Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Ok, how often are you

On average per week?

You sure don’t seem like you actually want to have a conversation about this stuff.

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i asked this and i got no response lol

I feel like they’re looking for any argument to discredit or silence me. I wasn’t the one who started talking about Googling my username.

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Had they actively provided a link, yes, I believe so.

Oh sneaky sneaky quick edits on that one, I was about to ask if your brain and fingers were having a tiff!

I have what the doctors call stupid fingers.

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It was more of a heads up in case you didn’t notice. I prefer to keep my forum discussions on the forum and not in my socials, but you do you.

I understand this is very frustrating. I’ve seen people kicked for missing mechanics when they kicked the wrong one to people afk. The main reason you get kicked right before the end boss is someone wants the loot off the boss, they don’t want you to get your satchel, or there a premade that just wants to make you sit for 30 min. Only real solution wow should have done a long time ago is get rid of the vote to kick button and make it like ffxiv with a vote to abandon. Get rid of deserter debuff unless you leave or do not accept 3 duties in a row like ffxiv. Wow makes it so easy for toxic people to be like this and they have the power to change it for the better.


… I mean no disrespect… But, so many to be warranted as significant?

I went through 3 and a bit characters from 50-70 using only the timewalking for the anniversary event. One more from 10 to 70 as well.

Two kicks. Both DCs. I had a few runs where it was an utter train wreck, poorly done pulls, knockbacks pulling more, full wipes and runs back. Nobody kicked though. Mostly silence, and eventually we got it done (dire maul satyr boss, heh, that poor healer). Could have been a fluke, but… folks are screaming that it’s happening often and always.

Is it? Is it really that bad? To warrant a fairly significant demand for the removal of the penalties?

I tend to believe that most here screaming about something are lying. A lot of people here over the years getting proven lying, mistaken or otherwise… Account actions especially, but this is different. Is this really all that common?

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At this point, I think I’ve formed an opinion about this post. Thanks to the comments many have shared, I can see that the community is somewhat divided on the issue. Many are both in favor of and against the “Deserter” system. I want to thank everyone who took the time to comment on this post. Honestly, I was feeling a bit frustrated about this topic, especially since it also happens to many people around me, and we all feel somewhat powerless to do anything about it, with Blizzard seemingly ignoring the issue. In my guild community, many share these experiences, and I’m speaking both on my behalf and on theirs.

Even to those who were against my perspective, I still want to thank everyone for taking the time to share their opinions on the matter. I only hope that Blizzard can find a solution in the future that satisfies both sides. I believe that if they put their minds to it, they could find a fair and accessible solution for everyone, just as they’re currently trying to do with Mythics.

To close, I want to emphasize that I’m not here to incite hate or conflict—that’s not my philosophy! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a guild leader, and I always try to do my best for my members and for everyone around me. So, I want to apologize if anyone felt offended by something I said. I assure you, it was never my intention.


LFG isn’t limited to just your realm though. Hence OP running into people from other realms who have a negative reaction when they see Quel’thalas/Ragnaros/Azralon.

I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, nor that it’s a good thing when it does. But Blizzard’s reasons for applying Deserter to kicked characters as well as voluntary leavers are sound. There is already a penalty applied to people who excessively initiate such kicks too, which is ultimately the only thing the system really needs.

You’re ok in my book. I agree it’s frustrating to get removed from a group. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

You should be kicked for quoting that entire chat gpt post. :rofl:

in my experience, yes. 5% some weeks, 10% other weeks…enough that I quit healing over it, so yeah…significant.
Your experiences arent relevant to mine and Im certain you understand that fact. Some realms are worse than others…Im sure you know that as well.

I tend to stop caring about opinions of those accusing everyone else of being liars, so theres that.

… No offense? But you showed up randomly (12 posts). You picked a relatively volatile topic, and you were (and admitted to) AI use. AI is a remarkably common trolling tactic, especially when the subject is volatile.

A recommendation for the future if you’re intending to stick around?

Don’t use AI beyond language correction. Correct English if you want, or mention directly that you’re weaker on the English front and that you used an AI to help with grammar.

Having us discover it and hold it against you? Not a great starting point, heh.

If something is your main focus, then speak as yourself.

Some player got kicked and got irritated about it and came to blizzards forum where they tell us to bring our issues and posted about it…news at 11.

These are all nonsensical suggestions, and the same suggestions repeated over and over without any substance added. There’s no such thing as abuse of vote kicks, nor unjustified kicks. The deserter debuff has applied since Wrath because otherwise players were encouraged to get kicked, and showing it to players isn’t going to change that.

… Some person has been watching this forum for a long time, and switched to a character that is difficult to trace, picked a volatile subject, and used AI to generate parts of their post.

Is my suggested scenario unreasonable to consider?

A long while ago I could see Tich players both causing ruckus and getting targeted unfairly in other cases, so yeah…it happens.
What I dont believe, personally, is anyone who claims they rarely see the kick vote come up.
Failed kicks sure…but it never comes up? Not buying it. At all. From any realm.

Disagree on the last part there. The timeout needs to be adjusted for current player abuses

You’re talking to the wrong person if you’re looking for reason.


Double it for people who get kicked then. There should be no benefit to getting kicked compared to dropping group.

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