Possible, but I find it kinda unlikely a friend’s gonna put up with that for some forum drama. I wouldn’t want friends that encourage endless arguing on the internet, anyway. Mine chide me for my propensity all the time.
That said, draw your own conclusions of course.
WoW’s community feels quieter to me, but not more toxic.
Yeah, in my opinion, game culture really started to shift around 2021. There’s always been an Asmongold-style negativity, but things definitely took a sharp turn when Blizzard faced their lawsuit. It was like a whole new wave of tension hit, and you could see major changes happening within their management. This game is literally eating itself from the inside out.
In that instance, yes, but I just meant it’s pretty easy to figure out if a player is new or just insufferable. You get a sense for it
A new player seems to ask questions more frequently too.
Vote to kick is one of the rare instances of Blizzard catering to a majority and it must be protected haha
Almost anything that provides agency to the players is gonna have my support. I’m sure someone can cook up exceptions for me, but generally speaking I’m very pro agency.
And I never said I was a new player, I’m not, as I said I’ve been playing WOW for a long time, I’m just leveling up secondary characters in Anniversary Event Dungeons. Now, one thing that’s certain is that I’ve always hated the META, I feel like the game isn’t very enjoyable! That’s why I don’t usually do MYTHICS, I HATE them, I’m more of a casual player, exploring the world, hanging out with friends drinking beer in Elwyn etc.
It is very weird to have people say “There is no problem” with the current system, when there are problems. “Just go do quests” Well, technically they could remove the VTK entirely and if there’s a problem make everyone leave the dungeon and go do quests too. No deserter debuff, because if you IGNORE a player you don’t get put into the same group with them outside of PvP.
The argument of “You don’t have to play with anyone you don’t want to” doesn’t hold up BECAUSE PvP forces it, AND because it’s forced in the world itself.
What is my friend supposed to do, for example, who has only been playing the game for 3 months? Should I tell him that he can’t do Dungeons, which are normal content in the game, just because someone might get upset?
The solution is in the quote you posted. A guild, or a group of like minded folks. A way to not randomly match with people so that everyone knows what to expect.
Right, and a lot of new players definitely won’t feel welcome. Honestly, I feel like this game might phase out because of all the negativity. Just look at it—half of the biggest YouTubers posting all these negative videos don’t even play the game anymore!
I mostly find leveling to be a very quiet experience, since a lot of people are running an alt through, and just want it over with as quickly as possible.
I never accused you of being a new player.
I don’t play meta either, besides metamorphosis, but I understand players clearly learning a character too. Especially if they say, “hey I’m learning this class” or w.e
WoW is like the real world in that you’ll run into people that have no patience or sympathy.
But just like in the real world, you don’t have to give your time to people that don’t deserve it.
The only problem with vote kick is that it is usable in low level content. If it were relegated to level cap only it would serve more purpose. But there’s no sense in vote kicking somebody when a dungeon only takes 7 to 10 minutes and they’re only using it to level anyway.
Oh I agree. But I am a jokester. About 50% of my runs, I speed run in full quiet mode. The other half. I’m cracking jokes and getting the whole group to talk. It all depends lol.
But I’ve filled my friends list to max capacity countless times over 15 years, mostly from lfg.
Heck, I’ve found ALL of my guilds through lfg lol and 2 irl best friends.
It just depends on your mood, and if you want to talk or not. Surprisingly I’ve found that people want to talk, they just don’t want to be the first ones to talk lol.
People leveling up in lower dungeons still have a right to use the VTK system because they should still have the right to control their game experience.
but if it’s a seven minute dungeon, they’re just trying to speed run anyway is anybody really worried about what’s happening in that seven minutes. Maybe it should just be removed entirely. Then people have two choices queue up with randoms or queue up with friends.