Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Usually if they’re offline, they’ve been gone for a minute or longer.

The only changes I’d make to the various auto-queue systems is more active punishment for non-participation.

The problem is that the AI wrote out scenarios that can’t happen or would never happen.

Vote kick attempts should not be private.

As soon as you start a vote kick it should show up in chat. Let people stand behind their decision to remove someone.

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I’m not trying to convince you, but let me explain my situation in a more summarized way to see if you understand. Throughout this past December, I was constantly leveling 10 secondary characters. I spent all my time exclusively running dungeons to level from 10-80 using the Anniversary Experience Boost.

I’m not saying I got kicked in EVERY dungeon! Obviously, that’s not the case. But if I was kicked 1 or 2 times per character, then technically, the number of dungeons I wasn’t kicked from is much higher than the ones I was. It would be something like 100 dungeons per character, where I got kicked a total of 5 or 10 times across all 10 characters.

The issue is that, just because those kicks were few, it doesn’t mean they were pleasant. Imagine trying to level up quickly and having that progress halted for 30 minutes due to a vote kick when I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t offend anyone, I participated actively in every dungeon, and for some reason—which I’m sure wasn’t negative on my part—I was kicked.

The fact that the kicks were few doesn’t mean they should be ignored. And because of the large number of dungeons I ran in December, believe me, these interruptions in experience caused by the “Deserter” debuff are very noticeable.

Do you understand? I just feel like I was unfairly punished, and my gameplay experience was significantly affected because another player decided so. And if, as you say, I can’t or shouldn’t affect the experience of other players, do you think they should be allowed to affect mine by wasting 30 minutes of my real-life time?

They continue playing without any penalty, happy and problem-free, while I’m punished for 30 minutes. I think that’s unfair. That’s why I say Blizzard should make a change to be less harmful to people like me who just want to play, without hurting anyone, and without being so heavily impacted by someone else’s decision to kick me.

Well therein lies a bigger problem, its all 100% arbitrary.

Because that wouldn’t lead to an increase in toxicity at all. /s

Encouraging retributive behavior is not a good idea.

The major standout for me is the “vote kicked for saying no” event. There almost always seems to be examples in these threads where I have to scratch my head and ask “how’d you find out?”

It’s arbitrated by the group. The group decides.

The AI didn’t invent any information; it wrote exactly what I told it to. Remember, it only translated into English what I sent it in Spanish. These are real situations that have happened to me.

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Then you are the one making stuff up. Got it.

It doesn’t encourage it. If someone wants to be rude in chat afterwards that’s already outlawed and can be actioned. We don’t outlaw drinking just because someone might drive drunk - we outlaw drunk driving.

What it does do is make attempts to disrupt other peoples gameplay (kicking) more transparent. If it’s really warranted you won’t mind having your name attached.

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What do you think happens when someone sees that a vote to kick them has gone through, on average?

There’s a reason individual jurors’ decisions are not public information. (Or meant to be. What they do of their own volition is on them.)

Yup, and half the time the group just clicks yes to get the box off their screen in combat. As i said, ive yet to be kicked on any toon, so i watch the aftermath every time. I often ask, what was that for, and i often get the response of, “idk i just clicked yes”

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I assume they’ll be upset. Especially if they get removed.

Nothing changes here except people cant weasel their way through a vote via anonymity. If you won’t put your name to it is the guy really worth kicking?

The defendant has a right to face their accuser. I fixed your analogy to be more accurate and poignant.

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Then you agree that it’s up to the 5 players in the group to decide, and nobody outside that group’s opinion really matters on that specific kick.

No, that much is true. It’s controversial, and you are someone who has randomly started posting here, and ‘randomly’ picked this topic specifically. And used AI, a fairly volatile subject currently across the internet. And got recognized for doing so. You aren’t the first, and others here who enjoy trying to troll and rile people up have done the same in the past.

Might not be what you’ve done though. Might be a language situation for you. To your credit, and detriment, I’d be surprised if it was, because you’re posting very well with full punctuation and capitalization as far as the English language is concerned. Far better than what is normally seen here.

Possible you’re just in an unfortunate situation.

So, let’s see how this goes. If you’re not a troll, then continue writing as you are. It won’t be pleasant, but at least it’ll be a discussion.

If you are a troll, well, my condolences.

They are not supposed to be pleasant though. The debuff is there because people abused the fact that kick did not have a penalty - they trolled groups until they got kicked so they could queue for a different random dungeon. This goes all the way back to Wrath.

The system is not perfect. It is the lesser of evils. They don’t expect you to like getting kicked but they also don’t expect 4 other people to be forced to play with one that they don’t want to play with.

So out of hundreds of runs over 10 chars you only had 5 or 10 kicks - as you said very few.

I understand how you feel. The other 4 people who did not want to be around you also felt you were wasting their time. Blizzard decided that the majority gets to vote and the person who the majority don’t want is going to have a less fun experience.

The 30 min duration though may need to be looked at. The duration should be the average time it takes to run a dungeon. That was the intent when it was set, but dungeons go faster now than 30 mins.

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Yea… But half the time they put 0 thought into it and just want the box gone

I don’t like retreading ground, so apologies that I’m replying with quotes.

And if they’re not?

I stuck to jurors for a reason, there is no court of law in the VTK system. You didn’t “fix” my analogy, you just extended it to make it fit a narrative.

Today, I haven’t even played because I’ve been here on the forums. Why do you think I would waste my time here talking about a “made-up” topic, gaining nothing from it? Receiving criticism, and even having people insinuate that I’m a bot—do you think it would be worth facing all that for something I invented?

I’m not expecting to change the world, but I just wanted to know if other people had experienced the same thing as me or felt the same way. I decided to make this post, which is my first and only post on the Blizzard forums, and the last thing I expected was for the community to be so divided and for me to be attacked just for sharing something that happened to me.

This post and what I said weren’t meant as criticism toward any player, but people have taken it as if I were attacking everyone! I didn’t even think this post would get more than 20 comments, and I’m still in shock at how much this topic has grown and the polarization that’s developed. It feels like a real war between two factions, when all I wanted was the community’s opinion—and, more than anything, I was hoping for a unified opinion, not such a divided one!


Because if they say no that box is coming back on cooldown, the initiator isnt suddenly appeased for losing the vote once.

Im concinced bc ive watched it happen many times. The amount of “idk i just clicked yes” has shown me its real.