone wants to Vote you out, do you have to try to Kick them out first before they try to kick you out?,
If people really took the time to analyze “Why do they want to kick another player” it would make a lot of sense that they penalize you and everything if in reality everyone had come to the same conclusion that you deserved to be kicked out, but if everything comes down to only one wanting to kick you out, the rest just marking YES to get the Kick Out Sign out of the way, then that’s what becomes unfair in this case, since it’s enough that only 1 wants to kick you out for your kick out to be almost guaranteed!, I never I like to say that 100% of something is one way, because obviously it’s never 100% but in these cases that I’m talking about the percentage of people who don’t care about the Votes and Mark YES automatically is VERY HIGH. Believe me, I’m one of those people who DO read the Reasons for Expulsion and I take the time to think about whether the Expulsion is fair or not before Marking, but there aren’t many like me currently in the game with that sense of other’s EMPATHY.
So then, giving players the option to screw up someone else’s life for 30 minutes, coupled with a system where the majority doesn’t consciously vote YES or NO, all of this boils down to one person who has the power, and it’s not always used to kick out Trolls, or undesirable People, many times it’s used to Vote out anyone who really doesn’t deserve it, I’ve seen occasions where for example the System Pairs 3 or more Warriors, and the Leader kicks just one because he would like more variety of Classes in the Group, and in this case you’re telling me that it’s fair that one of those 3 warriors gets a 30 Minute Punishment just because someone wanted more variety of Classes? What Sin did that Warrior commit to deserve that Punishment? Was he Paired in the wrong group? If so, it would also be Blizzard’s Fault in the end.
Basically I understand the “Lesser Evil” or “Necessary Evil” thing, but there are hundreds of players who do not deserve to be banned and “PUNISHED” and even more so when they are new players, and they have to suffer the consequences of other players who do not care about sending others to the 30-Minute Waiting Room.
You do realize if these forums had a vote to kick you’ll be the first one to be kicked and the players would say " You’re right! The VTK system is working perfectly."
Is anyone mentioning any solutions to this situation?
In my opinion the only way to prevent this from happening is to stop joining groups because clearly the WoW community is too toxic for group activities.
Nobody is being “banned”. They lose access to one game function for the 30 minute debuff.
The real issue you seem to have is not the kick, as you said you rarely get kicked and you understand why it exists. Your problem is with the 30 minute debuff.
Did you finish reading what I wrote?
There WILL be a penalty for kicking because of past abuse. The duration though could be up for discussion.
How long is an average dungeon run?
Because following original Dev intent, that is how long the debuff should be. I would wager that is more like 15 mins now not 30 mins. They are much more likely to accept a suggestion that is in line with the reason for the debuff and meets the original intent.
Yes, yes people have discussed it. Kicking is not going away. Majority will not be forced to play with someone they don’t want to play with. The penalty won’t go away totally.
- Duration of may be reduced to be in line with original intent - which is the average dungeon length. It is not 30 mins anymore I don’t think.
- Follower dungeons being added would be fantastic for all content, not just newest.
Well thankfully the toxicity is so bad in game that we now have dungeons and delves that we can run entirely solo without the player drama lol
Kudos to Ion and crew for listening
Some “MMO” lol
I am in favor of the Freedom that many in this FORUM defend so much, but if Everyone Deserves Freedom, that should also include the Victim, that is, the person who is Banned (Often without good reasons) Why does the person who is about to be banned by others have no Right at All to defend himself? And deserves to be banned and Punished without taking into account his Freedom? It’s Ironic, Much Freedom for those who Ban, Zero Freedom for the banned player, they treat him as if he were a cancer in society, in fact you read the comments and almost everyone assumes “If you were banned it’s for a reason” or “If it always happens to you then you are the Common Denominator” do they always assume that the one who bans is ALWAYS Right and the one who is Banned is always Problematic? They assume that those who ban others Always have a good Reason as if All WOW players were Kind Souls when Everyone knows that the majority are Toxic Players, then Yes, in an ideal world expulsions would make sense, but in the world we live in, expulsions often make no sense, and are more than anything a player wanting to screw up another’s life because he is Toxic?, or has he had a bad day and is taking it out on others?, etc… 100% Functional System and being used 100% correctly, Punish the Good, Reward the Bad…
It’ll be a lot easier to take some of them more seriously about this not being a problem if they all weren’t literally in here reminding us every single time this topic comes up that they are allowed to kick players for literally nothing they’ve done wrong at all with blizzards blessing LOL LOL
I just take them at their word. They say that they kick people for no reason and I believe that they do and that right there is confirmation that it absolutely is happening
So, all that weird capitalization is not standard and you only see it in rants from certain media outlets and persons in the US.
You are also not being banned from anything.
Again, how long do you think the average dungeon lasts these days? That is how long the debuff should be. It would address your major concern which is the duration of time someone can’t queue for that content.
On retail when in groups, I’m often doing double/triple the dps as the next. I see these every so often trying to kick a new player. This is not cool at all. Or when I’m leveling an alt, and they try to kick someone for no heirlooms. Not their fault they don’t have those.
It’s being abused badly. I hope Blizzard can issue bans to them like they do to chronic M+ leavers. Abusing the kick system should be a bannable offense.
My bigger issue with this is we have a lot of new players down in low level dungeons and that’s where I see the most pointless juvenile kicks for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Current content was bad enough but when I stopped healing there and went down to classic era dungeons it was literally worse. The behavior was worse overall.
The same names in here complaining that we are complaining are the same names who will tell you that this is an MMO and to deal with that while they are behaving in a very non-mmo manner in ruining other players games for kicks and giggles
Lol. You know when they start correcting grammar they’ve lost the discussion LOL
No, they won’t punish people for kicking others. The entire intent is that the majority gets to pick who they want to play with, for ANY reason. Blizzard does not determine if it is fair or not. They don’t expect the one person to like it. They set up the system so that the majority are not forced to play with someone they don’t want. They don’t need to have a “valid” reason. You can’t technically abuse the system when it is working exactly like it is supposed to. Blizzard does not consider kicking people “abuse”.
Kicking is not going away. That is a tool for players to use to remove an unwanted group member. What may be subject to change is the duration of the debuff.
Wow that’s one I’ve never seen. Kicking for not having heirlooms as if everybody has enough gold or time to farm time walking badges to buy heirlooms LOL
Something new in here everyday to giggle about
And again with the straw man lol. Literally nobody has asked to get rid of the kick entirely lol. This is another way you know one side is losing the discussion when they have to keep straw Manning everything.
No one is asking for the kick to be removed we’re asking for the punishment to be modified
I still feel like you missed the point. The point is, people are entering these, often, as a guild, or with 3 people in a group, etc, which is all that takes to do the kick. They’re doing this on every, single, run. you can watch twitch streams of people doing timewalking and laughing about kicking newbies. It’s fun for them to kick people.
This problem is getting worse.
We’re not asking for kick to be removed. But, abusers need to be punished.
There was a particular instance of Deadmines where the tank and healer were partied together and just pocketing each other. They overpulled and a hunter player died cause of it. They used the excuse of, “afk retard” as a reason to kick them out for dying. I went out of my way and revived this poor hunter and declined the kick vote along with a druid. we outvoted these guys. The tank and heal were super mad and rushed to boss barely completing the dungeon and leaving 2 bosses left behind in Deadmines. (This happened yesterday)
I feel like you did not even bother to read the post Lio. Some direct quotes from just above.