no more reasonable than mine offered, but are you going to be like others here and assume someone is lying because you dont like what they said?
I offer benefit of doubt until someone crosses obvious lines and proves themselves untrustworthy, as some do in here daily, personally.
I think a lot of us see it being abused, especially anyone literally saying that its ok to kick players for no reason at all.
Why would we NOT believe them…take them at their own words, that they’ll kick players who havent done anything wrong, if they literally tell us they do?
I have no reason to not believe someone who admits they behave in certain ways.
its only NOT ‘abuse’ because of blizzards current position and hands off attitude.
IF tomorrow they simply said that it IS abuse to kick players for nothing theyve done wrong, but blizzard just doesnt have the manpower to deal with it…then the ONLY thing that changed was their position…player maliciousness / spite in doing it was exactly the same.
Majority rule is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. Just because the majority wants it doesn’t make it right or not toxic.
In my opinion the problem probably starts outside of WoW – too many players who weren’t raised properly.
If you’re asking “Why should I carry someone?” in a regular or heroic dungeon, especially a leveling dungeon, I’m talking to you. You shouldn’t think of it as “carrying” someone, you should think of it as helping them. If someone’s dps is bad, maybe give them advice instead of kicking them. And if nobody’s dying, who really cares? Even bad players deserve to have fun playing the game. Sure, if you’re doing a mythic +10 or something, you are allowed expectations, but a lot of people in non-competetive dungeons are just trying to see, experience and enjoy the content.
Stop your “me, me, me” attitude and show a little love and tolerance to people who aren’t as “good” as you.
It has to include “we don’t want you to leave” (by community demands, see the Pre-season sacbrood farmer threads), and “nobody is forced to play with people they don’t want to”.
So what other system is there for throwing 5 random players together that does a better job of accomplishing both goals?