Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Probably not, I have the second most posts in here and it’s still going strong.

Interesting though.

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I do think I’m better than you. Trying to rope me into some debate lord nonsense the equivalent of “yet you participate in society” angle will get you nowhere. I see no reason to offer any semblance of respect to anyone who can’t afford it to others.

Again: if you don’t like the mirror I held up to you, that’s your problem to work out. :person_shrugging:

Yeah I know this is what I’ve been saying.

I agree, that’s why I offer you none.

I agree, if you don’t like the mirror I’ve held up to you, that’s your problem to work out.

Yeah, you’re real good at drowning out the discussion.

You know who. It’s a bad look to bully them.

I discuss with people who are interested in discussing, but you’ve proven several times that’s not you.

The mage says, as she tries to bully me.

I’m okay. I accept it. I’m not deflecting unlike someone.


It’s not really bullying if you are pointing out a fact. You can look at the post count at the bottom of the thread lol.

There’s some crazy stuff in there.

I’m gonna be real here, 99%ish of times I’ve encountered this were when somebody was in the tank or healer slot that couldn’t even do their job at a basic level, or booting AFK/long-DC’d people. We’re talking in the range from “healer in full greys at level 70 who effectively might as well not be in the dungeon” to straight up just not present.

Are there people who kick to troll? Yeah, sure, they exist. They’re annoying and hopefully people report them for the behavior where appropriate.

If this is an issue you’re running into with increasing regularity, the issue may not be other people.


its like the same 5-10 forum addicts in this thread just slinging poops at each other. lmao

You sure showed them, kicking the people who don’t know how to play the game from content designed to teach them how to play lmao

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for real though, the amount of folks in the 60-69 or 78-80 range that are just getting nuked by unfortunate scaling getting kicked is absurd.

it’s like the folks doing the kicking don’t understand that scaling is genuinely broken and a level 11 is going to out dps everyone - and then there’s the weird spots that you do almost no damage for some reason. Why kick for this? I always hit no but they still go through =/ makes you really wonder if the vote kick system itself is too lenient

Sorry, not sorry. An Earthen healer in full greys who very obviously leveled by flying through the world exploring made a choice to not get any gear whatsoever before entering group content in a role where their decisions had consequences on the group they joined.

That’s not some new clueless player. They knew exactly what they were doing and wanted to get free carries while getting fast queues by choosing to queue as a healer.

That was one of the ONLY instances where I needed to kick somebody who was there but incapable of contributing whatsoever, that only being because I wasn’t on one of my mains stomping it out.


That’s a whole lot of assuming lol

… You can’t unlock Earthen without playing through TWW.

They queued as a healer into a Timewalker. Wearing all greys.

You following the thought process yet?

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Isn’t that what you’re doing when you tell us it’s just an innocent new player trying to learn and doesn’t know better?


Needs have an automated abuse system in place.
— We noticed you have kicked players out of each LFG you ran.
Because of this you can not kick vote for the next 3 weeks

Big thread.

Where me start?