Titanforging makes difficult content feel POINTLESS

So great that the game is chilling in ICU right now. lol

You got some sub numbers source to prove it?


Is this a problem with titan forge or a problem with no fail solo content handing out heroic raiding level gear?

And i think you would need a M10 catch to titan forge to get a 425.

nah, but connected realms, crz, and more and more cross realm play help to back my statement up. If numbers were great we wouldn’t need more connected realms, cross realm play, and crz.

Both are pretty big problems tbh

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Nope no stats to backup your claim.

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So me going out and doing a bunch of in game activities hoping for an upgrade is “welfare”? I guess I am getting welfare IRL because I sit on my butt all day making 6 figures? I mean I should be digging ditches, that is hard content.


It is theoretically possible, but a person doing heroic and Mythic+ content will hit that level of gear significantly faster compared to someone doing world quests and war fronts.

So again, I’m not wrong. I’m looking at the whole picture while you haters are laser focused on individual pieces of gear and raging that other people are getting gear while you aren’t.

They started doing all of that several expansions ago and haven’t done any significant additions to those systems this expansion.

In fact, most of their problem started during WoD, which was heavily raid or die with almost nothing to do out in the world.


getting heroic and mythic ilvl raid gear for doing world quests and warfronts is welfare, yes.

ANOTHER titanforging bait and troll thread?

If you don’t like titanforging, simply uninstall. Nothing more needs to be said.

At this point you are just trolling. In no way does a few titanforges invalidate all raid tiers etc… get over it.

Stop being upset at what everyone else is getting and concentrate on your own business. I’ve never seen such childish behaviour from players in my life over such things. Pathetic, self centered, and plain sickening to read these types of complaints.

A 5% chance… if that …to get a better piece of armor with a bit more stats… I can’t believe people actually complain about this and I truly wonder what their alternative motive is for getting rid of it. Selling carries or something?.. jealousy… sour grapes??? like seriously. Some people need to pry their claws out of wow and take a walk or something.


If it’s bait does that mean you got hooked?

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Here we go again.Why complain about a random drop?And if a person has wf/tf 415 or above on them why are you still farming them?


no ones talking about speed of gearing here, just wanting my hundreds of m+ runs to be as rewarding as you not playing the game, instead spending most of your time posting on the forum about loot

i just want my avenue of gearing to be as rewarding as you doing nothing and getting rewarded. because right now the only thing i get its larger quantities of useless loot.

so uhhhh. yea still wrong.

It’s crazy that the only people who every defend welfare gear are the people who log in only to do world quests.

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Titanforging has little to do with why difficult content feels pointless. Having 4 different difficulties per tier is what causes things to feel pointless because Blizzard has to almost do an entire gear wipe each new content patch. Mythic previous tier is equal to normal new tier… that is what causes gear to feel pointless.

Instead of progressive gear per expansion, they have created progressive gear per patch and resets with each new patch.


Look at realmpop. Look at 120 characters. It gives a list of active 120s per realm. Active meaning they have looted an item or gotten an achievement in the last 7 days. If you add them all up it’s around 2m which includes alts.

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So why do you think that gear should be limited to that specific content?

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That isn’t sub statistics.

I am a firm believer that we should have to earn what we have. I don’t believe in handouts. I stand by this statement regarding irl and video games. I have exactly zero respect for a leech.