It’s the same freedoms. Everyone in a random dungeon is subject to the same rules and tools as everyone else.
someone from Quel’Thalas? Yikes
forum post reported for real life threat
To be perfectly clear, it takes more than one person to kick someone from a group
The system is only effective at its intended job if it takes everything player tell it at face value.
But with that being said, is that 1 person’s interest more important than the combined interest of the 3 or 4 people that told the system they want said person gone?
Of course, because the 10 levels of the island at the beginning make you come out as a complete Expert, my Wife tried to play, I made her watch the whole tutorial and she came out just as confused as when she started, which confirms that someone who has never played the game has a hard time understanding everything, and even more when you tell her that she has to get 3 doctorates to be able to play, Stats, Talents, Spells, Passives, Equipment, Mechanics, Toxics… it is very complicated for someone who has never played it before, maybe for people like you and even me who have been playing for a while it is like a walk in the valley, but for someone who has never played it this game presents a HUGE learning barrier, I assure you that asking them to graduate from college before joining a level 11 Dungeon is not a good incentive for new players.
Has it been infringed upon?
Your freedom to be where you want does not trump others’ freedom of association - in this instance, their freedom to control who they play with and when.
Sometimes these conflicts happen, you can’t simply ignore them, they need to be navigated.
This sucks, then, and I agree that should change. I remember they used to be a bit more proactive about making RP realms feel right.
They could do both. Someone could just be an annoying RPer in someone’s opinion. I find that an acceptable reason to ask for that feature.
The debuff sucks.
The problem is that the debuff not being there also sucks. We went through that affair already when LFD/VTK were added.
I personally agree, but how I feel about that shouldn’t, in my opinion, affect how others vote in their own groups.
Hey, but I have never said that Toxics don’t exist, in fact half of my Messages talk about Toxics! And yes, it’s great to Ban them, but this debate is directed more than anything to those Bans for less Solid reasons, or do you think that a person who Trolled you like that Healer, is exactly the same as someone who did 2% less DPS than you? Do you think that both deserve the same Ban? And that that DPS just for doing 2% less damage than you deserves 30 minutes without playing?
So that makes me right, that if I play normally… and others are too demanding and kick you out for not meeting their Elitist Standards, then the one who is wrong is the one who plays Normal?, and not the one who plays as if he were playing Valorant Rankeds?
You don’t need any level of degrees to understand this stuff, it’s been dramatically simplified since vanilla.
The game gives you tools to figure out gearing in-game, but they just don’t get used, and players think it’s easier for someone else to do the work for them, and just read that.
There are tutorial quests for the upgrade system. The spec select screen tells you what mainstat (and weapons) you want. You have a passive in the spellbook that boosts your mainstat when wearing the correct armory type. Items only show up in the dungeon journal for the loot spec they’re supposed to be equipped by.
Talents it tells you to spend them, and you can build however you want until about mid-tier heroic raiding.
Mechanics is just something you have to practice, and you eventually learn the visual language of the game and what means what.
Normal isn’t objective here. Your normal isn’t necessarily everyone else’s normal. Each group gets to decide what’s best for the group. If your normal clashes with their normal, and it’s you vs four others, you’re the odd one out here.
Are you aware that this type of Pattern or Behavior, are only seen in this game?, First time I enter the Forum and the Debate is Based on “Freedom of the Group” “Forced Learning to play with others” “Punishments for those Kicked in a game with Membership” if because of these things is that I always say that WoW is a Unique game, and it is as it is!, I already said several messages ago, there is no progress in this Debate, the Final Conclusions, I have to Watch 10 Hours of videos on Youtube, Read all of WoWHead, Talk to the guild and the most experienced players, and thank Blizzard for their so Charitable 30Min Punishment, All this to finally be able to do my SUPER RANKED LvL36 Dungeon!, Let’s see if this time I get to Diamond Rank… because from what I see I’m barely in Iron Rank. hahaha
What type of pattern or behavior? Kicking people from dungeons?
Well yeah because you and people who agree with you generally want to force yourself on other players when you’re the minority. The other side generally says each group is free to decide for the group how they play and who they play with.
Well yeah if you want to improve at the game you have to put in an effort to learn and get better. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, you’re not forced to, just like others aren’t forced to deal with you. If you don’t want to put in the effort the rest of us put in, and don’t like the consequences of your choices, maybe this game isn’t for you?
But I bet if you did put in the effort, you’d find yourself getting kicked less.
How arrogant, dictating whether a game is for a person or not… I have always felt that you would be the typical one who expels others, that is why you take the subject so personally, because you feel identified, and of course, if Blizzard took action against toxic people you would be one of the first to be banned, right? Haha. Nobody can defend such an insensitive position without being part of the problem.
I didn’t dictate anything.
It’s always amusing to me, the people who start these threads, it almost always devolves into this when they get pushback.
Believe me, those who agree with you are the same ones who accused me of being a BOT, an AI, Dramatic, they even called me a Troll and that I told lies, just for saying what I think, and then they talk to me about Freedom? There is no way to take seriously people with so little Ethics and a Distorted sense of reality where they literally mercilessly attack everyone who does not agree with you! You are the Aggressive Side of this debate, the Toxic stereotype, if you read from the beginning I always maintained a Respectful stance even when they mercilessly attacked my Credibility, and everything I exposed, so believe me, I would never want to be on the side where they are so Arrogant, Toxic and insensitive, whether or not they are the “Majority”.
Wait…have you been a AI bot this whole time 0.o?!?
Honestly should of in that case. Considering the person felt like she was being stalked, she was like i put him on ignore but he always finds me!!
Wow this thread really went long into the night. I really really hope blizzard implements follower dungeons for all of wow so problem players like the OP never have to feel rejected again, they clearly did not take it well and thats awful. Please blizzard give these problem players a safe and non toxic way to enjoy the content
retribution lolol… precisely why the same reason some want more of your account info showing in here lol
someone from this forum did actually ‘find’ me in game here recently and contacted me.
Could be innocent enough…could be someone who isnt so innocent pretending to be innocent. Had that happen a few times on the interwebs over the last 25 years or so. People pretending to be something they aint.
for the record, dont contact me in game just because we talk in here. Not because theyre not a good person…but because I dont know who is who in game…it could be someone pretending to be someone Im ok with, i dont know anyone in here from Adam over in the game
Its all projection. All of it. Every word mouthed against you is a finger pointing back at themselves.
The good thing is in the game moderation is much less biased, so your account in game is safe as long as you dont violate the rules yourself. Just dont talk to anyone in game you dont know…talk to friends and guildies, no one else, and you should be fine.
In here…totally different story.