Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Obviously you enough to respond.

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That’s precisely my point.

You’re not making sense.

Unless you got a friend in the dungeon, and your friend reports it, there is no way of knowing. But there is also the thing where nobody is toxic talking within the chat too after vote-kicking someone out of a dungeon.

Out of the entire 15 years of having the dungeon finder, I have never seen anyone talk toxically after vote-kicking someone out of a group.

So in your head, you’ve built this fantasy where people kick you for no reason whatsoever, and then talk smack about you after kicking you, and it upsets you that you can’t do anything about either of these scenarios that you’ve entirely imagined and have no way of proving, and you want game moderators to step in on your behalf and ban them all?

I’m calling him nonexistent because I got him on ignore lol

You have Vrakthris on ignore? lol

Oh I thought we were talking about the panda


I swapped from mobile to desktop and lost track of what was going on. (Thread is so long now anyway I’m surprised I’m even halfway keeping up tbh)

Orlyia? What did Orlyia do to get on your ignore?

Well that’s probably who that poster thought was gonna call Vrakthris a troll so you could be right lol

Lol not her either. They good people I like them.

Fudge at this point idk anymore.

Up is down east is weast.

Good song tho

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That’s a song?

And hello is goodbye

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It’s a an instrumental song from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. Actually that whole soundtrack was really good, if you’re into that stuff.

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I know this one and like this one.




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Yeah the reason would be nice, at minimum I think there should be something that at least tells you that you got kicked. Otherwise it’s a moment of like “what”

That’s a good one too. Honestly I think the Pirates movies have some of the best music of any movie/series ever

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