Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

You’ve been told… Have you seen any videos of it though?

Look at that. Calling out logical fallacies is somehow not disingenuous again.

Even if someone did, they’d find cherry-picked reasons as to why they were kicked.

This is what we call self-fulfilling prophecy.

“You accidentally pulled this mob off to the side. That’s why you were kicked: Because you don’t know your routes.”


That’s not a self-fulfilling prophecy. You get kicked because the rest of the group doesn’t want to play with you. That’s the entire story.

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I don’t think anyone ever disputed this. Not sure what your point is here.

Shhh. Apperantly that is abuse because we have to play with them.

Just can’t stop.

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I reply when people reply to me.

Interesting that others are replying when people reply to them and you don’t seem to have an issue with it.

It’s fairly pointless to try to provide evidence of a bad kick to people who initiate the conversation by making it clear that they feel no kicks are unjust.

Like trying to prove the sky is blue to someone who makes it clear they define blue as green and green as blue.


Ofcourse can’t stop.

Just look at what happened when the draenei crashed their ship.

You don’t seem like an unintelligent fellow. Yes, your arguments are overly fallacious but that’s not always a bad thing. That means you can critically think. You should use that for non-disingenuous purposes. You’d make a formidable conversationalist.

Correct. Some people go into a discussion with zero intent of either changing their mind or agreeing to disagree. They’re pre-programmed to argue for the sake of arguing. They don’t want a conversation/discussion. They want to pick a fight.

That all the logical fallacies you make up don’t apply to the situation. It’s quite-simply the system to remove someone the group doesn’t want, being used to remove someone the group doesn’t want.

To be crystal clear, you’re providing evidence of a reason for a kick because the initial claim was that there was no reason.

“Bad kick” is completely irrelevant because that’s all based on opinion, which was handled when the vote occurred.

If Forums was interested in calling out fallacies in those who agree with him, he would tell you what you just did was a strawman.

This one’s called “ad hominem”

I’m disingenuous for pointing this out.

That’s not an ad hominem. I’m not attacking you. I was actually complimenting you. I’m simply saying that if you would stop being disingenuous (and you know for a fact that you’re doing it), this would be a lot more amicable.

People that execute fallacies often, also often misrepresent them. To be fair, I’ve seen others do it.

For starters, ad hominem doesn’t have to be an attack, it’s anything directed at or to a person rather than their argument.

Secondly, calling me disingenuous is an “attack”.

Interesting, in light of you misrepresenting your fallacy in this same post.

I don’t think you quite grasp the conversation at hand here. The point was that people exploit the vote-to-kick system, not that it’s used as intended.

And I still contest that kicking people because they don’t like their DPS or their tank routes is not the intended use of the system. The intended use of the system was almost always to weed out individuals who were bad faith players and trolls who purposely brought the rest of the group down. Though sparse, that was more than likely why it was created to begin with.

Thus, it’s being exploited if it’s used for any reason beyond those.


Which ironically is the thing I barely ever see happening in queued group content and when I do it’s often through use of the VtK feature. :stuck_out_tongue:


And nobody is attacking you. Calling you disingenuous isn’t an attack, it’s a fact.

I’ve not misrepresented anything. That wasn’t even a good attempt at blame shifting. You’re better than that.

If you want to continue being disingenuous, that’s on you. I hope you have a lot of fun doing so and I wish you the best of luck. If you want to have a conversation in good faith and are willing to abide by that, you’re free to reach back out to me and I’ll gladly indulge.

I used to, much much earlier in the game/feature’s life. Just like most things, people find ways to weaponize them and pretend like what they’re doing is “ok”. Kind of like those people who go around filming people 1 foot away or take pictures of their kids and scream “1st amendment rights!” when it’s clear that was not our founding father’s intentions.

They don’t.

That’s nice, you’re welcome to vote no in those cases but that isn’t exploitation, it is intended function.

Something you made up.

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