Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I’m under the belief that WoW won’t die due to anything Blizzard does but by the toxicity of the player base.

Say something wrong - Hang them
Don’t know how to do something - Burn them.
Don’t meet a standard or play the way I want you to - vilify them.

Curious to know why the games that have or had great communities aren’t successful or still around…

As an FFXIV player, we do have vote kicks, but they’re rarely ever used. I’ve played the game since it came out and 99.99% of kicks are because the person disconnected and never came back.

One time, I did see a horrible kick. A guy with a flower (returning player) apologized for being slower, said he just returned and is getting back into the game. The other 2 out-voted me and kicked him. I gave them a earful.

FFXIV’s community is better in many ways. My issue with them is their hypocritical stance on pulling for tanks. So many have this “thing” where they think they need to run off, away from the group and pull more than the tank can handle, then raise a fit when the tank asks them to please stop. Then if those tanks pull it all themselves and die, they chastise the tank for pulling too much.

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Well considering none of these three are even possible to do in LFG, I’d say your opinion isn’t very trustworthy.

This is interesting combined with the fact that you claim you have no idea why you’re kicked.

Surely my time is more valuable than everyone else’s, and if you are a slight inconvenience because your item level is 5 notches lower than what’s optimal, you shouldn’t even be playing this game because you’re just a liability.


Is that exactly the reason why the kick was initiated? Or is there more to this that you’re not telling?

I didn’t give the example. You’d have to ask the person who did. They didn’t really elaborate on it and were specific in highlighting that it’s completely okay to boot someone for wearing all greens, so I don’t really know what you’re expecting from me here lol

So last night, both my son and I were partied up and entered a dungeon together during the server problem fiasco. I started to lag, couldn’t type chat, or anything. I was going to try to relight and see if that helped.

My son told the group what was happening and their response was to immediately initiate a vote kick, which promptly passed because my son was outnumbered.

Honestly, was it really necessary to do that without seeing if a relog would help?

The kick system is definitely not perfect, but I personally don’t know of a way they can differentiate between a toxic problem and server problem.

Actually, that wasn’t what was said, you know it wasn’t what was said.

What was said by Quivermethis (I believe that’s who it was, anyways) is that the group could technically just decide to kick somebody because they’re wearing green (not greens, but mogged green armor), which is no less arbitrary than kicking Warlocks on Wednesdays or because somebody is jealous of a mount.

The reason isn’t typically relevant since the deciding factor in the equation is whether or not the party decides to accept the vote to kick. Quiver didn’t say it was okay or reasonable:

Their point wasn’t that wearing green is a justified reason, just that it can technically be the provided reason to kick somebody.

Well, take everything with a grain of salt here on the forums. Most of the time, people just post things just for attention, one way or another. If the other person got kicked out for wearing greens, I think there is more to the story that they aren’t telling.

Like, I’ll use a prime example to why I say take it with a grain of salt:

I regularly post on the Customer Support forums, and there is some people that go there claiming they did nothing wrong, and were suspended from the game for no reason, only to have one of the Support Forum Agents point out that they have done something wrong, with some people using profanity, some people just being out right toxic.

This is going back to the earlier statement:

Because people are always looking for ways to seek the attention. Act like they are an innocent bystander caught in a crossfire of in-game toxicity, when the chances is, they were probably being toxic themselves.


I hope you learned your lesson. Don’t lag.

No seriously, it just amazes me. Dungeons in this game can be much shorter than FFXIV ones and in FFXIV, people have no problems waiting a minute for someone to return.

The only difference in the system is that you have to select a drop list of reasons in XIV. Here, people just type stuff. I’ve seen everywhere from “lol” “lmao” “idiot” “loser” “bad” “took my gear” “as;ldfkjasldkfj”.

That place is a toxic cesspool. Poor people getting robot replies to their tickets, getting replies that have NOTHING to do with what their ticket was for or in my case, a reply about a completely different game that my ticket wasn’t even about. The person has no other way to contact Blizzard and has to bite the bullet and go to that crap hole only to get dogpiled by the clique that lives there, shilling and hearting all their own comments with every alt character they have. Of course Blizzard are going to say whatever makes them look better. Whenever someone points out when a CM makes a clear mistake, their post or thread is deleted to cover it up. Threads there that proved otherwise are just deleted. It couldn’t possibly get any more shady.

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Thia thread is a duplicate from the dungeon forums, OP didn’t get the bites they wanted in their thread in there.

I don’t know why mods won’t move this thread there. :woman_shrugging:

Lol very true. I have seen some very interesting reasons when a vote is initiated.

And you are right……I will work on my laggggg.

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No less arbitrary, but still arbitrary.

So: Petty lol

Of course. Anything can technically be a reason, but if it’s a reason you’re offering up in defense of a vote to kick system, then it’s pretty obvious you think it’s completely okay lmao

You don’t know what Toxicity is !!!

/ thread

In addition to this, people have posted video of their kicks a few times now, and every time they post video it clearly shows a good reason for the kick. No one has posted a video of them truly getting kicked for no reason yet.

Yes, it is arbitrary, which I believe was Quiver’s point.

There’s no enforcement on what’s typed in the reason box unless it goes into the realm of reportable actions or speech.


You’re effectively calling Quiver petty for them pointing out that reasons given for a kick can be completely arbitrary.

Either you misunderstood what they were saying horribly, or you don’t like Quiver. Not sure which it is, but I’ve argued with them before and while we have our differences they’re generally pretty reasonable.

They weren’t defending it, though? Simply pointing out that for better or worse, that’s how it works.

Well of course it does. If people post a video showing a kick then people will analyze it for any trivial mistake and then say the kick was justified. It’s a show me the man and I’ll show you the crime kind of thing.

“Noticed you missed a kick in that leveling dungeon. Justified removal.”


We’ll never see that ever happening. Because there is a truth that is being hidden from everyone.

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Wait, I just remembered something.

IIRC it has been said by the blues that group members have the right to kick someone for any reason. But the reasons are getting dumber and dumber. Low DPS? Kicked. Went the wrong way for 0.000001 milliseconds? Kicked. Pulled extra mobs by complete accident in a normal but did not cause a wipe? Kicked.

My conclusion is, the vote kick system needs to remove or shorten the deserter debuff. 30 minutes is way too long… how about something like 5 or 10 minutes? Kind of like rez sickness.

Just my two cents.

EDIT: The poster below gets it.

When voting to kick, there shouldn’t be just a blank space to type what you want. There should be a few choices to choose from, and when the vote is initiated, the majority should have to select the same reason for the kick, in addition to selecting the party member, for it to pass.

No Y/N for people to blindly hit Yes without reading a reason or who is being kicked.

Have the reasons listed as:

  • AFK / Not Participating in Content
  • Actions are Detrimental to Completion
  • Disconnected
  • Rude Behavior

And that’s it. After someone is kicked, they should be able to see the reason why they were kicked, and report it if they feel that they were unjustly kicked.

The devs should be able to look over the game and chat logs and hand out repurcussions as necessary for unjust kicks.

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