My best advice? Don’t
Why would someone queue into timewalking wearing all greys? You acquire gear by passively doing them anyways.
Your logic doesn’t make sense lol
I don’t know if it’s an innocent player or not. My point was that we shouldn’t assume lol
Me no think if did alreaady.
Me no rememmber.
Something like this already exists, there’s an internal cooldown for people who use it a lot
That’s a fair assumption. If they are completely useless and dont heal then you can make a fair bet that they queued as a healer for a fast queue.
If they aren’t even barely geared (as in wearing greys) then that is almost guranteed that they just there for free carries.
And I’d say maybe half the time (pure guestimate) that they get that free carry and nobody notices. So they will keep doing it.
Great, so we’re not assuming, we’re taking it at face value: there’s a healer or tank (or even a DPS) who flat out isn’t doing the job he signed up for to the detriment of the group. So he gets kicked.
Because you can… Read along here… Level Earthen up basically to 70 by flying around the world exploring.
Got that?
Are you seeing what I’m saying now?
This was a level 70 in full greys. I inspected them to see why they couldn’t heal anybody at all in the run. Not like I needed to inspect them because the run was going smoothly, lol.
It’s 4 other people’s time. You aren’t entitled to it.
Even if we’re to assume that this is some rampant issue, do you actually think it matters?
Because I’ve cleared dungeons with three people. Having someone traipse along in greys is not exactly a big deal.
Ya’ll act like some earthen just joined your 10+ key and ruined it for everyone lmao
I never said they were lol
Can we queue together and find out? I’ll queue healer, I won’t have gear, I won’t sufficiently heal anyone, you queue as tank and carry me to level 70?
I never said it was a rampant issue?
What on earth are you going on about?
It was a run I wasn’t tanking with some people obviously leveling alts or newer, so the group was struggling. A healer in full greys who obviously knew that what they were doing was getting people killed was a problem, so I pointed it out and they were removed.
I never said this was a rampant or common issue.
This was one example I gave. I never indicated it happened more than once or it was some rampant issue.
Sure why not lmao
Okay, so you used an anecdotal issue in a conversation about people being kicked for no discernible reason. Cool.
Moving on lmao
You pretty much are by essentially saying to suck it up because it’s leveling dungeons lol.
“It’s not that serious.” Apparently it was to justify a kick.
But regardless, it’s majority rule for a reason. They could say no… or they could pass the kick.
Yes, we do. Maybe, just maybe some MS person will takr notice.
Well to be fair that’s all these “this person got kicked for no reason” threads are, instances of anecdotal evidence
Maybe I’ll hit you up when dungeons don’t suck again
Yeah, you could.
You could also just leave the dungeon. That’s also an option. Nobody will be mad at you for it. If your time is that valuable, then perhaps the move should be to remove yourself from a bad situation.
There’s a reason why the deserter penalty is removed after the first boss lol
At this point I’m convinced you didn’t read my initial reply to the OP.
Point being made: This is anecdotal on my part, but I’ve generally found random toss kicks to not be common
Acknowledgment I made: Yes, trolls exist, and there are those people who go through queues to ruin them for other people, and they should be reported for that behavior when it happens
Conclusion of point: If the OP is running into this issue everywhere they go, there’s a decent probability that the issue is them, not every single group they join.
Are you following now?
Get rid of voting people out. FFXIV doesn’t have this. It made us better players, helping each other. Healing was actually good, unlike this game. Before you say go back to it, I already resubbed.
Or… Or… Hear me out. You kick the person causing problems.
Correction. WAS.
Thanks to sacbrood farmers, the population complained and blizzard made it apply to every boss lol.
So you can leave after first boss, sure. But enjoy the debuff.
LIfe’s hard wear a helmet lol