Titanforging makes difficult content feel POINTLESS

Oh great here comes the lag.

I here you on that,wish had it back when earn the gear through valor again.

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lol yeah, it’s hitting the forums too

I keep going through a queue, getting to server select, I select the server, it disconnects me back to the login. But it’s showing as being up right now. This should be a fun 2 hours hehe

But at least we have basement dwelling mythic raiders crying about forging to entertain us!


I always have lag when they do the testing better log my toon out just in case.

You say “in this manner” but you also keep saying that people shouldn’t be able to get any heroic raid quality gear from more casual sources. That’s proof positive that you’re not here for a legitimate discussion on this topic.

Go look at TBC or WotLK for prime examples of being able to buy raid-quality loot from doing 5 man content. Has everyone already forgotten about Badges of Justice already? How about Justice Points or Valor Points?

That site still shows more than 2 million players and it also doesn’t include China.

But not by doing just world quests and war fronts. That would take significantly longer. Which is something that is conveniently left out by people arguing against WF/TF.

Says the person who’s whining because someone else got loot and they didn’t.

The only reason this thread even exists is because people like you care so much about what other people are doing in this game. They’re not playing the game the way you think it should be played so you think they should be punished for it.

And the only reason you’re “worried” about it is because of what they do in the game. Stop being so blatantly dishonest.

More blatant dishonesty. I hate armory checkers who cry when called out for it. Own up to your behavior.



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Incorrect. It shows 2 million CHARACTERS, not players. Alts are included in that number. I personally have 6 max level alts, I do at least 1 key a week on 5 of them, so 5 of those 2m are me.

time for some self reflecting…


What also kinda sucks about modern WOW is the fact that a new raid tier totally trivializes all gear prior to that point in the game. What exactly is Blizzard trying to do with this philosophy? The relevancy of gear could use some attention.

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Semantics. There’s still way more than you claimed, especially since it doesn’t show China, which has traditionally had more players than any other realm.


I don’t think they do ,they have theirs, couldn’t care less for those under them.

It’s an ego issue.

if you want attention all you have to do is say please instead of following me around

I think it is good for the game. No, resting on your laurels. It also provides a way to have catch-up gear for those that changing mains or who are starting back in the game.


She never said to have you fellow her did she,but you did so face up with it.

You’re a forum mod, now? People like you are worse than people who make duplicate threads.

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LOL i know right dam i might be wrong let me check hes armory to win the argument! lol there sad people for sure.


The irony is thats why they added forges in the first place :rofl:


You answered your own question, why do you kill a boss instead?

But the real answer is that ivus gives me a 420 ttanforged trinket, while still sometimes being a worldquest.

Some of us don’t do what you like to do, but we still pay 15 bucks a month and we like happy titanforge occurrences.

You are free to do difficult content, for the joy of it. I prefer solo murder hoboing, being beholden to none. Obviously some others concur.


Sorry missed so much. Went with the wife to a taproom that has her favorite chocolate stout. I always get the tasters to sample. If the servers are going to go down now I guess I was fortunate.

It’s still here but it’s laggy.

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