Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Nah vote to kick is fantastic.
Maybe the 30 minute debuff is a bit much, but being able to kick is so valuable to everyone time and sanity.
It keeps dungeons from being a prison where 4 people are held hostage by a tank slowly pulling every single mob or an afk healer or whatever.
It’s freedom.
If you happen to get kicked erroneously, chances are you just aren’t aware of what you’re doing wrong.

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Mostly because y’all can’t accept what blizzard has already said about this.
It’s a dead horse.



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Probably not? You mean probably is?

The christmas trees date the photo and my text is very specific.

If this is all I wanted to do I could have them post, no?

I think its needed, no one should be forced to play with someone, as far as the debuff, i think its as simple as if you’re kicked or leave 3 times in say an hour you get it

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Look, I’ve been kicked once or twice. Most recent time it was from a group I was thinking of leaving anyways.

But I just move on with my day and do something else.

It’s not that we “don’t care”

It’s that you’re getting kicked for a reason, and that means it’s not a problem with the system

If it were truly as random and frequent as some people try to claim it is, we’d all have stories about how we got kicked “for no reason”, and we’d probably have more than one

But the issue is a relative minority of people are the ones getting kicked fairly often by a relative majority of the playerbase

It’s entirely a “you” problem, not a vote to kick problem

Does it suck that it keeps happening to you? Sure I’m sure it doesn’t feel good, but maybe you should do something to fix it, since it is a you problem


Yes guys, I understood what you said a while ago, Expressing yourself is bad, conforming is good! 100% Freedom of expression! And how can I forget when you tried to close the thread a few minutes after opening it. Incredible. I understand you guys.

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You’ve been free to express yourself however you want this entire time, it doesn’t mean you’re free from people criticizing your ideas or expressing their own about what you’ve expressed


When Blizzard does another live broadcast crying because they don’t know the reason why new players don’t want to join the game and they have a hard time retaining them, I hope they see this post and there they will know why nobody with sanity would want to stay in the MOST ELITIST and perfectionist game in the world, where the mistakes of not knowing how to play are punished with 30 minutes of your real life, and how to forget that the game costs money monthly. The perfect formula to attract new players and retain them, because of people like you we will always be the same as always, nobody new!


Clearly not if all you can do is respond with sarcasm.

How long have you been playing World of warcraft. I ask because in my 6 years I’ve noticed a shift in game culture.

Do you think that after several hours of listening to you say insensitive things, it doesn’t make you want to be sarcastic? You’re hurting my sensitive little heart, so either I respond with sarcasm or I become as mean and cold as you, and believe me, I don’t want that.

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It takes like 3 seconds to inspect a bad player’s achievements.
If they only have a couple thousand points my patience goes WAY up.
I don’t mind taking a new player under my wing or offering advice.
I do mind suffering a player with a hundred+ hours /played.

Hey there. You may not like what I am going to say, but please understand that it is coming from a place of help. And try not to take it personally.

If you are getting kicked out of groups enough to where it is an issue, then unfortunately you are the issue. The reasons seem to be varied. And with how random group finder works, you have been placed in a lot of groups with different people. Also, you have been placed in multiple different instances. The only common denominator with all of the kicks, is that you were the one getting kicked.

The only personal experience I can add to this, is that I have played since launch. I have leveled a lot of chars, and many through dungeons. I have done a lot of timewalking dungeons, and LFR. So I have been in a lot of groups, over a long period of time, where votekicking was an option and happened.

In almost every instance of a votekick I have been a part of, was warranted. And the reasons were. AFK/Autofollow. Not contributing to the group/auto attacking. Saying offensive things. Or just spamming chat with nonsense. Or griefing/causing wipes.

Now, I am not going to assume you are doing these things. But, if you are getting kicked enough where it is a problem for you, then as I said, the only common denominator to the kicks is you. So, whatever you are doing in these groups, they are deciding that they do not want to play with you and would rather play with someone else. So, I would say, stop the addon that is bothering people. And look at your own performance and behavior and make the necessary changes.

They are not. If you want that environment, you need to get into a like minded guild or discord community for inexperienced or learning players, and play with them to get better.

The votekick system works fine. Can it be abused? In cases yes. But, by and large, the kicks are far more justified than the collateral damage for the few that are removed as a tool of toxicity.

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I’m not “mean and cold”. I just don’t entertain dishonesty.

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At the same time, number of achievements matters a lot less than what those achievements are.

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I started playing when I was about 14 years old, in my country where I didn’t have internet, I had to play on a local server alone. I came to play on the internet for the first time when I arrived in the United States about 10 years ago, and it was something wonderful for me! You don’t know how excited I was. I loved meeting new people, creating beautiful memories. Now I think about those times and I suffer, because the community has changed a lot!

If there’s one thing that’s responsible for players thinking that other players are NPCs, it’s LFD by nature of its existence.

It’s pretty easy to sus out
If you have 3000 achievement points, have the mage tower mount, and it feels like you’re playing with one hand, I’m going to vote to kick you lol

Yeah, would suggest possible piloting.