Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Pretty sure there’s a message in the chat box that says something like “you have been removed from the group”

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Yes, but also no. I think the reason why we don’t see the reason to being kicked is due to some behaviour where players could target another player and start with some sort of harassment… Though that is my guess and not actual fact.

I haven’t been kicked in so long, I don’t remember what it says.

I suspect it’s that seeing “you have been removed from the group for the following reason: ‘is bad’” in chat doesn’t add anything to the player experience.

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I barely remember from watching the DK get kicked several times. They had a playlist where they documented them all.

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Omg that would be hilarious to see if I got kicked.

I would probably get something like, “ew a furry” or something XD

Gosh I saw a reason the other day that was so far out of left field, I wish I could remember it. I voted no and the kick failed and no one said anything about it again after that, but I really wish I could remember what the reason given was. It had nothing to do with WoW or the player and would have left the player thinking he got kicked for no reason, even though I knew what he was getting kicked for.

I would not be surprised if there are many failed vote kicks with reasons that are some variation of ‘furry’.

Oh no doubt.

Coming up with “fun” reasons why we’d get kicked from dungeons could be a fun thread idea.

Like I’d get kicked cause the waggle is too intense, obviously

There seems to be a bit of conflicting information on it that I don’t quite understand.


Good lord no wonder this stuff is confusing.


Be fun til the fuddy duddies show up. =/

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This is deff something im seeing become more common. At the start of TWW when I was just leveling I was in a group at 79, and one guy or two kept initiating a kick, and it was healer “AFK” but the healer was moving and healing. Then they’d move to the next guy “DPS AFK”, and right before the final boss pull they managed to kick me, when I asked the healer how come they said yes, and I said no to them, and they said “The reason said it was for being toxic in whispers”

I just did a Timewalking classic leveling a junk alt and just experienced an unjust initiation for a kick reason being “Just cause” on a DPS, I pressed no and luckily it was right before the final boss pull so nothing came of it.

Honestly, I am not sure what the solution is, other than playing with friends, but I don’t really play retail long nowadays to maintain that :stuck_out_tongue:

This is deff worth having a post up IMO.

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This was probably one of the posters in here trying to win an internet argument, tbh

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If that is the case, that’s fairly sad.

Lio being lio. I’m not surprised.

I’m surprised the thread didn’t get locked yet tbh.

Hang on… didn’t you used to be an elf?

To be fair, I don’t actually know this is what happened of course, but we have had two separate people come in and tell us about times when they did it just to prove it can be done

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Oh no I get ya. I’m just saying if that is the case it’s sad. Not saying it def happened or not.

But it doesn’t surprise me either that someone may attempt to go that far.