At no point did I come even close to suggesting VTK was subject to the laws of the American legal system so this reply makes no sense.
My proposal leaves them the ability to use it for whatever they wish and affords them the opportunity to ignore any attempts to defend their actions. If someone asks they can just ignore them.
But they should feel some sense that its a defensible action to impact another users gameplay so heavily.
Continuing to use your court analogy - sure there is, its the other people wanting them removed. The people saying ‘yeah vote kick him’ are saying that their gameplay is negatively affected by this user here. They’re clearly making the case that this person is hurting their gameplay.
A simple concept which is great when possible to apply across the board. But when it isn’t? Like I said, murky, and hard to call in one direction or another.
Life and society … and above all else the internet rarely are that simple, and that’s a part of where we’re clashing. The other becomes at what point does a pattern become recognized? or should it?
I appreciate the ideal you support at least, even if I won’t follow it myself for the moment. But eh, that’s fine, we can call this done. A reasonable discussion at least.
if it’s solved half the toxicity that is currently being experienced, it would be worth it. although I feel like the funnier thing to do would be to remove the vote kick and then leave the desert buff as a quitter punishment and forced anybody that doesn’t want to run with somebody else to be locked out for 30 minutes after they leave the dungeon. then again it’s not my circus and not my clowns because I don’t have this problem in conquest of Azeroth.
I gave up playing with randoms years ago lol. The minute they introduced LFG, I was done. I think I’ve been in maybe a dozen random groups in the last 15 years. If I don’t run with friends, I run with Guild mates otherwise I just do delves and follower dungeons. In fact, the last two characters, I leveled I did almost exclusively and follower dungeons just to avoid dragon flight and other humans.
The gain here is more careful consideration of when someone should be kicked.
Attach your name to something if you want to ruin someone elses gameplay for 30 minutes.
I wouldn’t force users to defend it. I would however encourage them to make more defendable decisions.
I agreed with you, for once. Glad you’ve moved past it.
Another user started the analogy and I continued it to it’s logical comparison. Even if I had started it, however, it would still apply because I’m talking about aspirational values that should pertain to both domains.
So you don’t even have firsthand anecdotal evidence that this is a problem, let alone any kind of legitimate evidence, but you’re still here peddling it?
I find it humorous that people are absolutely going at each other over a functionality that blizzard doesn’t care about. vote kicking is never gonna change. The penalty is never gonna change. Blizzard has literally gotten lazy and is now forcing the inmates to police themselves. This is why Project Ascension has a superior version of this game.
no, I know for a fact it is because most of my guild mates and half of my friends complain about it all the time. Which is why I avoid it like the friggin plague. I’m just not stupid enough to engage in it like most of you people. I take their word for it
What I find ironic is in this thread no one wants to let anybody know who they are when their vote kicking but when it comes to this forum they want supposedly for everybody’s account information to be showing so that everybody has to be accountable. So evidently we have some contradiction here where on the forum were supposedly supposed to be accountable but in game we don’t have to be accountable LOL
I don’t think Blizzard intended to implement a deserter debuff to players kicked for gearing in a dungeon.
Guess anyone could be a green. What a half-assed lazy response.
that wasn’t aimed at anyone personally that was a response to some jack wagon telling me that my opinion doesn’t matter because I don’t do random cues lol I don’t do random cues because I understand how many friggin morons run that asylum and I decided to avoid it. now, if you wanna start off this evening’s conversation by being offended, I don’t give a damn