Only if they stop scaling the mob difficulty to ilvl. Even scrubs like me have a right to feel like we’re getting more powerful against the content we do. Your way of playing isn’t the only way.
It was an attack. You went and did an armory check, instead of sticking to the argument.
What? Do you know how ilvl scaling works?
k, if you want to feel like a victim then go for it but I’m not going to feed this silly argument with you.
Problem with that it wouldn’t be enough.After they do get the better high end game gear they’ll still complain it’s not enough.“I’m bored” is always after this.
Not feeling the victim. I feel sorry for you. You simply can’t support your argument without resorting to attacks. It shows a rather low and pathetic intelligence level.
Titanforging in its current form is terrible for the game and should be removed. Hopefully it gets replaced by what seems to be a shot at an upgrading system, being implemented in 8.2. An upgrading system would easily be much better than a Titanforging system. I actually enjoyed the upgrade system from WOD, Blizzard had something good there but didn’t take it forward for whatever reason.
It most definitely would have an impact if my gear was still 300. I know, because I play lots of alts. Which is pretty much what I do in this game. I don’t enjoy raiding in large groups. I like leveling and playing lots of characters. But my way of playing isn’t good enough in your opinion, so I don’t deserve to get more powerful. But that’s fine. I’ll just keep doing what I like and you can be ticked about the rewards I get.
I know that my lvl 120 characters who don’t have the gear this character has have a horrible time fighting the very same mobs this character fights. If that isn’t because of ilvl scaling, I don’t know what the reason is.
Yeah,all for pvper and not for pvers,yeah.
I want to add that I’m not a high level player but absolutely DO NOT think I deserve the gear that I have right now. Titanforging, RNG, and this game absurd gearing system are a huge problem. This is leading inexperienced or average players to be forced to do content they aren’t ready for, otherwise, they cannot advance. This leads to massive frustration as the players who are good enough to do that content have to contend with a poor player, and the poor player is upset because the game is telling him that is the content he should do. This was a problem in legion but is MUCH WORSE in BFA due to the changes they made to m+ along with super punishing mechanics and timers that discourage taking inexperienced or average players.
They need to remove warforging/titanforging or nerf it into the ground, but they won’t probably due to not wanting to admit they were wrong. It would also expose the fact that there really isn’t enough content as the treadmill would shorten at the end game.
imagine being so full of yourself you think strangers think of you and your gear
that’s a capital YIKES from me dog.
i will say if you have an issue with scaling on any character, that’s a sign of you being bad at pressing buttons and that’s all. that’s the only statement we can make about it because scaling isn’t messed up at all.
what’s your purpose in playing? are you playing for the challenge, and joy the game brings you? or are you just trying to stroke your epeen?
Well how about they stop with the ilvl scaling to a breaking point you have to clear for everyday things to not take forever. Then i might be able to agree with you. I use to be just like you, but since they started this scaling junk, i have changed my mind.
Everyone playing should have their own way to get better gear instead of just a liner path like M+ and raiding.
Oh please,that is just being rude.
I disagree. My blood set’s sitting around 413 right now, and I’d wager I’ve done about 95% of my M+ weeks. As it stands, it’s not likely to get any higher unless I start raiding mythic. So if having better gear than other people is what gets you out of bed, there’s 5 ilvl gear gap between you and me, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
What is true is that for someone in my position (can clear 10s easily but decided to stay heroic raiding), there is really no point to any heroic raiding content. I vastly outgear it, and it’s not like there are Azerite pieces or tier sets powerful enough for me to give a damn about anything I can get out of there.
So you’re stuck at level and the mythics are not wf/tfing and only way now is mythic raiding.I think there’s alot of people right now setting there.
Sounds perfect but of course that will never happen.
I’m waiting for the stress to come up since the beta servers just went down.
I dunno. As a “casual” (with over a year /played, so take that term with a grain of salt), I have absolutely, positively no problem with the existance of a group of people “above” me who have better gear because they did harder content.
Before LFR, I didn’t raid, so there was like (gear-wise):
Questers -> Dungeon Runners -> Me (Some Heroics) -> N Raiders -> H Raiders
And I was happy.
With LFR:
Questers -> N/H Dungeon Runners -> Me (LFR) -> N/H/M Raiders
And I was happy.
Now, we have this:
Quest = N/H/M Dungeon = Me (LFR/N/H) Raiders -> M+ Dng / M Raiders
And, I am still happy. But I shouldn’t be sitting on the same tier as Normal raiders, much less Heroic raiders. Nevermind M+ or Mythic Raid runners.
I am fine with going back to the old way.