Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Then the person trying to disrupt the gameplay of others will have to defend it. This is good. Why did he put forth a vote to remove someone that failed?

The person who initiates the vote is more akin to the accuser, not jurors. Jurors are supposed to be disinterested third parties, not ones proclaiming to be personally impacted.

Because he felt there was a reason to remove the person. The group as a whole did not. That’s the end of it. He doesn’t need to answer to a tribunal for why he initiated it.

Defend it for what? Using the VTK system is not a problem. You’re trying to force retributive behavior.

Every member of the group is a peer. This is not the case in a court of law.

If the concept of voting on something is clearly problematic, maybe LFD should go to using the M+ system.

Where the group leader can unilaterally kick people.


OP, I am sorry for your experience with toxic behavior. Blizzard unfortunately, no longer cares about this particular issue and despite the size of the thread, I don’t see them doing anything about it. Personally, when I do still participate in this type of content in this particular game, I make a point of only playing with friends and guild mates to avoid this problem.

Sounds to me like you should have a leveling channel in your guild for your discord where you can recruit members of your guild to come run with you and not have to worry about this. Thankfully, I don’t have this problem in Conquest of Azeroth. They have made a far better version of this game and in the 3 1/2 months I’ve been playing have not experienced a single toxic moment.

I do wish you luck though because the only thing more toxic than the game itself is this forum and there’s proof in that with a lot of these responses.


Blizzard is taking a “hands off” approach with the vote to kick/deserter debuff.

There are many issues with their anonymous, (fill in the blank) reason system. I think solo players are the main “target” for a little fun sometimes we’ll say.

It doesn’t make sense that in LFR backfillers can create a chain debuff if they go back in for the boss they missed.

It makes no sense that you can “kick for any reason” and there’s not a single limitation to how many kicks an account can initiate.

A 30 minute debuff is too punishing, it needs to be 15 minutes max.

If you’re kicked you shouldn’t get a debuff. I’ve heard of “hostage horrors” I guess from players where a person won’t do x,y,z unless they’re kicked… I guess Blizzard needs to take a “stance” with people who abuse things… not Blizzard holding their customers hostage in all queued content… with a 30 minute debuff of doom.

I was trying to do a Heroic Dawn Breaker yesterday… and well it bugged out and we couldn’t mount… to kick it off… so 30 minute debuff… for funky dungeon design… swell.


That’s exactly why I use ChatGPT—because when it translates from Spanish to English, it does so with perfect grammar, something Google Translate doesn’t do. Do you understand?

Additionally, my writing in Spanish is also quite solid, so ChatGPT only translates and restructures it into English. That’s why it ends up with such an elegant style.

All you’re trying to do is complicate a very simple concept. Innocent until proven guilty and that’s the last I’m saying of it

But why is the cost then only on the accused? If the vote passes the accused gets thrown out of the game and temporarily banned for 30 mins from LFG.

There’s no friction to removing someone which incentivizes more thoughtless vote kicking. My option would add a small, but reasonable, road bump.

My option wouldn’t force people to start a tribunal. But if someone did start one that person should feel comfortable defending it.

Defend trying to temporarily ban someone from LFG for 30 minutes. I’m glad you think VTK is not a problem but to state so as if its anything but your own opinion is incorrect.

In your tortured court analogy the people initiating the kicking are akin to the accuser which the defendant has the right to face.

No one took your post that way. No one.

But let’s look at the things I specified earlier.

There is no basis in reality for this. We have zero knowledge of people consistently kicking people after a final boss. It also makes zero sense.

I’m also calling this one out, as so many people use these addons and this is not something that would ever be common.

Also something that no one I know across three servers has ever heard of happening in over a decade.

But the most blatant one I’m calling out…

Literally NO ONE knows who hit yes or no. This isn’t possible. So this is bs.

I see that we have the normal “derail the thread in hopes of having it deleted” crowd. Won’t even bother.

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This isn’t the American legal system, there is no innocent until proven guilty because the VtK tool is not a system of justice, it’s a system of giving players agency for over they play with, as Snowpine has said.


I think blizzard has just realized that this is the least bad option if you want LFD to exist.

The way I see it, Blizzard has 3 options:

  1. do nothing, leave LFD/deserter/VTK as is.
  2. get rid of both deserter and VTK (so you can no longer kick, but can freely leave and re-queue with no consequence)
  3. get rid of LFD entirely, and use follower dungeons for normal, remove heroics, and make Timewalking pre-made only.
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Again, this is not the American legal system, and the VtK tool isn’t a tool of justice. Stop making these false equivalencies.

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They don’t need to defend it. They’re within their right to use the VTK system for any reason.

No, because there is no clear victim.

The jury analogy wasn’t perfect, it was to make a point. We can ignore it, if you prefer, but trying to force it to work with defendants and prosecutors isn’t going to work, either.

You’re just inviting retributive behavior by divulging information that doesn’t help anyone.

And, even if it were, Jury Nullification is a thing that exists.

I personally wish they would just get rid of LFD. I feel like people were a lot less likely to be a-holes when they were responsible for their own server actions and risk either being blacklisted or forced into a faction change or server change because they were being a jack wagon. there was no vote kick system back then and it was glorious. If somebody wanted it out, they just left and then you had to go find someone to fill their slot or continue without them. I don’t have this problem with Conquest of Azeroth. At least Ascension made WoW the right way :blue_heart:

just initiate a vote to kick someone every time you are in a dungeon. doesn’t matter who you vote, just pick someone. after all, you’re allowed to kick anyone for any reason. maybe it’ll be someone in this thread! /rollthedice

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Sure, go for it.

It wouldn’t make any of the people complaining about this happy, though.

Believe me, if I could always play with friends, I absolutely would. It’s incredibly frustrating to play with random people. The members of my guild adore me—whenever they see me playing alone, they always offer to help. But I don’t like wasting their time on me. They join me with their max-level characters just to help out, and I feel like they’re literally wasting their time, which makes me feel bad for them.

So, most of the time, I decline their offers unless one of them has a character they also need to level up. Fortunately, this frustration only happens with leveling content. For ALL other types of content, I can always count on them, and the experience is SO much better.

Thank you for your comment! :slight_smile: