Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I think thats a personal problem for you man

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It’s quite rare that people are unjustifiably kicked, not that there needs to be a reason.

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It’s not personal I was responding to someone I agreed with.

Nothing in the social contract says I have to play with you if I don’t want to.


I’m not on community Council.


That is very good.
Thank you.

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Yup, that’s what I said.

If you feel a player should be kicked for a reason you can initiate a vote and your fellow group members will decide if the vote is passed.

Working as intended


telling me what it DOESNT say doesnt tell me what it DOES say about how to treat other players…lol
To repeat…the vote kick is the ONE area of this game where we can ignore and defy what it says about TREATMENT of other players with the companies blessing.


Of recent GMs have said that if you join a mythic dungeon you have a social contract to play with those players until they decide you can leave.

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Not to mention that there is absolutely no rule in the Social Contract that even remotely applies to Vote Kick and there’s literally a support article that tells us people can kick for any reason, along with numerous blue posts.


Exactly. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Tank too slow? Dps pulled? Healer won’t stop spamming chat? Tank skipping quest objectives? Dps afk? Tank is an annoying fox with glasses?

Al valid reasons to vote to kick.

Nope, that’s just the panda making up nonsense.


Imagine if vote kick was removed like these people want

Be a huge mess lmao

Time to level an alt, que into dungeon, go afk and watch as the group is forced to carry me to free exp

Thanks fellas



How’s about a citation for that nonsense.

Shock of shocks… the OP hasn’t been back and he’s got the most posts in this thread.

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Love to see the post saying that

(It doesnt exist)

an there you go folks…more strawmanning lol
Again…no one said remove the kick.


Said it before and will say it again:

VTK system is fine. The Deserter Debuff isn’t fine and needs re-worked, such as making it a stacking debuff that is a freebie for the first kick of the day, etc.


You are trying to use hypotheticals as a supporting argument which is why your statement failed.

Right just make it as hard as possible to do, if that other thread was to be believed

Can’t really prove trolling, I had to go afk since we had a medical emergency at my house so you’re not allowed to kick me or you’re toxic

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