Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Funny thing. Search “Vote Kick”. It takes a moment for the system to load them all, almost a full minute worth of scrolling.

The issue is that most of us never see kicks against us and rarely see kicks against anyone else. And suddenly, someone comes in with ten kicks, some of which you have reasons for that aren’t even possible.

People need to actually vote to kick. It’s not one person. So two or three other people voted yes.

In your case, you run a guild.

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Thanks Blizz


I rarely ever initiate a kick vote regardless. If the team is ok with it, I pretty much am.
it IS just a video game…though youd not get that fact reading this forum sometime lol

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If it’s recurring there’s probably an issue with you as a player. Let’s keep reading.

Oh yeah, there it is, that was quick. You’re not a very good player.

There are plenty of resources available to you to get better at the classes you’re playing, learn better talent builds, better rotations, etc. I suggest you read them and make some changes, and you probably won’t get kicked as often.

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As someone who levels a lot, I rarely see any of this ever happen. If anything the vote kicks come out for people who are afk, which I think is justified solely because I don’t care how easy something is, come help make it go by faster.

I do agree the deserter debuff should be reevaluated though. It’s not fair to give a group of players the power to kick you “for whatever reason” and then also punish you from playing again. It doesn’t even stop people really, you can just log on an alt and keep playing lol

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The reason I’m so in favor of the VTK system is because it’s just a video game.

There is no reason to force people to play in an environment the game provides that they don’t enjoy. It’s a recreational activity, your participation should always be entirely optional, and you should have tools to make sure other individuals don’t make it poorer for a group. VTK is that tool.


Well said friend

I actually had one the other. Was getting super frustrated at the tank for single mob pulling.

The vote kick got voted down (yay us) but we started pulling more ourselves as the DPS, we told the tank and he said they were struggling to hold agro on the AOE mobs.
We said it’s ok we’ll missdirect and mage freeze them and they went with it.

Was actually quite entertaining in the end, with basically having to kite mobs, while tank could only really hold 1 or 2 mobs before dying. Kind of reminded me of the old days were you would have to CC a couple of mobs but was still quicker than that :stuck_out_tongue:

Took longer than normal but ended up being fun. Who would have guess a video game can be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did you AI generate this?

It reads like it was, isn’t that against the CoC?

Not strictly, I don’t think. Though I guess if it’s done to be disingenuous it could fall under trolling.

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If there was a “only kick for valid reasons” then justified (and how would you realistically prove it) but as Blizz pretty much have thrown their hands in the air and said “The system is entirely under the control of our players.”, I don’t think we should be punished if players want to grief

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yeah, whos javyworld?

Specific sections are sketchy. Some of this reads as AI assisted.

The parts where he mentions his guild, probably not - though whether he’s telling the truth, that’s a different question.

is my username.

your username is nikelly do u mean ur username for chatgpt?

Probably their Btag. Do you even get a username on ChatGPT? I’ve never actually used it.

You’re all over the google javyworld.

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But conversely, I doubt that 1% of dungeon runs involve kicking at all, much less unjust kicking. With the sheer volume of dungeon runs happening at any given time in this game, the vast majority are either successful and disband, or wipe and disband, with little if any communication at all.

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