Titanforging makes difficult content feel POINTLESS

Late Cata probably

Are you incapable of reason?

You’re the one implying various opinions are somehow wrong because “you shouldn’t care what other people do”.

That’s why “my” is in quotes. My point was to show that, yes, what other people do DOES matter. That it’s not somehow irrelevant to the discussion.

I have already acknowledged earlier in this thread that there are things that wouldn’t be good ideas to change, despite my opinions on them. I’m not trying to claim that this is literally my game and what I say goes.

But go ahead, sit there and try to claim moral high ground or whatever.

Because you need to be super lucky to get that much of a titanforge. I promise most people who run difficult content will have better overall gear. I have for level 120’s and have never had anything titanforge more than 10 ilvl and/or socket.

You’re missing context.

I haven’t once stated that I think they should remove flight, or whatever else. As I also said to the other guy, I am well aware some changes just wouldn’t work, despite my opinions on certain things.

I’m debating about the nature of other players’ actions affecting the game beyond their own personal bubble, which the other poster is refusing to acknowledge.

I’m confused, since when do you speak for me? Oh, that’s right, you don’t. The biggest problem WoW has is people who want a status quo from 15 years ago back. If you want that have fun in classic. It’s not coming back to retail. Retail is a different game.


I get where you are coming from. You being a mythic raider makes almost everyone else seem like a casual. The way that you raid is the pinnacle of difficulty in this game.
I just don’t think on the off chance of someone getting a ilvl 425 from getting turtles to the water is a game breaking thing. I guess the way I look at bis gear in the game is getting the traits that are the best for your class. Then being able to stack them. I would much prefer set gear but that is for another discussion.

I dont doubt that, but you already feel pretty bad for being a blood elf. Or you should anyway.

I guess a fulfilling rewards system is too much to ask for in retail WoW?

You seem confused, what is and isn’t fulfilling is subjective. Are you incapable of understanding that your opinion isn’t the opinion that everyone has or that even most people have?


From the tf/wf then it wasn’t that since it didn’t out til recently.So that had to be something else. I would believe it was the grind and use of addons so groups of people wouldn’t have ability to enter instances that drove people away.

Normal people would be ticked when they can’t excess them.We created the problem ourselves that is driving players away from this game.

I can’t think of a single weapon/armor drop by name in BFA. All that matters is the ilevel. They are randomly generated. In BC/WOTLK, certain drops were notable. Think of Deathbringer’s Will. Bryntoll, the Bone Arbiter. Or even Merciless, Vengeful gladiator gear. The new system of gear with LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic and titan forging is lazy. The lack of unique names is lazy.

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And no drops even from rng is lazy.No drops in dungeon and no drops in raids why do I want to go then.

It is subjective but most people enjoy setting goals and working towards them than random luck. Studies have proved that people who work towards something are more fulfilled than people who are randomly handed everything.


And it doesn’t feel good either when you do the content and get nothing in return.

This. So much this.

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But we are getting both in 8.2 feels good man! :smile:

Yeah 8.2 looks like a step in the right direction. Now they just have to remember how to design classes

This has nothing to do with WF/TF.

It feels like drops are predetermined from dungeons. I don’t even think dungeons are random anymore but fixed to one drop per run.

Proof needed. Or is that just one random shadow alt’s opinion?