you realize being able to votekick was created to solve that exact problem they described right?
your trying to sound all smart and high roady, but you’ll be crying in a corner when it its removed and everyone just trolls groups by going in afk in dungeons to force other players to leave.
tanks, heals being far more needed then dps will have a strangle hold on groups. and yes, it has happened before. thats literally why this system exists as it does now.
you’re such a high and mighty intelligent problem solver, whats your great solution to people holding groups hostage by just going afk?
May not be the reason you may like, does not mean it is a petty reason. Besides, unless you’re the one who initiated the kick, or is voting on the kick, you wouldn’t know the reason for the kick.
100% this. I have played WoW for almost a decade and still get kicked sometimes while in a dungeon group, usually for no discernable reason. I have mostly found it to be for 4 reasons:
Bots kicking players to get other bots in
Guildmates kicking non-guildmates to get guildmates in
Friends kicking players to get friends in
People are sheep and automatically click yes when the prompt pops up and aren’t even remotely paying attention to group dynamics
Nothing personal against anyone here, but people who defend rude, crude, cruel, toxic, etc behavior are more than likely that type of person. They do not see anything wrong with it. In their minds, it’s “normal”.
Maybe it’s not their fault. Maybe they were just raised that way. Maybe they were never taught how to be decent human beings, so when people on here talk about it, it’s an alien concept to them. That or they were bullied growing up and they take it out on random internet people, which isn’t uncommon.
I think it’s more like WoW, and by extension Blizzard, has coddled and cultivated this behavior. People who’ve been playing the game for 10-20 years have been led to believe such behavior is okay because Blizzard allows for it and doesn’t seem too interested in fixing it.
That sort of behavior was never the standard for WoW, and it still largely exists today in most competitive multiplayer games with an open mic lobby.
All they have to do is remove the deserter debuff and remove the kick feature and the problem is resolved. People who aren’t interested in playing with specific people are free to remove themselves from the group without consequence, and those who may not be up to standard for the rest of the group (which is a ridiculous phrase when we’re discussing content that’s 99% automated and plays itself) aren’t booted for trivial reasons.
Everyone gets a better game experience at the end of the day and the community isn’t made lesser for it.
Unlikely. Since people are assuming that anyone who has been kicked just sucks I’m going to work on the assumption that they “don’t see it” because they are simply the ones participating in it.
I don’t think you know what petty means and how it is really used.
How is having player agency over deciding who to have in a group being petty? You do not know the reason you might of been kicked out of a dungeon for. And all we hear is one side to the story, but not the full story.
I’m going to put it this way: If Blizzard did monitor every vote kick, I can garentee these threads would be shut down fast because the real truth would be something else.
I get what you’re saying but I’ll be honest, I see it more from people who started in the past 10 years than 20. Most of the people (from my observations only) who have been around since the beginning have learned how to be decent human beings. It seems like it’s all the Gen Z people who were never raised to know the word “no” or ate tide pods and think it’s ok to treat people crappy and disrespectfully.
This has unfortunately been happening to my mother as of late. She is disabled due to chronic pain and arthritis, and I feel like adding our voices to this chorus. I also have chronic wrist pain that affects my ability to play the game when it flares up.
I’m debating on whether I should start doing dungeons with her on my high-ish DPS warrior and threaten to leave the group (or otherwise hinder them by refusing to deal damage or do mechanics) if she is kicked, should a vote be initiated. I’m not sure if threaten is the right word, but you know what I mean. We have been playing WoW for a long time, and she has been getting kicked recently. Sometimes she messes up, but on some occasions she was kicked for seemingly no reason other than her low DPS.
Some seem to imagine that it’s a slippery slope to allow people to be bad/learn in checks notes learning content.
They need to be hit with the “this community is comically terrible” stick as early as possible to make sure they don’t think it’s ok to play a game without already being geared and knowing everything before you touch it.
But… it’s serious business. My friends and I don’t want to have to slog through an extra 2 minutes of dungeon so you can learn. I mean, we were never in that boat befo… wait…
yep and their healers actually heal. I don’t think I’ve gotten one heal in ages. WTF? Half of them can’t battle rez. What a stupid idea. Doubt MS will even touch it.