I don’t troll and I don’t know why other people do it if they troll.
It’s why they should create a proper gear progression to at least Heroic ilvl for everyone instead of banking on luck and several layers of RNG.
Ok so if you don’t troll and you aren’t afraid of anything, why use the shadow alt on an account you don’t play?
My own personal reasons which I won’t share with you.
That wasn’t your argument. Your argument was someone had a 5% chance to earn on a low time investment the same as a 20% chance for a high time investment. Ok, since we’re using Mythic metrics we’ll go ahead and use the math appropriate to Mythic metrics: pre-buff to world drops when emissaries gave ilvl 370.
That person has a 1/768 chance of getting a 415 (0.01%). Not even the targeted specific, best-in-slot, properly itemized 415s you can get out of raids. Oh oops, I’m being far too generous to you still. That’s 1/768 if none of the 9 winning rolls to get there were sockets or tertiary stats. It’s actually closer to 1/1536. We’re scientific notation territory now. That’s for a single item a week.
Meanwhile a Mythic raider with 4 bosses down is all but guaranteed 1 drop a week, often 2+ due to coins and loot sharing. Need to move the goal posts to post-buff Titanforging? It’s 1/96 or 1.0%. You’re whining about 1% chance once a WEEK. All so your fragile ego isn’t hurt because you see someone who won the lottery on a SINGLE gear slot almost certainly using a suboptimal piece.
So am I saying it’s not possible? No, because I’m a math person. Maybe Idubbz can help you out: /watch?v=3WYHtQprLaA
I would say that they keep popping up because someone is upset that they did not get the drop and someone else did. If you do happen to group with someone that does not pull their weight than just boot them from the raid.
I will say +1 for working the word “toxic” in to your reply.
Idk why you want to compare world quests to Mythic raid gear. How about comparing emissaries/wq’s to Normal raid gear? You get a group of 10-30 people and try to clear bosses for a chance 385 loot, or you spend 5 min doing stuff while mostly afk for a guaranteed 395/400 piece. Would you say that is good gear progression?
I personally miss being able to target items. Part of the reason I’m excited to play Classic is because I’ll feel happy getting an item I’m aiming for running specific dungeons rather than be disappointed that the random drop I get didn’t titanforge.
Titanforging is incredibly lame. Warforge should be capped at +5, Titanforge should be +10 AT MOST. But ideally, both personal loot and titanforging would go away.
I refer you to my original post which did exactly as you asked.
coughs up drink
I didn’t say it was “gear progression”. Blizzard did when they released it in MoP. You can read the patch notes I linked if you choose.
You and the person I was replying to though are both apparently failing to grasp how something can be A form of gear progression without being THE only form of gear progression.
When players have run out of base level options for the content they’re doing then their progression options are to either hope for forges or to move up a difficulty level but sometimes forging not only makes the next difficulty pointless but also the ones above it and that’s when it feels like there’s no reason do it.
That’s what the rational people are complaining about in these threads.
People can say “just raid for fun” all they want but this is an RPG game and we all know what that means and why we like playing games like this and a big part of it is loot/gear progression.
Just because the majority of players can’t play their class well enough to even compete in LFR doesn’t mean that those of us who like playing hardmode endgame content should have our gear progression and reward structure thrown completely out of whack so that Joe Casualnoob can pee his pants with glee when he McForges a Heroic level item in LFR.
The forge system could be kept in the game and capped and still give Joe the same feels and sense of excitement and progression while keeping a clear line between the different raid difficulties so that the people who enjoy playing those for their gear/character progression can actually have fun playing them and feel like they’re doing something worthwhile.
A final note is that this isn’t EXCLUSIVELY a war/titanforging issue and catch up gear is as much to blame as forging is but the difference is I can choose not to do warfronts if I don’t want to do them. I can’t choose to NOT get a titanforged item that’s better than what I could get in Normal and Heroic other than to destroy it and that’s not really a choice.
That would require an awful lot of work. How do you address how easy it is to get Heroic ilevel with m+ without making doing the same dungeon even more times somehow even more wretched and painful?
I don’t think it really matters if solo content is the worst or most inefficient way to get to 400 ilvl. The fact is you can (and many have) get to 400 ilvl by only doing content that has a 0% chance of failure.
I’d also venture a guess that in terms of /played it’s really not that much worse than someone trying to pug heroic raids or +10s
With a currency thats completion is based on how long the dungeon itself is. Therefore if you’re clearing a longer dungeon you’ll get a bigger reward than spamming a Maw of Souls.
Your argument is that we should ban the lottery because some people can win with a ticket rather than getting rich by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.
K. Seems like and is measurably a complete and total non-issue.
Wouldn’t change gearing for me. I didn’t just spam freehold.
When you don’t have an argument, just claim the other side is a troll. Classic.
I’ve offered multiple solutions in these threads as I want the game to get better. You on the other hand are just telling people that enjoy a different game style that they need professional attention. But right… I’m the one who’s the troll.
Ok with that logic, your argument is that gambling gear progression is good gameplay for an RPG.
That isn’t the case though? I mean there’s multiple reasons to dislike TF. Personally for me I hate the way the gear is obtained. I don’t care who gets what, I do care how all of us are getting it though. Basically it boils down to: Would you prefer to pray to the RNG gods and hope to get lucky whenever you log in or would you prefer to know exactly when that upgrade is coming because you made it happen? A deterministic based system would benefit everyone (casuals and hardcore players alike) and not just those who got lucky. You could make it a deterministic upgrade system as well, you farm some currency and plan out what gear you’re going to upgrade as opposed to hoping you get lucky.
Gearing was always a means to an end but the way we get to the end is vastly different now. It feels soulless, neverending and unengaging whereas previously you had a goal and you knew when you were going to reach it and when you reached it that piece of gear was yours for 6+ months as opposed to 1-2+ weeks assuming you get “lucky”. Another thing TF ruined is BiS lists which a deterministic system would bring back. Looking at a loot table and knowing once you get that item that’s it it’s your best in slot was fantastic, now you look at loot tables and think “yea that’ll be good but if this titanforges this’ll be better or if that titanforges a bit that’ll be better” or you end up with a mythic+/world quest/warfront TF and that ends up being better, that’s what I mean when I say neverending and unengaging.
I see no problem with M+ dungeons having a currency to grant Heroic ilvl loot. You have a decent amount of dungeons to go off of. At the end of the day, you play the game and your time spent will equate to the gear that you’d get.
Worked for PvPers with the vendor. I have not heard one soul say that they stopped playing directly after getting their full conquest set.