You are allowed to dislike flight, but you are not allowed to feel that changing YOUR experience to preclude flight isn’t a good solution. Because the moment you do you are saying other people should be forced to change to please you.
It doesn’t matter if other’s reach herbs before you, it doesn’t matter if you don’t get to gank that person who flies away. Flying is a choice you make. If you don’t want it, so be it, but that effects ONLY you.
The point remains the same from the start, because you keep saying it.
You don’t like flights very existence, and it’s not enough for you not to use it, you want no one else to be able to use it either.
Acknowledging later in your post that the game would collapse if they did that from all the lost subs, does not change the fact that you want to take something from everyone else so the game can suit you more.
Why would that feel good? RNG deciding to grant me an upgrade doesn’t feel good. Logging in and “hoping” I get a titanforge from my 200th world quest or my 30th warfront or my 20th mythic cache is very unengaging. Would it not feel better to accrue currency from those world quests/warfronts/mythic caches and spend that currency on gear upgrades so you actually get to choose what gets upgraded first and when it gets upgraded?
Hoping for gear upgrades as opposed to being able to farm them out and have them guaranteed (IE upgrading a 400 piece to a 425 piece) doesn’t feel good. As a matter of fact, it makes gearing very soulless. Hoping for upgrades VS Being able to purchase upgrades with currency, which sounds better?
Before you say it if you respond, I understand it’s a perk. A deterministic upgrade system is a perk as well. The only difference is a deterministic system would benefit everyone allowing the player to choose what gets upgraded and when while titanforging benefits those who are “lucky” and that’s only if you don’t get a titanforge in the same slot you may already have one.
TLDR: I’ve said this too much in this thread already but I’m not sure why anyone would choose to pray for upgrades as opposed to being able to farm them out and target them. You get to pick which slot gets upgraded and you get to choose when with a deterministic system, titanforging doesn’t grant players that luxury regardless of their status as a casual or a hardcore player.
Gear isn’t a final goal, it’s part of the journey to the final goal. If you have no control over part of your journey to whatever your goal is wouldn’t that make it a lot less interesting and engaging? To me it would. Considering how many topics we’ve seen of this, to many people it would.
Being able to log in and target my gear upgrades as opposed to praying that I finally get lucky is much more engaging and honestly seems healthier too. Titanforging feels like pulling levers on a slot machine when doing anything from WQS to m+ to warfronts. Not only that but being able to guarantee these upgrades as opposed to “maybe possibly if I get lucky today” benefits everyone, not just raiders or hardcore players. Getting a +15 ilvl upgrade is big whether your gear piece is 415 or 385 and I’d like players to be able to control when that happens and which slot it happens to.
I’m down with you feeling good but would you not feel good if you could choose the slot that gets upgraded and when it gets upgraded as opposed to never knowing if that slot will get a TF upgrade and it possibly never happening? Players should get the luxury over their gear. Obtaining the gear is already enough randomness (IE drops being reliant on bosses actually dropping said items), the upgrades you may “potentially” get shouldn’t be reliant on “potentially”.
It is what we are discussing you are talking about gear progression. Once you have 415 mythic raid gear in every slot you have reached you limit except for WF/TF perk upgrades.
Correct and what happens when you reach the limit? Instead of being able to upgrade your items past the limit it’s completley random and up to the game rather than the player.
You keep talking about how TF is a perk. You somehow don’t realize a deterministic upgrade system is a perk as well, it would just get rid of the RNG factor in the base ilvl upgrades. They’re both perks, one is random and one isn’t.