Thankfully the more time goes by the fewer that sort of player will have to play with.
My guess is the good guilds wont tolerate their behavior, which leaves the not so good guilds and pugs for them to do group content in.
if Ion and crew keep this follower dungeon and delves thing going forward and make both viable for gearing (instead of this weird thing where ai dungeons are pretty much useless), these players wont have a very big pool of players to abuse anymore because we’ll be playing our game solo pretty much entirely.
And they only have themselves to blame for it for being so toxic…kicking new players who are trying to learn to play the game.
and blizzard is responsible here. They give us the tool and tell us it ‘cant be abused’ while players ARE being abused with it, lol
This is a fantasy cooked up by a bunch of people on the forums who can’t realize that them being constantly removed from dungeons is because they are the problem.
The amount of kicks being done to troll are infinitesimally tiny as to not warrant a discussion.
i try to stay away from it for the same reason but some of my friends were talking about it which of course tiktok and other things magically started showing videos of it -_-
That a reason, most of the time it doesn’t matter but expecting to be carried by everyone? That’s not a realistic expectation of the entire community. You might as well AFK at the entrance.
If you don’t want to be kicked, and you know the reasons you are, adapt. Be the change instead of asking for changes to a decade old system.
I think your wow experience is drastically different depending on if you suck at games or not to be honest. If your good you get kicked less then 1 in a 100 runs. I don’t even recall the last time I was kicked while leveling barring when i afked to put on a new audio book.
problem players like OP cant be kicked from follower dungeons. Make it happen blizzard add follower dungeons to all content, please blizzard save the feelings of problem players
More projection? Last I checked this was blizzards forum not yours and we were told to come here and express our issues with this game. Some here seem to believe that this is their forum and they’re incorrect
and ironically YOUR name calling wont be seen as ‘aggressive’…for ‘reasons’…
At some point people gotta take responsibility for their actions
Last time I was kicked was like shadowlands and it was cuz I just mass pulled to each boss and rest of the group didn’t enjoy it, so they rightfully removed me
But getting removed constantly, gotta be a common denominator
The OP seems to be a pretty good player and admits they did not get kicked much at all. Not even doing hundreds of runs on 14 characters they were leveling. They were only leveling in dungeons - so you would expect a few negatives here and there.
So the OP is not really upset with the kicking, which is not supposed to be pleasant or something anyone likes. What they take issue with is the 30 min debuff.
The debuff has to be there to stop people from trolling groups to get kicked on purpose. Sadly. Very real problem which is why the penalty exists on kicks.
However, the DURATION of the penalty was intended to be about the same length as the average dungeon run. It is possible that needs to be reconsidered in light of how fast modern dungeons are.
They did adjust the kick/leaver penalty on Islands to 15 mins if I remember because those were fast runs. The debuf matched the run length.
For those who seem to think the game should never make them feel bad - such as being kicked. Sorry, but life does not work that way. The game prioritizes 4 players wishes over the wishes of the one. It is not supposed to be enjoyable but is the lesser of evils so to speak.
youre wasting my time now with irrelevance…sad when they cant just let points be points without trying to be ‘right’ so hard it makes one look desperate.
we’re done here…