Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Smh some of you are here just to farm responses.

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Why do I need to farm responses? I got like 20k posts lol I hit 30 I may actually go outside for a few minutes.

I seriously thought they were an elf before /shrug

Also that’s rich coming from you with that one thread earlier and you got outed on your alt.

I digress back on the main topic.

Even if it wasn’t someone in this thread, it’s still one example in a sea of millions of no examples. We’ve all been saying it’s uncommon, not that it can’t happen. The point has been: uncommon occurrences don’t mean the entire system needs an overhaul. A few minor tweaks or re-introducing the cooldown is perfectly acceptable.

I was a hoomun bean.


Maybe because you’ve seen this image around of my visage?


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Ah you had the elfy ears that’s why I thought you were an elf. Got ya.

Right, and that’s assuming we take it at face value and assume it’s true.

I’d be in favor of re-implementing the cooldown for people who kick too often. I’d be in favor of a few second cooldown for clicking yes.

I just think it wouldn’t do anything for the people who complain the loudest, because I think they’re getting kicked by many normal, rational people who otherwise don’t use the kick that much, on perfectly legitimate grounds, not the same few trolls over and over again.


Yea the drac ears are very elfish :joy:

I do miss her piercings though.
Humans have the eyebrow/nose piercings. But dracs have better hair and stuff.

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Forum moderators really need to stop you guys, it’s the same group of 4-5 people trolling every thread.

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Idk why they got rid of that tbh. Although I have seen people kick immune (which I mentioned that earlier in here… I think? or was that another thread? Idk anymore…) from essentially making a stink in groups so many times they couldn’t be kicked.

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Of course hurte pops in to call people having conversations, trolls.


Surprised he didn’t try to do it on his new dracthyr this time.

Ah well he’ll survive.

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Yeah, truthfully, I don’t know what the current systems in place are, I don’t ever initiate kicks


Were you around last night when he was parading his alts around? Took like 10 of them just to like random posts on every alt. You could have gotten the whole roster.

except theres always a reason. just because you dont agree with the reason, doesnt mean its not a valid reason.

all these threads always end up at the same point, and that is take it up with blizzard HQ if u want the rules for votekicking to change. its not our problem. we dont make the rules, whether you like it or not it is how it is.

→ blizz HQ is that way →

Unless they removed it, there is a cooldown on both sides.

One to prevent someone from getting kicked too much, and another preventing someone from constantly kicking.

There also used to be a hidden “karma” system. If you kicked a lot, your number of kicks were reduced. And if you rarely kicked someone, then your cd was pretty much nonexistent. But I don’t know if that’s still active.

I very rarely do. I only do it for DCs and the occasional AFK.

Most of the time chat in dungeons is super dead and no one says anything so usually isn’t for chat stuff.

Lol no I didn’t see that. That’s… that’s something.

Ya I’m pretty sure all that stuff is gone now but I’m not 100% for sure cause well… I don’t kick all too often :stuck_out_tongue:

As pointed out earlier, it’s actually in their support article that regarding feedback on the vote to kick system to submit it through the in game suggestion box.

Same :joy:

Last night was my first kick in ages. And it was in lfr. The person didn’t even get kicked until last boss. It was a tank that was afk the entire raid. Literally 2 bosses and all the trash lol.

They’re literally talking about transmogs on this thread which has NOTHING to do with the original post.

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Does it Paynê you to see that?

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