Regarding the “HELLO” example, it was a metaphor—I meant that you can get kicked for something very trivial. I used “hello” as a metaphor, which ties into the times I’ve been kicked for nonsensical reasons, like being from Quel’Thalas, something that several people in this post have confirmed happens.
It’s also possible that someone might get uncomfortable just because you greeted them since not everyone in this game is particularly sociable. In fact, I’ve seen more antisocial players than I’d like to admit.
As for the idea that people don’t know who votes Yes or No, if you read the full post, you’ll notice I mentioned defending a healer who was being targeted for a vote kick three separate times in the same dungeon. Because all three votes failed—thanks to me defending the healer in the chat—it became obvious that I was the one preventing the kick. That toxic tank, who was already insulting the healer, then shifted focus and kicked me instead.
In that particular dungeon, the tank was the only one complaining about everything, insulting the healer by calling them offensive names. I stood up for the healer, and for trying to be the “hero,” I ended up getting kicked and slapped with a 30-minute penalty.
If the tank is the only one causing trouble and the other members of the group just auto-click Yes on the vote, do you think that’s a positive experience? A toxic, aggressive, out-of-control tank insulting everyone who annoys them, treating others as if they’re beneath them, gets away with it while penalizing other players like me who were just trying to calm the situation and make it less hostile.
Actually that’s exactly what happened. Because prior to implementing the debuff for people getting kicked, there was no debuff for people getting kicked, and that was actually abused by players who would troll groups until they got kicked because it was more beneficial to do so than to just leave.
This is where “kick” and “report” need to be their own functions respectively. Kicking shouldn’t be a catch all to people who pay to play the game.
People who’d abuse the system by being force kicked are the same players abusing the system by kicking players they don’t want in the group. The system doesn’t work.
Don’t let it get to you, most of the forum-goers are armchair reddit bandits that are looking for a fight in order to test out their mediocre logic skills to appease some superiority complex.
Getting kicked not only removes you from an instance you put time into (along with the queue) but also bans you explicitly from any LFG for 30 minutes.
Dang it, these people with fancy ones of their own.
Was at a game place earlier, some of the prices on their cues … Cripes, I wish I was that good with a pool table. So fancy, and definitely not in my price range.
Edit: Any recommendation on things to watch for a table or pointy wooden sticks?
God, I love you and this post. Half of these people spend most of their days on this forum simply telling other people that their opinion is wrong. That’s the benefit to an opinion is that it’s only an opinion and there is no right and wrong there’s only perspective and perspective is subjective.
They are separate. The report function is for people who violate the code of conduct, the kick function is for a group that decides they don’t want to be grouped with a person anymore, for whatever reason the majority of the group agrees on.
It takes 3-4 people to kick someone from a group. Not 1.
Yes it does. People are allowed to vote on the kick. If enough people vote no there is no kick. It takes more than one person to kick someone.