It’s true, and I don’t deny it—I used AI to help me draft my idea in a way that everyone could understand it as clearly as possible. Maybe the words aren’t 100% mine, but I can assure you that the core idea behind them is entirely personal.
Is it a crime to use AI? Does the idea have less validity just because it was written by AI and not directly by me?
The part about tools is really key here. Giving players tools to control their experience (within the limits of the game rules). We have several tools to use when accessing Dungeons right now:
- Follower Dungeons for TWW content. Lets folks solo the dungeon, do quests, explore, learn the layout, learn a class or role. I really hope to see these as an option for everything eventually.
- LFG which lets us queue and get matched with random other players. Nobody is overseeing this - so majority rules and has a tool to remove a player they don’t want in the group.
- Pre-made groups with a group leader. That can be PUGs, Community runs, Guild runs, etc. A real person is in charge of who gets in the group and who stays in the group. Def a good idea for harder content that takes more coordination.
Giving players options and tools to control their game experience is pretty useful.
Spam or trolling, would be the categories it might fall under I would think too.
I don’t think questioning whether the OP is being geniue will help solve the issues. I think we should take the OP at their word and try to help these problem players find a way to experience the dungeon content without being rejected/ejected. We must have follower dungeons in all of wow
My BattleTag is JavyWorld not Nikelly
Maybe, if you used AI to commit a crime.
Few, yes. That goes both ways though unfortunately.
Edit: And ‘only takes a few to ruin’ … That is about as solid a statement as you could make. Not a statement I’ll ever disagree with.
If the amount of kicks is insignificant… What then? Does this subject in general warrant attention? And if so, what are the consequences if those who enjoy trolling are given free reign with little consequence?
Yes, generally. In school you get a F on the paper and penalties for cheating when you use AI to write something instead of forming and expressing your own opinion. I am old, so it is the equivalant of having someone else write a paper for you.
I think you’ll have a lot of differing opinions on this.
I dislike any form of generative AI (for the time being, not the thread to expand on it in, I think) but I don’t think it’s wrong of you to use it as a tool to help express an idea.
I do believe you still have an imperative to proofread what it’s generated for you, though. To make sure it aligns with what you’re trying to get across.
I think they might be using it to help with English.
I see a lot of Spanish results for javyworld.
Yeah, I just found a insta acc with a mom and six kids or somthing
Maaaan, I got sixx kids to feed.
oh wait mb 2 kids
yeah, I love the runs where stuff like that happens. Bouncing mobs off different players pets, etc. Lots of fun. As long as everyone is good with it, its just a video game, have fun with it instead of dragging ones misery pit into a game.
my personal experience is its more like 5-10% of dungeon runs, but unlike some, I dont transfer my personal experiences to the masses. I accept that my realm might just have that many disgruntled players who enjoy ruining someone elses game with kicks they didnt deserve.
For real though how often do you get kicked on a week on average?
Akkkkksssshhhhuauaaaaaaalllllyyyyyyy, according to the GM’s, you are allowed to be kicked for any reason at all. The fact that you don’t know the reason (it could be the fact that someone didn’t like your mog), is irrelevant. A kick that passes is a kick justified to blizz. Perhaps not to the kickee though.
Now obviously when it comes to reasons people are getting kicked, there are good reasons and there are stupid ones. The issue is that good and stupid are in the eye of the beholder.
The only time blizz might do something is if there’s someone who repeatedly kicks players to such a degree that it actually becomes noticeable in complaints filed against their account by other players (although I don’t know how the kickees would know who the kicker is since that is not shown to the kickee in queued content). This is how blizz used the vague wording on the ToU to implement the m+ leaver ban wave.
AI is a tool; it’s not much different from using this forum to express oneself, which also makes the forum a tool. I don’t want the debate to focus on AI because that’s ridiculous. Let’s not forget that we’re talking about a gaming environment, and almost entirely, games are based on AI. So, your analogy about schools and schoolwork isn’t relevant here, nor to the debate we’re having, nor to the game itself. If you don’t like AI, well, that’s an odd stance considering your interest in video games.
And yes, it’s true what someone mentioned: I don’t speak English natively, and I live in the United States. I speak advanced English, but when I want to express myself to an entire community, I like to do so as correctly as possible. That’s when AI becomes a viable tool for me, as it allows me to communicate with everyone without the language barrier becoming an issue.
As for JavyWorld, that’s my username. I included it in the original post because I’m not afraid to stand behind my name or character. Anyone is welcome to interact with me directly if they want! In fact, I even stream on Twitch under that username, so it’s normal to find me if you look for it.
So yes, I hope this clears up all the points being mentioned that are unrelated to the actual debate.
love it when they insert what they want something to say instead of reading it as its said lol
Im not being kicked…Im SEEING OTHERS kicked…said it like 4000 times at this point lol
Is advertising your stream against the CoC?
That its allowed doesnt nullify the toxicity of the reason for the kick if its not done for something the player actually did or didnt do to deserve it.
KIcked over character race or mogs…toxic.
Kicked because player caused 3 wipes on purpose…not toxic.