There is no fixing the kick itself because its totally subjective when it comes to ‘why’ someone wanted to kick and it being valid or not.
The punishment is the issue here. Its way too aggressive in those cases where, as we see much admission to in all these threads, someone is kicked for ‘any’ reason, which was no reason at all as far as anything they did to warrant being kicked.
I’ve been kicked for no reason -whatsoever- in leveling up dungeons the past few expacs. Zero patience, heavy assumption, adhd gamer. I think blizzard is better at getting at the balance these days as they record all vote kicks
It has nothing to do with kicking players. It’s not for or against it. The rules for kicking are that the group votes. Majority rules. If they want the player to stay, they vote against. If they want the player to leave, they vote for it.
It’s not rocket science and so simple for most people to understand.
the bigger hilarity is most of the kicks happen in trivial content from what Ive seen. lol.
At least if it were m+ or something that actually mattered we could understand the frustration …or even trying to weed out players who might not be able to carry their weight.
But when i quit healing current content over bogus kicks i saw, it was actually worse in lowbie leveling dungeons lol.
Figure that one out.