Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

No, you are acting like their is a solution to a non-existant problem.


Funny, you won’t see Forums calling out this confirmation bias here, like he was earlier when people were saying they’ve run thousands of dungeons and can count on one hand the number of times they’ve seen someone kicked, or been kicked for “no reason”.

Confirmation bias within confirmation bias, I guess.

If it is something someone agree’s with, there is nothing to see.

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Who said it was solely because of gameplay?

And why should four other people have to move slower or deal with extra trash or deaths or wipes because someone is new and jumped in with strangers before they should have?

Me? I teach people if they tell me they’re new.

But if the group doesn’t want to deal with it, the group shouldn’t have to be held to deaths, wipes and moving slowly if that’s what’s happening.

They also shouldn’t have to disband because someone is AFK, someone is harassing, someone is purposely trolling, someone disconnects, etc.

And yet I rarely see kicks, groups I’ve been in have helped people with the phasing bug, we’ve waited a few minutes to see if disconnects come back, etc. All pugs in Timewalking.

They literally ignored all of the minor tweaks we’ve all talked about to try to make people look toxic who aren’t. Yet agree with the people who are acting toxic. It’s wild.


If having to kick someone is a non-existent issue, then why not call for it to be removed entirely so it doesn’t have the capacity to be abused by bad faith users?

Unless you’re the exact type of person OP takes issue with?

Oh, you mean the people who said they played thousands of dungeons but their achievements say otherwise?


Are those extra 2 minutes going to kill you? Were you not in their shoes before?

You’re the same person who not long ago said they “don’t have time for new players”. Did you just recently turn over a new leaf?

Not only hyperbolic, but this is what’s called the “slippery slope” fallacy.

You mean the same OP who has spammed and troll the forums in the past?

Look at the way he glosses over the confirmation bias he was calling out yesterday in order to flip it on the other people.

I wonder if he checked the achievements of Barlowe to confirm his story, or if it’s just more confirmation bias because Barlowe agrees with him.

Because some of us were around for the hell it caused prior to the debuff existing.

And no group should be held hostage by one person who is causing issues for the rest of the group. No group should have to disband and wait for another queue because one person in the group was a negative experience for them.

Are you the type of person to be toxic and get kicked in groups since you want it removed so badly?

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Vote kick shouldn’t be removed, I agree.

There should be a limit on how many an account can initiate… or abuse of use should actually be “monitored” and dealt with appropriately.

The notification box needs to be moved off to the side not right dab smack in the middle of the screen.

They anonymity of it creates sus situations.

The type in a reason field needs to go… a simple drop down with a few options is sufficient.

Now should a vote kick come with a 30 minute debuff… most reasonable people would say no or 15 minutes is way more reasonable or maybe that specific action doesn’t deserve a debuff at all since the player did not choose to leave the content.

If we even just lowered the debuff to 15 minutes it would alleviate some of the pain, despite what some people think… buffing the debuff across every type of queued content was not “good” for the players in any way.

You literally just sealioned and you’re chastising the OP for trolling?

Look at the way he keeps executing logical fallacy after logical fallacy as a way of coping being debunked.


By the way, yes I did check his achievements. One of the few that actually checks out.

And all of us don’t want to go back to the time of that hell to when the debuff didn’t exist.


I don’t know who OP is, but evidently their comments about the kick system resonated with the community here so there’s merit to what they’re saying, so :dracthyr_shrug:


The deserter debuff has always existed since group finder’s introduction. What are you talking about?

No, if I don’t like a group I’m in, I just leave because I’m not so invested in the game as to impose my problems onto others, especially in content that has absolutely no larger impact on the game.

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So, if I created a thread claiming I was kicked out of a dungeon for picking up a quest, you’ll easily believe it?

Not for Vote-Kick. You haven’t really played dungeons that much, have you.

If we’re using the “check their achievements” method of verification, no, he hasn’t done dungeons much at all.

Oh, I am going off by how they are acting in this thread.

The quests are at the start of the dungeon. Nobody is going to kick anyone for that.

Might wanna dig further into his achievements to see that they go back quite a ways and you’ll also find what you’re looking for. Skimming over the top isn’t going to paint the right picture for you.

Well yeah, that too proves he doesn’t do dungeons much.

The debuff was originally for leaving ONLY. Months later, due to the hell we endured, they introduced the debuff into the Vote Kick system.

That’s nice, some people don’t want to wait for a group, then have to leave three other decent people because one person is a negative to the group.

You also missed the point. Next time don’t try to accuse people of mindlessly kicking others from groups if you don’t want baseless accusations thrown back at you.

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